如何向别人用英语介绍一道菜 如何用英语介绍菜,用英语介绍河南菜

“佛跳墙进场原料:鱼翅 , 鱼唇、鱼肚、鲍鱼、海参、扇贝、鸡肉、鸡腿、羊肘、火腿、肉片、猪蹄筋、花菇、冬笋等适量 。香料:肉桂 , 冰糖 , 绍酒 , 酱油的量 。方法: 将大众化后的原料分别分层磨浆e到绍兴酒坛前 , 在荷叶中加入调味料密封 。家庭祭坛旺火木炭上沸腾 , 然后慢煨慢火 , 原来的座位上的祭坛 , 启帽 , 添加石油的小坛鸽蛋派 。特色:食物种类 , 软糯酥脆 , 肉香浓郁 , 汤浓品尝 , 品尝有味 , 回味无穷 , 营养丰富 , 能明目美容 , 活血金淑 , 滋阴养生 , 增进食欲 。川味水煮肉片材料:猪肉(或牛肉)250克瘦肉 , 大白菜(或其他时令蔬菜 , 常用于四川莴苣)200克郫县豆瓣50克(3汤匙),料酒25克(1.5汤匙),淀粉25克(1.5汤匙),盐2克(约1/2茶匙),鸡精少量 , 做胡椒粉10克 , 花椒20,洋葱肉汤400克 , 油100克 , 酱油3克大蒜四个(去皮 , 切成末),生姜5克(切末)做法: 1、将瘦肉切成约5厘米长 , 2.5;厘米宽 , 0.3厘米厚 , 大薄(只是大约 , 不严格衡量 , 短薄一些会更好),如果他们觉得不好切 , 你可以肉略冷冰箱 , 直到硬时 , 一些肉片淀粉 , 料酒 , 盐和少量的水将吸收轻微咸肉抓准备好 。2、大白菜洗净手撕一大片叶子 , 大白菜上部斜刀切片;大葱洗净切段葱段;用剪刀剪好做辣椒段;郫县准备好切碎的豆瓣;3、在锅中倒入30克油 , 加入胡椒粉和胡椒粉炸至火烤成红褐色 , 取出待用 。4、要火 , 要会葱段添加到平移工具炒香 , 然后将炒熟的白菜放入碗中摊放 。5,锅烧热 , 然后倒入30克油 , 豆瓣和生姜加入郫县炒香直到炒出石油 。6、加入肉汤 , 煮沸 。7、威尔腌好加入肉锅 , 用荣誉勋爵
opsticks, scattered and allocated, to be dispersed until meat discoloration when add soy sauce, chicken, sugar, flavoring. 8, will be poured into the meat and soup with the bowl of cabbage paved. 9, will do well in advance fried peppers and chopped pepper, sprinkle on the meat, sprinkle evenly蒜末also up at meat. 10, pot wash to dry, Add 40 grams of oil, very badly into 9 hot (smoking), and then pouring hot oil evenly on the meat can be.

