Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法

笛里谁知壮士心,沙头空照征人骨。这篇文章主要讲述Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法我们使用android Studio进行Android开发时。当我们使用真机进行调试时。非常可能会出现USB device not found的问题。网上提出了非常多决解办法。非常多都是错误的。现给出正确的解决方法:
1. If yon don’t have Android SDK installed, please install it first.
2. Open Start menu. Select Android SDK Tools -> SDK Manager. Right-click on it and select “Run as Administrator”.

Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法


Running SDK Manager as Administrator is very important. If you just click on it, the SDK manager will start, but will encounter errors when you try to install new components!
3. In the SDK Manager select “Extras-> Google USB Driver”. Enable the checkbox and click “Install 1 Package”.
Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法


4. When the Google USB driver is installed, plug in your device.
Warning: The driver won’t install automatically. We will do it manually in the next steps.
5. Open the System Properties dialog (press Win+Break on the keyboard or locate “Computer” in Start Menu, right-click on it and select “Properties”.
6. Click on the “Device Manager” link.
Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法


7. In the Device Manager locate your Android device. Then right-click on it and select “Update Driver Software”.
Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法


8. Select “Browse my computer for driver software”.
Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法


9. Select “Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer”.
Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法


10.Select “Show All Devices”.
Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法


11.Press the “Have Disk” button.
Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法


【Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法】12.Enter the path to the Google USB driver. Normally it is located in the following directory:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Android\android-sdk\extras\google\usb_driver

Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法


13.Select “Android ADB Interface” from the list of device types.
Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法


14.Confirm the installation of the driver by pressing “Yes”.
Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法


15.Confirm the installation again by pressing “Install”.
Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法


16. When the installation is done, press “Close”.
Android Studio关于USB device not found的解决的方法

