Android GDB 调试

识字粗堪供赋役,不须辛苦慕公卿。这篇文章主要讲述Android GDB 调试相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
原文地址:   android debugging with remote GDB Leith Bade edited this page  on Sep 15, 2015  ·   17 revisions  Pages  18

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  1. Install Android Studio, SDK and NDK, including build tools and platform tools.
  2. Ensure  android-sdk/tools  and  android-sdk/platform-tools  are on your  PATH
  3. Build the app with:  BUILDTYPE=Debug make android
  4. Connect your device via USB
  5. Check you can connect to the device by running  adb shell. You should get the terminal from your device.
  6. Exit with  exit
Extract system binaries from device(You will need to do this for every device and every Android OS version)
  1. Create a folder to hold the Android system binaries locally e.g.  ~/android
  2. cd  into the folder
  3. Create a  system_lib  and  vendor_lib  folder
  4. cd system_lib
  5. adb pull /system/lib
  6. cd ../vendor_lib
  7. adb pull /vendor/lib. If you get permissions error you will need to get a list of each file and folder in  adb shell  then copy each file one at a time with  adb pull /vendor/lib/file
  8. cd ..
  9. adb pull /system/bin/app_process  (or on 64 bit phones  adb pull /system/bin/app_process32  and  adb pull /system/bin/app_process64)
  10. adb pull /system/bin/linker  (and on 64 bit phones  adb pull /system/bin/linker64)
Install GDB server
  1. Go to the NDK folder.
  2. Copy  gdbserver  from  android-ndk/prebuilt/android-arm/gdbserver/gdbserver  to  mapbox-gl-native/android/java/MapboxGLAndroidSDK/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a/gdbserver.soIMPORTANT  it must be renamed a .so file
  3. Build and run the app in Android Studio
  4. Android studio will copy and install the APK with gdbserver in it to your device
Start the app paused
  1. Open the project in Android Studio
  2. Place a breakpoint in Java class  NativeMapView  constructor on  nativeCreate  line
  3. Start app with Run -> Debug
  4. Wait for app to start and hit breakpoint
  5. Open up logcat and look for output from app
  6. Note the process ID e.g. in  11-08 19:25:52.957 31834-31834/ V/FragmentActivity﹕ onCreate  it is  31834
Start gdbserver
  1. Open a terminal
  2. Run  adb forward tcp:5039 localfilesystem:/data/data/com.mapbox.mapboxgl.testapp/debug-pipe
  3. Run  adb shell run-as com.mapbox.mapboxgl.testapp /data/data/com.mapbox.mapboxgl.testapp/lib/ +debug-pipe --attach 31834. Replace  31834  with the process ID from earlier.  (You will need to do this each time you restart the app as the PID will change)
If you get the error `then you have a version of Android not compatible withadb run-as`. See [this page] for information. It appears to affect Android updates in 4.2.2, 4.3, 5.0, 5.1.1. Workaround appears to be to load a fresh image.
You should see:  Attached; pid = 31834 Listening on sockaddr socket debug-socket
  1. Leave the terminal open
Start gdb
  1. Open another terminal
  2. Go to the NDK folder  android-ndk/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin
  3. On OSX use  android-ndk/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin
  4. Run  ./arm-linux-androideabi-gdb ~/android/app_process
  5. target remote :5039
  6. In GDB:  set solib-search-path ~/android/:~/android/system_lib:~/android/vendor_lib:~/android/vendor_lib/egl:~/path/to/mapbox-gl-native/build/android-arm-v7/Debug/
  7. Check that all the debug symbols were loaded with  info sharedlibrary
  8. Check each .so has  Yes (*)  except for the last  which must have only  Yes  i.e. (no star). If not double check your  solib-search-path
  9. b jni.cpp:183  (the first line of  nativeCreate)
  10. c
  11. Switch to Android Studio
  12. Click Run -> Resume Program
  13. Switch back to GDB. It should be paused at  nativeCreate
  14. GDB now has control, so  c  will continue execution (set breakpoints first)  Note:  If you encounter this crash:
Program received signal SIGILL, Illegal instruction. 0x7956a3a8 in _armv7_tick () from /home/leith/dev/mapbox-gl-native-mason/build/android/out/Debug/ (gdb) bt #00x7956a3a8 in _armv7_tick () from /home/leith/dev/mapbox-gl-native-mason/build/android/out/Debug/ #10x795d1ccc in OPENSSL_cpuid_setup () from /home/leith/dev/mapbox-gl-native-mason/build/android/out/Debug/ #20x400bd9c6 in ?? () from /home/leith/dev/android/linker #30x400bda9e in ?? () from /home/leith/dev/android/linker #40x400bdbf0 in ?? () from /home/leith/dev/android/linker #50x400bdc6e in ?? () from /home/leith/dev/android/linker #60x400bc1a6 in _start () from /home/leith/dev/android/linker #70x41643c86 in dvmLoadNativeCode(char const*, Object*, char**) () from /home/leith/dev/android/system_lib/ #80x416600f4 in ?? () from /home/leith/dev/android/system_lib/ #90x41613ee8 in dvmJitToInterpNoChain () from /home/leith/dev/android/system_lib/ #10 0x41613ee8 in dvmJitToInterpNoChain () from /home/leith/dev/android/system_lib/ Backtrace stopped: previous frame identical to this frame (corrupt stack?)

【Android GDB 调试】You just need to  c  past it to the real crash. From
Afaict openssl probes the capabilities of the user‘s CPU by trying to do things and trapping the illegal instruction errors. So a couple of sigills during startup is normal. When using a debugger in order to find the real failure in your application you must continue past the startup sigills. 14. Use GDB commands to debug
Read  for GDB commands