如何向别人用英语介绍一道菜 如何用英语介绍菜,用英语介绍河南菜

用英语介绍菜品北京烤鸭——Peking Duck,or Peking Roast Duck is a famous ck dish from Beijing[1] that has been prepared since the imperial era,and is now considered one of China”s national foods.The dish is prized for the thin,crisp skin,with authentic versions of the dish serving mostly the skin and little meat,sliced in front of the diners by the cook.Ducks bred specially for the dish are slaughtered after 65 days and seasoned before being roasted in a closed or hung oven.The meat is eaten with pancakes,spring onions,and hoisin sauce or sweet bean sauce.The two most notable restaurants in Beijing which serve this delicacy are Quanjude and Bianyifang,two centuries-old establishments which have become household names.
用英文介绍一道家常菜Mapo doufu, one of sichuan”s traditional dishes, belongs to sichuan cuisine.(麻婆豆腐 , 是四川省传统名菜之一 , 属于川菜 。)The main raw materials for the ingredients and tofu, the main materials are tofu, ground beef, pepper and pepper and so on.(主要原料为配料和豆腐 , 材料主要有豆腐、牛肉末、辣椒和花椒等 。)The numbness comes from the sichuan peppercorns, and the spiciness comes from the chilies.(麻来自花椒 , 辣来自辣椒 。)This dish highlights the “hot and spicy” features of sichuan cuisine.(这道菜突出了川菜“麻辣”的特点 。)It has a unique taste and smooth taste.(其口味独特 , 口感顺滑 。)Today, mapo doufu travels far and wide.(如今 , 麻婆豆腐远渡重洋 。)In the United States, Canada, Britain, France, Vietnam, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Australia and other countries to settle down.(在美国、加拿大、英国、法国、越南、新加坡、马来西亚、日本、澳大利亚等国安家落户 。)From a home – style dishes jumped onto the great hall, has become an international food.(从一味家常小菜一跃而登上大雅之堂 , 成了国际名菜 。)扩展资料麻婆豆腐历史起源:麻婆豆腐始创于清朝同治元年(1862年) , 在成都万福桥边 , 有一家原名“陈兴盛饭铺”的店面 。店主陈春富(陈森富)早殁 , 小饭店便由老板娘经营 , 女老板面上微麻 , 人称”陈麻婆” 。当年的万福桥是一道横跨府河 , 常有苦力之人在此歇脚、打尖 。光顾饭铺的主要是挑油的脚夫 。陈氏对烹制豆腐有一套独特的烹饪技巧 , 烹制出的豆腐色香味俱全 , 不同凡响 , 深得人们喜爱 , 她创制的烧豆腐 , 则被称为“陈麻婆豆腐” , 其饮食小店后来也以“陈麻婆豆腐店”为名 。参考资料来源:百度百科-麻婆豆腐参考资料来源:百度百科-家常菜
【如何向别人用英语介绍一道菜 如何用英语介绍菜,用英语介绍河南菜】
如何向别人用英语介绍一道菜 如何用英语介绍菜,用英语介绍河南菜

用英文介绍蔬菜Leek 指的是那种北方的大葱韭菜是Chives韭菜花则是Flowering Garlic chives (也有叫Flowering Chinese chives)Chinese cabbage是广东常说的黄芽白 , 即是北方的大白菜真正的白菜呢 , 叫Chinese chard,而Bok Choy这一音译再外国也很流行西洋菜是watercress,也叫water spinachLettuce是生菜莴笋是Celtuce, 也叫Asparagus Lettuce空心菜即通菜,是Water Convolvulus,其实音译的Ong Choy , Tung Choy白萝卜是White Raddish, 青萝卜是Green Raddish Tomato 番茄 , 按不同的种类有几种叫法个子小的可以一口一个当果子吃的那种叫cherry tomato而鹅蛋形的叫 Roma tomato或Egg tomato外表比一般西红柿红的还留有绿茎的那种叫Hydroponic Tomato,因为是栽培习惯不同的说Loofa只是泛称 , 国内常吃的丝瓜是Ridged Luffa或Ridged Gourd另一种丝瓜 , 我们叫水瓜的是Sponged Luffa或Silk Gourd或 Si gua(音译)说开瓜就把其他瓜也介绍了苦瓜 更常叫bitter melon, 冬瓜更常叫winter melon(我跟喜欢这种叫法阿)节瓜 Hairy melon String bean , 其实跟四季豆不同 , 是长度介乎于豇豆和四季豆之间的一种豆 , 见下图四季豆是Green beans,也叫French beans而豌豆是Snowpea ,我们叫荷兰豆豇豆 , 广东叫豆角的 , 是snakebean还有一种甜豌豆叫Sugar snap pea,超市里面一包包冷藏的青豆就是至于当菜吃嫩嫩的豆苗 , 是pea shoots菜椒或灯笼椒 , 是capsicum而长长的尖椒有几种叫法chilli pepper, banana pepper,我那叫“bullhorn chili”的西葫芦 vegetable marrow , 也有叫zuccini的 , 不知是不是同一种蔬菜Scallion 葱,但好像shallot更常用shallot还指葱头, 也写作eschalot 还有一种Spring onion 叫春葱芥兰是Chinese broccoli而芥菜才是 mustard cabbage, 也叫Chinese mustard, leaf mustard竹笋其实bamboo shoot更常用啦姜类补充两个Tumeric 黄姜Galangal 南姜 , 好像也叫沙姜Button mushroom是那种个头较小的蘑菇,不是草菇还有大大的一种叫flat mushroom而草菇是 straw mushroom我们常吃的冬菇 , 花菇之类的 , 叫Shiitake mushroom(日语翻译过来的 , Shiitake是日语“椎茸”的发音) , 这个大家熟悉就不贴图了鲍鱼菇是Oyster mushroom金针菇 Enoki mushroom, 又是日语来的木耳是black fungus茄子是eggplant , 而来自法语的aubergine也很常用fennel作菜时指茴香的茎 , 见下图而我们做菜当香料用的茴香 , 也就是八角 , 叫star anise 或 aniseed最后再补充几个国内常吃的蔬菜青菜/菜心/青骨 Chinese flowering cabbage, 音译Choy sum 更常用苋菜 Amaranth, Chinese spinach , 音译Ing Choy 也很流行菾菜 , Silverbeet, 是菠菜的一种 , 我那叫“猪屎菜” , 据说含有丰富铁质枸杞叶 Chinese boxthorn, Chinese wolfberry塘蒿 Garland Chrysanthemum, Edible Chrysanthemum,音译Tong Ho 更常用孱菜 Ceylon Spinach , vine spinach, 常见音译Saan Choy羊角豆 Okra沙葛 Jicama香菜类方面香茅 lemon grass紫苏叶 perilla留兰香 spearmint , lamb mint
如何用英文介绍中国菜?Immortals Duck 神仙鸭子 Hot Tofu麻婆豆腐 Pool chicken叫化鸡 twice meat回锅肉 Pure meat白煮肉 Hot water Cabbage 开水白菜 Xihu Braseniaschreberi soup西湖莼菜汤 Ding lake”s Vegetables 鼎湖上素deep-fried long twisted dough sticks油条Gongbaojiding(diced chicken with paprikas)宫爆鸡丁The white cuts a chicken 白斩鸡 Small steamed bun 小笼包Wonton 馄饨 Diet Culture difference between China and America.(中美饮食文化的差异)这篇可以参考) The main difference between Chinese and America eating habits is that unlike, where everyone has their own plate of food, in China the dishes are placed on the table and everybody shares. If you are being treated by a Chinese host, be prepared for a ton of food. Chinese are very proud of their culture of food and will do their best to give you a taste of many different types of cuisine. Among friends, they will just order enough for the people there. If they are taking somebody out for dinner and the relationship is polite to semi-polite, then they will usually order one more dish than the number of guests (e.g. four people, five dishes). If it is a business dinner or a very formal occasion, there is likely to be a huge amount of food that will be impossible to finish. A typical meal starts with some cold dishes, like boiled peanuts and smashed cucumber with garlic. These are followed by the main courses, hot meat and vegetable dishes. Finally soup is brought out, which is followed by the starchy “staple” food, which is usually rice or noodles or sometimes mplings. Many Chinese eat rice (or noodles or whatever) last, but if you like to have your rice together with other dishes, you should say so early on.
如何向别人用英语介绍一道菜 如何用英语介绍菜,用英语介绍河南菜

