Curses library not found. Please install appropriate package

相逢意气为君饮,系马高楼垂柳边。这篇文章主要讲述Curses library not found. Please install appropriate package相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。

-- Could NOT find OpenSSL (missing: OPENSSL_LIBRARIES OPENSSL_INCLUDE_DIR)  -- Could NOT find Curses (missing: CURSES_LIBRARY CURSES_INCLUDE_PATH)  CMake Error at cmake/readline.cmake:83 (MESSAGE): Curses library not found. Please install appropriate package,
remove CMakeCache.txt and rerun cmake.On Debian/Ubuntu, package name is libncurses5-dev, on Redhat and derivates it is ncurses-devel. Call Stack (most recent call first): cmake/readline.cmake:118 (FIND_CURSES) cmake/readline.cmake:214 (MYSQL_USE_BUNDLED_READLINE) CMakeLists.txt:257 (MYSQL_CHECK_READLINE)

-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred! 配置无法继续.

rm -f CMakeCache.txt

删除刚才编译生成的 CMakeCache.txt 文件

安装 ncurses-devel 包 yum install ncurses-devel

【Curses library not found. Please install appropriate package】
