
android-async-http简单介绍:An asynchronous, callback-based Http client for android built on top of Apache‘s  HttpClient  libraries.即在Apache‘s HttpClient 开源框架(该Apache‘s HttpClient  框架在eclipse里面不用导入额外的jar包,由于已经自带了)的基础上为android所设计的框架。

  • Make  asynchronous  HTTP requests, handle responses in  anonymous callbacks
  • 异步的HTTP请求,异步的响应回调
  • HTTP requests happen  outside the UI thread
  • HTTP请求不在UI线程内。避免了ANR错误
  • Requests use a  threadpool  to cap concurrent resource usage
  • 通过threadpool实现Request,限制并发资源的使用
  • GET/POST  params builder  (RequestParams)
  • Multipart file uploads  with no additional third party libraries
  • Tiny size overhead to your application, only  19kb  for everything
  • Automatic smart  request retries  optimized for spotty mobile connections
  • Automatic  gzip  response decoding support for super-fast requests
  • Optional built-in response parsing into  JSON  (JsonHttpResponseHandler)
  • Optional  persistent cookie store, saves cookies into your app‘s SharedPreferences
  • 可选择性的永久cookie保存。在你的SharedPreferences上保存cookies
可用在get/post提交数据上Documentation, Features and ExamplesFull details and documentation can be found on the project page here:
