Androidapplication framework 分析[in process]

知识就是力量,时间就是生命。这篇文章主要讲述Androidapplication framework 分析[in process]相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。

  1. application activity
  2. application service
  3. application UI system
  4. application sdk tool
  5. JVM
1 activitythe first JVM instance => zygote
app_main-> androidRuntime(now start jvm instance,and start to load zyogteinit class and executemain method)
-> zygoteinit(register socket,preloadclass and resource preload)
-> start system server
-> wait for socket connection and do something…
systemserver-> init all system service
zygote accept request from activitymanager,and fork a new process,and execute activitythread in new process.
2 service3 UI systemactivity UI【Androidapplication framework 分析[in process]】-> every window the top view is decor view,phonewindow has viewroot and windowsmanager which windowmanager stands for windowmanagerservice
-> view root incldues Iwindow and a surface ,while IWindow receive callback from wms,and surface point to the buffer created by windowsmanagerservice.
surface system
Androidapplication framework 分析[in process]


from picture above that we can see the buffer is in the process of systemserver,which contains wms.
render process
the surface memory is allocated by gralloc module. and surfaceflinger take charge of mix different layers, and render framebuffers to device by using opengl methods.
