

  • C ++
  • Java
  • Python3
a)push(Stack s, x):将项目x添加到堆栈s
b)pop(Stack s):从堆栈s中删除顶层项目
c)merge(堆栈s1, 堆栈s2):将s2的内容合并到s1中。
实现堆栈, 然后不可能在O(1)时间内完成合并, 因为我们必须执行以下步骤。
b)为s1创建一个新数组, 其大小等于s1的旧数组的大小加上s2的大小。
有两个指针, 一个指向第一个节点的指针(当从头开始添加和删除元素时, 也用作顶部)。最后一个节点需要另一个指针, 以便我们可以在s1的末尾快速链接s2的链接列表。以下是所有操作。
拉胡尔·古普塔(Rahul Gupta)
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C ++
#include < iostream> using namespace std; class node { public : int data; node* next; }; class mystack { public : node* head; node* tail; mystack() { head = NULL; tail = NULL; } }; mystack* create() { mystack* ms = new mystack(); //creating a new stack return ms; } void push( int data, mystack* ms) { node* temp = new node(); temp-> data = https://www.lsbin.com/data; temp-> next = ms-> head; //when pushing first element in the stack the tail //must be pointed by that first element if (ms-> head == NULL) ms-> tail = temp; ms-> head = temp; } int pop(mystack* ms) { if (ms-> head == NULL) { cout < <"stack underflow" < < endl; return 0; } else { node* temp = ms-> head; ms-> head = ms-> head-> next; int popped = temp-> data; delete temp; return popped; } } //making the next pointer of tail of //one stack point to other stack void merge(mystack* ms1, mystack* ms2) { if (ms1-> head == NULL) { ms1-> head = ms2-> head; ms1-> tail = ms2-> tail; return ; }ms1-> tail-> next = ms2-> head; ms1-> tail = ms2-> tail; } void display(mystack* ms) { node* temp = ms-> head; while (temp != NULL) { cout < < temp-> data < < " " ; temp = temp-> next; } } int main() { mystack* ms1 = create(); mystack* ms2 = create(); push(6, ms1); push(5, ms1); push(4, ms1); push(9, ms2); push(8, ms2); push(7, ms2); merge(ms1, ms2); display(ms1); } //This code is contributed by jayshmi

import java.io.*; //The class Node contains the //structure of our Node of //the linked list class Node { Node next; Node prev; int data; //Create a node with the //given value Node( int value) { data = https://www.lsbin.com/value; next = null ; prev = null ; } } class Stack{private Node head; private Node tail; //Initialize stack class //with its head and tail as null Stack() { head = null ; tail = null ; } public void push( int value) { Node newNode = new Node(value); if (head == null ) { head = newNode; head.next= null ; head.prev = null ; tail = newNode; } else { newNode.prev = tail; tail.next = newNode; tail = newNode; } } public void pop() { if (head == null ) System.out.println("stack underflow" ); if (head == tail) { head = null ; tail = null ; } else { Node n = tail; tail = tail.prev; n.prev = null ; tail.next = null ; } } public void merge(Stack s) { head.prev = s.tail; s.tail.next = head; head = s.head; s.tail = null ; s.head = null ; } public void display() { if (tail != null ) { Node n = tail; while (n != null ) { System.out.print(n.data + " " ); n = n.prev; } System.out.println(); } else { System.out.println( "Stack Underflow" ); } } } class GFG{ public static void main (String[] args) { Stack ms1 = new Stack(); Stack ms2 = new Stack(); ms1.push( 6 ); ms1.push( 5 ); ms1.push( 4 ); ms2.push( 9 ); ms2.push( 8 ); ms2.push( 7 ); ms1.merge(ms2); ms1.display(); } } //This code is contributed by Ayaan

# The Node class for Linked List class Node(): def __init__( self , data):self . next = None self .prev = None self .data = https://www.lsbin.com/data class Stack():# Initialize stack class with # its head and tail as None def __init__( self ):self .head = None self .tail = None def push( self , data):new_node = Node(data)if ( self .head = = None ): self .head = new_node self .head. next = None self .head.prev = None self .tail = new_node else : new_node.prev = self .tail self .tail. next = new_node self .tail = new_node def pop( self ):if ( self .head = = None ): print ("Stack underflow" ) if ( self .head = = self .tail): self .head = None self .tail = None else : node = self .tail self .tail = self .tail.prev node.prev = None tail. next = None def merge( self , stack):self .head.prev = stack.tail stack.tail. next = self .head stack.tail = None stack.head = None def display( self ):if ( self .tail ! = None ): n = self .tailwhile (n ! = None ): print (n.data, end = " " ) n = n.prev print () else : print ( "Stack Underflow" ) # Driver code ms1 = Stack() ms2 = Stack() ms1.push( 6 ) ms1.push( 5 ) ms1.push( 4 ) ms2.push( 9 ) ms2.push( 8 ) ms2.push( 7 ) ms1.merge(ms2) ms1.display() # This code is contributed by maheswaripiyush9

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