用英语介绍一道菜的做法 , 最好有中文翻译 , 初三左右水平蛋黄炒南瓜 Egg yolk Fried pumpkin 原料: Raw material: 南瓜(要粉粉的那种 , 不要太嫩的 , 直径20cm左右的可以吃两顿) , 咸鸭蛋黄3~5个(蛋黄选那种油多点的红蛋黄好) 。Pumpkin (powder powder of that kind of, don”t be too tender, diameter 20 cm can eat two meal), salted ck egg yellow 3 ~ 5 (egg yolk choose that kind of oil more red yolk). 步骤: Steps: 1、南瓜切片待用 , 尽量切薄一点哦 , 不容易熟的 。1, pumpkin slice to use, as far as possible to cut thin little oh, not easy ripe. 咸鸭蛋黄捣碎 , 越碎越好 , 有的时候会放点料酒帮助它碎 。Salted ck egg yellow pounding, the broken the better, sometimes will put some rice wine help it broken. 2、热锅加油 , 油稍微多一点 , 到5、6成热时加蛋黄炒一炒 , 炒到蛋黄冒泡 。2, hot pot of oil, the oil slightly more, to 5, 6 into hot add egg yolk Fried a Fried, Fried to egg yolk bubble. 3、加南瓜片炒 , 加盐翻炒 。3, add pumpkin piece of Fried, add salt to stir. 炒一会停一会炒一会停一会 , 要炒挺久的 , 因为南瓜不容易熟 。Stir-fry for a while stop for a moment and stir well stop for a moment, want to fry a long, because the pumpkin not easy to practice. 4、后面可以稍微放一点点水 , 免得炒焦了 。4, a little behind can put a little bit of water, so that the Fried coke. 炒的过程当中可以自己试试看熟了没有 。Fried process can try it”s ready. 5、加鸡精 , 翻炒均匀就可以出锅了 。5, add chicken, stir fry can out of the pot. 可能也可以在炒之前把南瓜先过一下滚水 , 比较容易熟一点 May also can be in before fry the pumpkin to go through the water, easier to practice a little
