plotyy(X1, Y1, X2, Y2) //It plots X1 versus Y1 with y-axis label on the left and plot X2 versus Y2 with y-axis labeling on the right.plotyy(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, 'function') // It uses the plotting function specified by the string 'function' instead of plot to produce each graph. 'function' can be plot, semilogx, semilogy, stem, loglog etc.plotyy(X1, Y1, X2, Y2, 'function1', 'function2') // It uses function1(X1, Y1) to plot the information for the left-axis and function2(X2, Y2) to plot the information for the right axis.[AX, H1, H2] = plotyy(...) // It returns the handles of the two axes generated in AX and the handle of the graphics objects from each plots in H1 and H2. AX (1) is a left axes and AX (2) is a right axes.
y_1=e^-x sinx, 0≤t≤10y_2=e^xx= 1:1:10;
Ax=plotyy(x, y1, x, y2);
hy1=get(Ax(1), 'ylabel');
hy2= get(Ax(2), 'ylabel');
set(hy1, 'string', 'e^-x sin(x)');
set(hy2, 'string', ' e^ x');
- MATLAB 函数fill()
- MATLAB函数Bar()
- MATLAB绘图操作详解
- MATLAB 2D极坐标绘图Plots()
- MATLAB 函数Semilogy()
- MATLAB 函数loglog()
- MATLAB 2D函数Semilogx()
- MATLAB 2-D绘图
- MATLAB匿名函数