

  • Perl显示电子邮件地址
  • Perl $符号嵌入双引号字符串
  • Perl转义转义字符
  • Perl转义双引号
  • Perl Double-q运算符q
  • Perl单q运算符, q
所有特殊字符或符号(如@, #, $, &/, \等)均无法正常打印。他们需要在前面的转义字符反斜杠(\)进行打印。
Perl显示电子邮件地址所有电子邮件地址都包含(@)符号。如前所述, 符号通常不会在字符串内打印。他们需要特别注意。 @符号前使用反斜杠(\)来打印电子邮件地址。
use strict; use warnings; my $site= "srcmini\"; print "$site\n";


Perl $符号嵌入双引号字符串如果要在字符串中打印($)符号, 请在$符号前面使用反斜杠(\)。
use strict; use warnings; my $msg1 = 'Ana'; print "We have defined \$msg1 as $msg1\n";

We have defined $msg1 as Ana

Perl转义转义字符如果要在字符串中打印(\)符号, 请在\符号前面使用反斜杠(\)。
use strict; use warnings; print "The \\n is a new line chracter in programming languages.\n";

Everyone has to follow this rule whether its a boy\girl

Perl转义双引号如果要在字符串中打印双引号, 请在两个引号处都使用反斜杠(\)。
use strict; use warnings; my $x = 'tutorials'; print "Our site \"srcmini\" provides all type of \"$x\"\n";

Our site "srcmini" provides all type of "tutorials?

Perl Double-q运算符q” qq” 运算符用括号将字符串周围的双引号替换。这意味着(“ ” )在此字符串上不再是必需的。它只会用qq打印字符串。
但是, 如果你想在字符串中使用方括号, 则需要在字符串周围使用大括号{}。
【Perl字符串转义字符】而且, 如果你需要在字符串内使用花括号, 请在字符串周围使用方括号[]。
#use of qquse strict; use warnings; my $x = 'tutorials'; print qq(Our site "srcmini" provides all type of "$x"\n); #use of {} bracketsprint qq{Our site (srcmini) provides all type of "$x"\n}; #use of [] bracketsprint qq[Our site (srcmini} provides all type of "$x"\n];

Our site "srcmini" provides all type of "tutorials"Our site (srcmini) provides all type of "tutorials"Our site (srcmini} provides all type of "tutorial"

Perl单q运算符, q单个” q” 运算符用作字符串中的单引号(‘ )。像单引号一样, 它也不插入变量。
#use of quse strict; use warnings; my $x = 'tutorials'; print q(Our site "srcmini" provides all type of "$x"\n); print"\n"; #use of () bracketsprint q(Our site "srcmini" provides all type of "$x"\n); print"\n"; #use of {} bracketsprint q{Our site )srcmini( provides all type of "$x"\n}; print"\n"; #use of {} bracketsprint q[Our site )srcmini} provides all type of "$x"\n];

Our site "srcmini" provides all type of "$x"\nOur site "srcmini" provides all type of "$x" \nOur site )srcmini( provides all type of "$x" \nOur site )srcmini} provides all type of "$x" \n
