flutter Could not find the built application bundle

知识的价值不在于占有,而在于使用。这篇文章主要讲述flutter Could not find the built application bundle相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。

Could not find the built application bundle at build/ios/iphoneos/Runner.app. Error launching application on xxx的 iPhone.

错误的原因是在xcode中修改了bundle Name字段的名字 默认是Runner,将bundle Name修改为Runner即可
< key> CFBundleDisplayName< /key>
< string> $(PRODUCT_NAME)< /string>
< key> CFBundleExecutable< /key>
< string> $(EXECUTABLE_NAME)< /string>
< key> CFBundleIdentifier< /key>
< string> $(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)< /string>
< key> CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion< /key>
< string> 6.0< /string>
< key> CFBundleName< /key>
< string> VIPidea课堂< /string>
【flutter Could not find the built application bundle】
