
Abstract Factory Pattern表示仅定义一个接口或抽象类来创建相关(或依赖)对象的族, 但不指定其具体子类, 这意味着Abstract Factory让一个类返回类的工厂。因此, 这就是“抽象工厂模式”比“工厂模式”高一级的原因。

  • 抽象工厂模式将客户代码与具体的(实现)类隔离。
  • 它简化了对象族的交换。
  • 它促进对象之间的一致性。
  • 系统何时需要独立于其对象的创建, 组成和表示方式。
  • 当相关对象系列必须一起使用时, 则需要强制执行此约束。
  • 当你想要提供一个不显示实现而仅显示接口的对象库时。
  • 当系统需要配置多个对象系列之一时。
  • 我们将创建一个Bank接口和一个Loan抽象类及其子类。
  • 然后, 我们将创建AbstractFactory类作为下一步。
  • 然后, 我们将创建具体的类BankFactory和LoanFactory来扩展AbstractFactory类
  • 之后, AbstractFactoryPatternExample类使用FactoryCreator来获取AbstractFactory类的对象。
  • 请仔细查看下图:

在这里, 我们正在计算HDFC, ICICI, SBI等不同银行的贷款偿还额。
import java.io.*; interface Bank{ String getBankName(); }

class HDFC implements Bank{ private final String BNAME; public HDFC(){ BNAME="HDFC BANK"; } public String getBankName() { return BNAME; } }

class ICICI implements Bank{ private final String BNAME; ICICI(){ BNAME="ICICI BANK"; } public String getBankName() { return BNAME; } }

class SBI implements Bank{ private final String BNAME; public SBI(){ BNAME="SBI BANK"; } public String getBankName(){ return BNAME; } }

abstract class Loan{ protected double rate; abstract void getInterestRate(double rate); public void calculateLoanPayment(double loanamount, int years) { /* to calculate the monthly loan payment i.e. EMIrate=annual interest rate/12*100; n=number of monthly installments; 1year=12 months. so, n=years*12; */double EMI; int n; n=years*12; rate=rate/1200; EMI=((rate*Math.pow((1+rate), n))/((Math.pow((1+rate), n))-1))*loanamount; System.out.println("your monthly EMI is "+ EMI +" for the amount"+loanamount+" you have borrowed"); } }// end of the Loan abstract class.

class HomeLoan extends Loan{ public void getInterestRate(double r){ rate=r; } }//End of the HomeLoan class.

class BussinessLoan extends Loan{ public void getInterestRate(double r){ rate=r; }}//End of the BusssinessLoan class.

class EducationLoan extends Loan{ public void getInterestRate(double r){ rate=r; } }//End of the EducationLoan class.

第5步:创建一个抽象类(即AbstractFactory)来获取Bank和Loan Objects的工厂。
abstract class AbstractFactory{ public abstract Bank getBank(String bank); public abstract Loan getLoan(String loan); }

步骤6:创建继承AbstractFactory类的工厂类, 以基于给定的信息生成具体类的对象。
class BankFactory extends AbstractFactory{ public Bank getBank(String bank){ if(bank == null){ return null; } if(bank.equalsIgnoreCase("HDFC")){ return new HDFC(); } else if(bank.equalsIgnoreCase("ICICI")){ return new ICICI(); } else if(bank.equalsIgnoreCase("SBI")){ return new SBI(); } return null; } public Loan getLoan(String loan) { return null; } }//End of the BankFactory class.

class LoanFactory extends AbstractFactory{ public Bank getBank(String bank){ return null; }public Loan getLoan(String loan){ if(loan == null){ return null; } if(loan.equalsIgnoreCase("Home")){ return new HomeLoan(); } else if(loan.equalsIgnoreCase("Business")){ return new BussinessLoan(); } else if(loan.equalsIgnoreCase("Education")){ return new EducationLoan(); } return null; }}

步骤7:创建FactoryCreator类, 以通过传递诸如银行或贷款之类的信息来获取工厂。
class FactoryCreator { public static AbstractFactory getFactory(String choice){ if(choice.equalsIgnoreCase("Bank")){ return new BankFactory(); } else if(choice.equalsIgnoreCase("Loan")){ return new LoanFactory(); } return null; } }//End of the FactoryCreator.

【抽象工厂模式】步骤8:使用FactoryCreator来获取AbstractFactory, 以便通过传递诸如类型之类的信息来获得具体类的工厂。
import java.io.*; class AbstractFactoryPatternExample { public static void main(String args[])throws IOException {BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in)); System.out.print("Enter the name of Bank from where you want to take loan amount: "); String bankName=br.readLine(); System.out.print("\n"); System.out.print("Enter the type of loan e.g. home loan or business loan or education loan : "); String loanName=br.readLine(); AbstractFactory bankFactory = FactoryCreator.getFactory("Bank"); Bank b=bankFactory.getBank(bankName); System.out.print("\n"); System.out.print("Enter the interest rate for "+b.getBankName()+ ": "); double rate=Double.parseDouble(br.readLine()); System.out.print("\n"); System.out.print("Enter the loan amount you want to take: "); double loanAmount=Double.parseDouble(br.readLine()); System.out.print("\n"); System.out.print("Enter the number of years to pay your entire loan amount: "); int years=Integer.parseInt(br.readLine()); System.out.print("\n"); System.out.println("you are taking the loan from "+ b.getBankName()); AbstractFactory loanFactory = FactoryCreator.getFactory("Loan"); Loan l=loanFactory.getLoan(loanName); l.getInterestRate(rate); l.calculateLoanPayment(loanAmount, years); } }//End of theAbstractFactoryPatternExample


