

/****************************************************************************** *android虚拟、实体键盘不能同时使用? * 说明: *当Android系统中插入了键盘之后,虚拟键盘将不能被使用。 * *2017-6-29 深圳 龙华樟坑村 曾剑锋 *****************************************************************************/一、参考文档: 1. How to enable both hardware and virtual keyboards on Android ice cream sandwich二、解决方法:The barcode scanner is detected as a Physical Keyboard. When a keyboard is connected to the device, by default the soft keyboard is disabled. To enable it, we need to turn OFF hardware keyboard via:Settings > Language & Input > Select Input MethodThe option name may differ from device to device. We will be able to use the scanner along with the soft keyboard even though we turn it OFF.

