Maven Java Example Application

千磨万击还坚劲,任尔东西南北风。这篇文章主要讲述Maven Java Example Application相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
In this application, we will create a simple adder that computes the sum of two integers. During this process, we will:

  1. Generate a Maven project using the Maven command-line tool
  2. Configure the pom.xml file
  3. Create main and test source code files
  4. Execute a Maven build
  5. Execute the resulting JAR file
Generating a Project
The first step to create our application is to generate the basic project structure. While we could do this manually, Maven includes a goal that will generate a quickstart project for us.
To generate this project, we execute the following command:

Maven will then generate the following project structure for us:
adder/ |- src/ ||- main ||+- java/ ||+- com/dzone/albanoj2/maven/java ||+- |+- test |+- java/ |+- com/dzone/albanoj2/maven/java |+- +- pom.xml

Configuring the POM
Although the pom.xml file has been generated for us, it contains boilerplate configuration that is unnecessary for our purposes. Instead, we will replace the entire contents of the pom.xml file with the following configuration:
< ?xml version=" 1.0" encoding=" UTF-8" ?> < project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="" > < modelVersion> 4.0.0< /modelVersion> < groupId>< /groupId> < artifactId> addr< /artifactId> < version> 1.0-SNAPSHOT< /version> < properties> <> UTF-8< /> < project.reporting.outputEncoding> UTF-8< /project.reporting.outputEncoding> < maven.compiler.source> 11< /maven.compiler.source> <> 11< /> < junit.version> 5.6.2< /junit.version> < /properties> < dependencies> < dependency> < groupId> org.junit.jupiter< /groupId> < artifactId> junit-jupiter-engine< /artifactId> < version> ${junit.version}< /version> < scope> test< /scope> < /dependency> < /dependencies> < build> < pluginManagement> < plugins> < plugin> < groupId> org.apache.maven.plugins< /groupId> < artifactId> maven-jar-plugin< /artifactId> < configuration> < archive> < manifest> < mainClass>< /mainClass> < /manifest> < /archive> < /configuration> < /plugin> < /plugins> < /pluginManagement> < /build> < /project>

Starting from the top, we have our standard model version and GAV. After the GAV, we have our properties. These properties are key-value pairs, where the element name is the key, and the element value is the value. For example, the entry<> 11< /> creates a property where is the key and 11 is the value.
从顶部开始,我们有标准模型版本和GAV。GAV之后,我们拥有属性。这些属性是键-值对,其中元素名称是键,元素值是值。例如,条目<> 11 < /> 创建一个属性,其中maven.compiler.target是键,而11是值
Generally, properties can be any arbitrarily-named entry — so long as the key is a valid XML element name— and can be used elsewhere in the POM using the ${< key> } syntax. For example, we declare a property < junit.version> 5.6.2< /junit.version> and use it in the element of our dependency: ${junit.version}.
通常,属性可以是任意命名的条目(只要键是有效的XML元素名称),并且可以使用$ {}语法在POM中的其它位置使用。例如,我们声明一个属性< junit.version> 5.5.2 < /junit.version> 并将其用于依赖项的元素: $ {junit.version} < / version> 。
Other properties, such as maven.compiler.source, have special meaning. We have four of these special-case properties in our POM:
<> UTF-8< /> < project.reporting.outputEncoding> UTF-8< /project.reporting.outputEncoding> < maven.compiler.source> 11< /maven.compiler.source> <> 11< />

The first two define the encoding type of our source code and reporting output, respectively. If we omit these encoding types, Maven will warn us during compilation that our build is platform-dependent:
[WARNING] Using platform encoding (Cp1252 actually) to copy filtered resources, i.e. build is platform dependent! [WARNING] File encoding has not been set, using platform encoding Cp1252, i.e. build is platform dependent!

The last two properties configure the JDK version of our source code and the expected target JDK version, respectively. These keys are known by the Java compiler plugin for Maven and will, in turn, set the source and target JDK versions of the compiler.
Next, we declare our JUnit dependency (under the dependencies element), which allows us to execute our automated tests. Note that the scope is test, which ensures that this dependency is not compiled or resolved in our executable application — only during the test phase.
Lastly, we add the build element to override the default build configuration. In this case, we override the configuration for the maven-jar-plugin plugin to set the fully-qualified name of the main class that will be executed when we run our generated JAR file. While this is a concise override, there is an array of other options that can be overridden if needed. For more information, see the official Maven JAR Plugin documentation.
Creating the Main & Test Source Code
With our project structure and POM established, we can now add the source code to our project. The first step is to delete the and files in src/main/java/com/dzone/albanoj2/maven/java and src/test/java/com/dzone/albanoj2/maven/java, respectively. We will then create a new file called in src/main/java/com/dzone/albanoj2/maven/java:
package; public class Adder {public int add(int a, int b) { return a + b; } }

Next, we create an Application class in the same directory that includes a basic main method:
package; public class Application {public static void main(String[] args) { Adder adder = new Adder(); System.out.println(" 2 + 2 = " + adder.add(2, 2)); } }

Lastly, we will create a new file called in src/test/java/com/dzone/albanoj2/maven/java that will act as our unit test for our Adder class:
package; import static org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions.assertEquals; import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach; import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test; import; public class AdderTest { private Adder adder; @BeforeEach public void setUp() { adder = new Adder(); } @Test public void whenAddTwoZeros_ThenSumIsZero() { assertEquals(0, adder.add(0, 0)); } @Test public void whenAddFirstZeroSecondNegative_ThenSumIsEqualToSecond() { assertEquals(-1, adder.add(0, -1)); } @Test public void whenAddFirstNegativeSecondZero_ThenSumIsEqualToFirst() { assertEquals(-1, adder.add(-1, 0)); } @Test public void whenTwoNegatives_ThenSumIsCorrect() { assertEquals(-3, adder.add(-1, -2)); } @Test public void whenAddFirstZeroSecondPositive_ThenSumIsEqualToSecond() { assertEquals(1, adder.add(0, 1)); } @Test public void whenAddFirstPositiveSecondZero_ThenSumIsEqualToFirst() { assertEquals(1, adder.add(1, 0)); } @Test public void whenTwoPositives_ThenSumIsCorrect() { assertEquals(3, adder.add(1, 2)); } @Test public void whenAddFirstPositiveSecondNegative_ThenSumIsCorrect() { assertEquals(0, adder.add(1, -1)); } @Test public void whenAddFirstNegativeSecondPositive_ThenSumIsCorrect() { assertEquals(0, adder.add(-1, 1)); } }

This results in the following directory structure:
adder/ |- src/ ||- main ||+- java/ ||+- com/dzone/albanoj2/maven/java |||- ||+- |+- test |+- java/ |+- com/dzone/albanoj2/maven/java |+- +- pom.xml

Executing the Build
【Maven Java Example Application】We now have all of the components necessary to execute our Maven build. Our goal for this build will be to generate a JAR file that we can execute from the command-line. Therefore, we will use the Maven package goal to generate our JAR.
现在,具有执行Maven构建所需的所有组件。此构建的目标是生成可以从命令行执行的JAR文件。因此,我们将使用Maven package目标来生成JAR。
Before starting the build, we must change the directory to our project root (the adder/ directory). Once inside the project root, we then execute the following command:
mvn package

Finding & Running Packaged JAR
Once the build completes, we can find the packaged JAR — adder-1.0.0.jar — in the target/ directory. To execute this JAR, we change directory to target/ and execute the following command:
java -jar targetaddr-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

This execution results in the following output:
2 + 2 = 4
