CodeIgniter SELECT数据库记录

【CodeIgniter SELECT数据库记录】要从数据库中获取所有数据, 将在CodeIgniter的Model文件夹中再创建一页。控制器和视图的文件也会有一些变化。

< ?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Baby_form extends CI_Controller { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); //calling model $this-> load-> model("Babymodel", "a"); } public function index() { $this-> load-> view("baby_form_select"); } function savingdata() { //this array is used to get fetch data from the view page. $data ='name'=> $this-> input-> post('name'), 'meaning'=> $this-> input-> post('meaning'), 'gender'=> $this-> input-> post('gender'), 'religion' => $this-> input-> post('religion') ); //insert data into database table. $this-> db-> insert('baby', $data); redirect("baby_form/index"); } } ?>

< !DOCTYPE html> < html> < head> < title> Baby Form Add< /title> < /head> < body> < form method="post" action="< ?php echo site_url('baby_form/savingdata'); ?> "> < table> < tr> < td> Name:< /td> < td> :< /td> < td> < input type="text" name="name"> < /td> < /tr> < tr> < td> Meaning:< /td> < td> :< /td> < td> < input type="text" name="meaning"> < /td> < /tr> < tr> < td> Gender:< /td> < td> :< /td> < td> < input type="text" name="gender"> < /td> < /tr> < tr> < td> Religion:< /td> < td> :< /td> < td> < input type="text" name="religion"> < /td> < /tr> < br> < br> < tr> < input type="submit" name="submit" value=""> < /tr> < /table> < /form> < table border="1"> < thead> < th> ID< /th> < th> NAME< /th> < th> MEANING< /th> < th> GENDER< /th> < th> RELIGION< /th> < th> ACTION< /th> < /thead> < tbody> < ?php foreach($this-> a-> fetchtable() as $row) { //name has to be same as in the database. echo "< tr> < td> $row-> id< /td> < td> $row-> name< /td> < td> $row-> meaning< /td> < td> $row-> gender< /td> < td> $row-> religion< /td> < /tr> "; } ?> < /tbody> < /table> < /body> < /html>

在这里, 我们借助foreach循环在表中获取了记录。创建函数fetchtable()来获取记录。
< ?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed'); class Babymodel extends CI_Model { function __construct() { //call model constructor parent::__construct(); } function fetchtable() { $query = $this-> db-> get('baby'); return $query-> result(); } } ?>

在URL中, 输入http://localhost/CodeIgniter/index.php/Baby_form
CodeIgniter SELECT数据库记录

查看上面的快照, 所有数据均已从“ baby”表中获取。
