The app icon set "AppIcon" has an unassigned child告警

学向勤中得,萤窗万卷书。这篇文章主要讲述The app icon set " AppIcon" has an unassigned child告警相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
  The app icon set "AppIcon" has an unassigned child告警  原因:AppIcon 图片集里有或曾经有未分配的图片
The app icon set "AppIcon" has an unassigned child
解决办法:打开images.xcassets,删除AppIcon set中底部的unassignes栏目
相关告警:The app icon set "AppIcon" has 2 unassigned children
【The app icon set " AppIcon" has an unassigned child告警】解决办法:删除AppIcon set,从unassigned定位到相关文件目录,分配或删除未分配的图片,并删除unassigned栏目
