Ruby on Rails CRUD操作图解

CRUD代表创建, 读取, 更新和删除数据库中的数据。 Active Record自动允许应用程序读取和操作表中存储的数据。
在本教程中, 我们将使用MySQL数据库创建一个Rails CRUD。

rails new crud

cd crud

gem 'grape'

步骤4转到应用程序中的config / application.rb文件, 然后添加以下内容。
config.paths.add File.join('app', 'api'), glob: File.join('**', '*.rb') config.autoload_paths += Dir[Rails.root.join('app', 'api', '*')]

bundle install

步骤6转到app / views / layouts / application.html.erb并将以下行插入head标签。
< %= stylesheet_link_tag??? '' %> < %= stylesheet_link_tag??? ', r-2.0.0/datatables.min.css' %>

步骤7转到app / views / layouts / application.html.erb并将以下行插入< / body> 标记之前。
< %= javascript_include_tag '' %> < %= javascript_include_tag ', r-2.0.0/datatables.min.js' %>

步骤8在上面的文件中, 将< %= yield%> 替换为以下代码:
< div class="container"> < div> < % if flash[:notice] %> < div> < %= flash[:notice] %> < /div> < % end %> < %= yield %> < /div> < /div> < /div>

步骤9转到app / assets / javascripts / application.js并添加加载jQuery DataTable的javascript代码:
var ready = function() { $('#products').DataTable({ "columnDefs": [ { "width": "19%", className: "dt-body-center", "targets": -1 }, { "width": "10%", "targets": 0 }, { "width": "7%", "targets": 1 }, { "width": "20%", "targets": 2 }, { "width": "20%", "targets": 3 }, ] }); } $(document).ready(ready); $(document).on('page:load', ready);

rails g controller products index show new create edit update destroy

rails g model product name:string price:decimal short_description:text full_description:text

步骤12转到app / controllers / products_controller.rb并编写以下代码。
class ProductsController < ApplicationController # GET method to get all products from database def index @products = Product.all end # GET method to get a product by id def show @product = Product.find(params[:id]) end # GET method for the new product form def new @product = end # POST method for processing form data def create @product = if flash[:notice] = 'Product added!' redirect_to root_path else flash[:error] = 'Failed to edit product!' render :new end end # GET method for editing a product based on id def edit @product = Product.find(params[:id]) end # PUT method for updating in database a product based on id def update @product = Product.find(params[:id]) if @product.update_attributes(product_params) flash[:notice] = 'Product updated!' redirect_to root_path else flash[:error] = 'Failed to edit product!' render :edit end end # DELETE method for deleting a product from database based on id def destroy @product = Product.find(params[:id]) if @product.delete flash[:notice] = 'Product deleted!' redirect_to root_path else flash[:error] = 'Failed to delete this product!' render :destroy end end # we used strong parameters for the validation of params def product_params params.require(:product).permit(:name, :price, :old_price, :short_description, :full_description) end end

步骤13转到app / models / product.rb并在名称, 价格和描述字段中进行一些验证。
class Product < ApplicationRecord validates :name, presence: true validates :price, presence: true, numericality: {:greater_than => 0} validates :short_description, presence: true end

步骤14转到config / routes.rb并添加:
resources :products root 'products#index'

步骤14转到config / routes.rb并添加:
resources :products root 'products#index'

步骤15现在在应用程序文件夹中创建一个名为api的文件夹。在此文件夹中, 创建一个名为product的文件夹。现在, 终于创建了app / api / products / products_api.rb文件并添加以下代码。
module Products class ProductsAPI < Grape::API format :json desc "Product List", { :notes => < < -NOTE Get All Products __________________ NOTE } get do Product.all end desc "Product By Id", { :notes => < < -NOTE Get Product By Id __________________ NOTE } params do requires :id, type: Integer, desc: "Product id" end get ':id' do begin product = Product.find(params[:id]) rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound error!({ status: :not_found }, 404) end end desc "Delete Product By Id", { :notes => < < -NOTE Delete Product By Id __________________ NOTE } params do requires :id, type: Integer, desc: "Product id" end delete ':id' do begin product = Product.find(params[:id]) { status: :success } if product.delete rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound error!({ status: :error, message: :not_found }, 404) end end desc "Update Product By Id", { :notes => < < -NOTE Update Product By Id __________________ NOTE } params do requires :id, type: Integer, desc: "Product id" requires :name, type: String, desc: "Product name" requires :price, type: BigDecimal, desc: "Product price" optional :old_price, type: BigDecimal, desc: "Product old price" requires :short_description, type: String, desc: "Product old price" optional :full_description, type: String, desc: "Product old price" end put ':id' do begin product = Product.find(params[:id]) if product.update({ name: params[:name], price: params[:price], old_price: params[:old_price], short_description: params[:short_description], }) { status: :success } else error!({ status: :error, message: product.errors.full_messages.first }) if product.errors.any? end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound error!({ status: :error, message: :not_found }, 404) end end desc "Create Product", { :notes => < < -NOTE Create Product __________________ NOTE } params do requires :name, type: String, desc: "Product name" requires :price, type: BigDecimal, desc: "Product price" optional :old_price, type: BigDecimal, desc: "Product old price" requires :short_description, type: String, desc: "Product old price" end post do begin product =Product.create({ name: params[:name], price: params[:price], old_price: params[:old_price], short_description: params[:short_description], }) if { status: :success } else error!({ status: :error, message: product.errors.full_messages.first }) if product.errors.any? end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound error!({ status: :error, message: :not_found }, 404) end end end end

