MATLAB break语句


  • 句法
  • 以下是在MATLAB中使用break语句时的要点
  • break语句流程图
  • 例1
break语句终止for循环或while循环的执行。当遇到break语句时, 执行将继续循环外的下一条语句。在嵌套循环中, break仅存在于最内部的循环中。

  • break关键字用于定义break语句。
  • break语句终止或停止for或while循环的执行, 而执行break语句之后的语句不执行。
  • 执行break语句后, 控制权将转到循环结束后的语句。
  • 如果break语句出现在嵌套循环中, 则它仅终止该特定循环, 而不终止外部循环, 并且控制权传递到该循环结束之后的语句。
  • break语句仅影响for或while循环的执行;因此, 它不会在for或while之外定义
MATLAB break语句

% program to break the flow at a specified point a = randi(100, 6, 6) k = 1; while k disp('program running smoothly') if a(k) == 27 disp('program encounters the number 27, which is not useful for the current program; ') disp(['at index no.:', num2str(k)]) disp('so loop terminates now.....bye bye') break end k = k+1; end

a = 6×6 821770545410 271870663327 604364411116 3104826229 43607727845 324832974353 program running smoothly program running smoothly program encounters the number 27, which is not useful for the current program; at index no.:2 so loop terminates now.....bye bye

% program to terminate the execution on finding negative input a = randn(4) k = 1; while k < numel(a) if a(k) < 0 break end k = k + 1; end disp(['negative number :', num2str(a(k)), ', found at index: ', num2str(k), ', hence the program terminated'])

a = 4×4 0.2398-1.61180.86170.5812 -0.6904-0.02450.0012-2.1924 -0.6516-1.9488-0.0708-2.3193 1.19211.0205-2.48630.0799 negative number :-0.69036, found at index: 2, hence the program terminated

假设我们有一个在温度变化下运行的系统。环境温度决定了系统的运行。如果环境温度超过危险极限, 则程序必须停止执行运行系统的应用程序。
工作温度范围根据一些预定条件而变化。因此, 在夏季, 当热浪可能损坏复杂的系统, 或者在冬季温度下降到指定极限以下时, 我们需要保护系统免于掉落。
温度范围从-100°C到+ 600°C。
【MATLAB break语句】该系统安装在世界各地。温度以摄氏度为单位, 温度以华氏度为单位。因此, 我们还需要注意这些温度单位。
need to take care of these temperature units also. % Program to break the flow of Execution u = symunit; % symunit returns symbolic unit f = randi(200, 4, 4) % assume this function returns temperature in Fahrenheit tf = {f, u.Fahrenheit}; % create cell array by adding Fahrenheit unit tc = unitConvert(tf, u.Celsius, 'Temperature', 'absolute'); % conversion to Celsius vpan = vpa(tc, 3) % conversion from equation to decimal form min_t = -10; % minimum temperature max_t = +60; % maximum temperature tcd = double(separateUnits(vpan)); % convert to double by separating unit symbol for k = 1:16 if (tcd(k) < = min_t) disp(['application stopped, temperature dropped below the limit of -10 & current temp is : ', num2str(tcd(k)), 'degree']) break else if (tcd(k) > = max_t) disp(['application stopped, temperature exceeds limit of +60 & current temp is : ', num2str(tcd(k)), 'degree']) break end end end
