* *********************************************************************
* Recalculate the nearest k neighbors
* @param paraCurrentCurrent instance. We are comparing it with all others.
* @param paraNumNeighborsThe number of neighbors.
* @param paraDistanceMeasureThe distance measure.
* @returnThe indices of the nearest instances.
* *********************************************************************
public int[] computeNearests(int paraCurrent, int paraNumNeighbors, int paraDistanceMeasure) {
double[] tempResultDistance = new double[trainingSet.length];
int[] tempResultNearests = new int[paraNumNeighbors];
int[] tempResultIndiex = new int[trainingSet.length];
double tempDistance;
int j;
//Calculate and store distances. The indices are sorted simultaneouslyfor (int i = 0;
i < trainingSet.length;
i++) {
tempResultDistance[i] = distance(paraCurrent, trainingSet[i], paraDistanceMeasure);
tempResultIndiex[i] = i;
}//of for i//Select the nearest paraK indices.
for (int i = 1;
i < trainingSet.length;
i++) {
tempDistance = tempResultDistance[i];
System.out.println("tempDistance = " + tempDistance + ", i = " + i );
for (j = i - 1;
j >= 0 && tempDistance < tempResultDistance[j];
j--) {
tempResultDistance[j + 1] = tempResultDistance[j];
tempResultIndiex[j + 1] = tempResultIndiex[j];
}//of for j
tempResultDistance[j + 1] = tempDistance;
tempResultIndiex[j + 1] = i;
}//of for i
System.out.println("tempResultDistance = " + Arrays.toString(tempResultDistance));
for (int i = 0;
i < paraNumNeighbors;
i++) {
tempResultNearests[i] = trainingSet[tempResultIndiex[i]];
}//of for
return tempResultNearests;
}//of computeNearests
* *************************************************************************
* Set the measure of distance.
* @param paraSetDistanceMeasureThe measure
* @return
* *************************************************************************
public int setDistanceMeasure(int paraSetDistanceMeasure) {
int resultDistanceMeasure = -1;
switch (paraSetDistanceMeasure) {
case 0:
resultDistanceMeasure = 0;
case 1:
resultDistanceMeasure = 1;
return resultDistanceMeasure;
}//of setDistanceMeasure
* ******************************************************
* Set the number of neighbors.
* @param paraNumNeighorsThe neighbors number
* @returnThe neighbors number
* ******************************************************
public int setNumNeighbors(int paraNumNeighors) {
int tempnumNeighbors = paraNumNeighors;
return tempnumNeighbors;
}//of setNumNeighors
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