
本文带你了解如何通过使用 Python 中的 MoviePy 库提取帧并以倒序加载它们来反转视频。
如何在Python中反转视频?在本教程中,你将学习如何使用MoviePy 库在 Python 中反转视频。
Python如何反转视频?你将在本教程中看到的代码背后的基本思想是,我们使用可配置的 fps 参数从视频中提取所有帧,然后以相反的顺序将这些帧加载回视频中。

$ pip install tqdm moviepy numpy

from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, ImageSequenceClip import numpy as np import os from datetime import timedelta, datetime from glob import glob from tqdm import tqdm import shutil

# i.e if video of duration 30 seconds, saves 10 frame per second = 300 frames saved in total SAVING_FRAMES_PER_SECOND = 30def format_timedelta(td): """Utility function to format timedelta objects in a cool way (e.g 00:00:20.05) omitting microseconds and retaining milliseconds""" result = str(td) try: result, ms = result.split(".") except ValueError: return result + ".00".replace(":", "-") ms = int(ms) ms = round(ms / 1e4) return f"{result}.{ms:02}".replace(":", "-")def extract_frames(video_file, verbose=1): # load the video clip video_clip = VideoFileClip(video_file) # make a folder by the name of the video file filename, _ = os.path.splitext(video_file) if not os.path.isdir(filename): os.mkdir(filename) # if the SAVING_FRAMES_PER_SECOND is above video FPS, then set it to FPS (as maximum) saving_frames_per_second = min(video_clip.fps, SAVING_FRAMES_PER_SECOND) # if SAVING_FRAMES_PER_SECOND is set to 0, step is 1/fps, else 1/SAVING_FRAMES_PER_SECOND step = 1 / video_clip.fps if saving_frames_per_second == 0 else 1 / saving_frames_per_second iteration = np.arange(0, video_clip.duration, step) if verbose: iteration = tqdm(iteration, desc="Extracting video frames") # iterate over each possible frame for current_duration in iteration: # format the file name and save it frame_duration_formatted = format_timedelta(timedelta(seconds=current_duration)).replace(":", "-") frame_filename = os.path.join(filename, f"frame{frame_duration_formatted}.jpg") # save the frame with the current duration video_clip.save_frame(frame_filename, current_duration) return filename, video_clip.fps

Python如何反转视频?你将在提取帧教程 中获得很多详细信息。但是,简而言之,该extract_frames()函数接受视频文件路径作为参数,并将相应时长的帧提取到以原始视频文件名命名的文件夹中。最后,它返回该文件夹名称。
def reverse_video(frames_path, video_fps, remove_extracted_frames=True): frame_files = glob(os.path.join(frames_path, "*")) # sort by duration in descending order frame_files = sorted(frame_files, key=lambda d: datetime.strptime(d.split("frame")[ 1], "%H-%M-%S.%f.jpg"), reverse=True) # calculate the FPS, getting the minimum between the original FPS and the parameter we set saving_frames_per_second = min(video_fps, SAVING_FRAMES_PER_SECOND) if saving_frames_per_second == 0: # if the parameter is set to 0, automatically set it to the original video fps saving_frames_per_second = video_fps print("Saving the video with FPS:", saving_frames_per_second) # load the frames into a image sequence clip (MoviePy) image_sequence_clip = ImageSequenceClip(frame_files, fps=saving_frames_per_second) # write the video file to disk output_filename = f"{frames_path}-inverted.mp4" image_sequence_clip.write_videofile(output_filename) if remove_extracted_frames: # if set to True, then remove the folder that contain the extracted frames shutil.rmtree(frames_path)

接下来,我们按持续时间降序对这些帧文件进行排序。之后,我们将这些帧以相反的顺序ImageSequenceClip()从MoviePy传递给对象,并将FPS 设置为SAVING_FRAMES_PER_SECOND我们在帧提取过程中使用的最小FPS和原始视频FPS,原因是我们设置了比原始FPS 更高的FPS视频 FPS,生成的视频将被加速。
如果你将 设置remove_extracted_framesTrue(作为默认值),提取的帧所在的文件夹将与其内容一起被删除。
if __name__ == "__main__": import sys video_file = sys.argv[ 1] frames_folder_path, video_fps = extract_frames(video_file) reverse_video(frames_folder_path, video_fps=video_fps)

我们完成了!让我们用 TENET 电影中的一个场景的 YouTube 视频来试一试:
$ python reverse_video.py Tenet-the-breach-scene-in-forward.mp4

Extracting video frames: 100%|██████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 485/485 [ 00:10< 00:00, 47.71it/s] Moviepy - Building video Tenet-the-breach-scene-in-forward-inverted.mp4. Moviepy - Writing video Tenet-the-breach-scene-in-forward-inverted.mp4Moviepy - Done ! Moviepy - video ready Tenet-the-breach-scene-in-forward-inverted.mp4

【如何在Python中反转视频(详细实现示例教程)】很明显,输出的视频是没有声音的,你可以使用AudioClip()loaded from audio(可能是从原始视频中提取的音频),简单的设置image_sequence_clip.audio为这个新创建的AudioClip()对象,然后继续保存视频的相同过程。