步骤16转到config / routes.rb并添加以下代码。
mount Products::ProductsAPI => '/api/products'

rake db:migrate

步骤18在app / views / products /文件中, 编写以下代码。
< !DOCTYPE html> < html> < body> < div class="container"> < h3> STOCK LIST< /h3> < div> < %= link_to 'Add Product', new_product_path %> < /div> < br> < table border="2"> < thead> < tr> < th> Name< /th> < th> Price< /th> < th> Description< /th> < th> Actions< /th> < /tr> < /thead> < tbody> < % @products.each do |product| %> < tr> < td> < %= %> < /td> < td> < %= product.price %> < /td> < td> < %= truncate(product.short_description, :length => 75) %> < /td> < div> < td> < %= link_to 'Show', product_path(product) %> < %= link_to 'Edit', edit_product_path(product) %> < %= link_to 'Delete', product_path(product), method: :delete %> < /div> < /td> < /tr> < % end %> < /tbody> < /table> < /div> < /body> < /html>

< div class="container"> < %= form_for @product, url: {action: :create} do |f| %> < div> < h3> Add a Product< /h3> < /div> < div> < p> < %= "< div> #{@product.errors.full_messages.first}< /div> ".html_safe if @product.errors.any? %> < div> < label> Product Name< /label> < %= f.text_field :name %> < /div> < div> < label> Price< /label> < %= f.text_field :price %> < /div> < div> < label> Description< /label> < %= f.text_field :short_description %> < /div> < /p> < /div> < div> < %= link_to 'Back', { controller: 'products', action: 'index'} %> < %= f.submit 'Create Product' %> < /div> < % end %> < /div>

< div class =” container” > < %= form_for @product, 网址:{action::update} do | f | %> < h3> 添加产品< / h3> < %=” < div> #{@ product.errors.full_messages.first} < / div> ” 。html_safe, 如果@ product.errors.any? %> < p> < div> < label> 产品名称< / label> < %= f.text_field:name%> < / div> < div> < label> Price < / label> < %= f.text_field:price %> < / div> < div> < label> 描述< / label> < %= f.text_field:short_description%> < / div> < / p> < div> < %= link_to’ Back’ , {controller:’ 产品” , 操作:’ index’ }%> < %= f。提交’ Update Product’ %> < / div> < %end%> < / div>
< div class="container"> < h3> Add a Product< /h3> < div> < label> Product Name< /label> < %= %> < /div> < div> < label> Price< /label> < %= @product.price %> < /div> < div> < label> Description< /label> < %= @product.short_description %> < /div> < div> < %= link_to 'Back', { controller: 'products', action: 'index'} %> < /div> < /div>

rails s


将出现以下页面。在这里, 我们已经在表中插入了一些数据。
Ruby on Rails CRUD操作图解

Ruby on Rails CRUD操作图解

要插入数据, 请单击以上快照中所示的” 添加产品” 。如下所示填写详细信息。
Ruby on Rails CRUD操作图解

要读取数据, 请单击操作显示。在这里, 我们将单击” 跳伞表演” 动作。
Ruby on Rails CRUD操作图解

要更新数据, 请单击” 编辑操作” 。在这里, 我们将编辑从男式正装衬衫到女式正装衬衫的衬衫描述。
Ruby on Rails CRUD操作图解

Ruby on Rails CRUD操作图解

要删除数据, 请单击” 删除” 操作。在这里, 我们将从上表中删除产品牛仔裤。
Ruby on Rails CRUD操作图解

【Ruby on Rails CRUD操作图解】下载此示例
