The module is an Android project without build variants, and cannot be built

观书散遗帙,探古穷至妙。这篇文章主要讲述The module is an Android project without build variants, and cannot be built相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
  导入 安卓项目报错

Error:The module ‘app‘ is an android project without build variants, and cannot be built.
Please fix the module‘s configuration in the build.gradle file and sync the project again.
【The module is an Android project without build variants, and cannot be built】百度一下
将  classpath grdle 版本改低一些。  之前是  3.2.0 是最新的版本了。估计最新版有兼容性问题吧。
将    classpath ‘‘ 
改低了之后, 这个问题解决了
