

  • 删除X天之前的文件/文件夹
  • 删除大于X GB的文件
  • 删除具有特定扩展名的文件
可能会想到, 手动删除文件和文件夹并不是一项令人兴奋的任务。使它们自动化是有意义的。
Python来了, 使我们的生活更轻松。 Python是一种出色的脚本编程语言。我们将利用Python毫无障碍地完成我们的任务。首先, 你应该知道为什么Python是一个不错的选择。
  • Python是用于自动执行任务的最受人喜爱的语言
  • 与其他编程语言相比, 代码更少
  • Python与所有操作系统兼容。你可以在Windows, Linux和Mac中运行相同的代码。
  • Python有一个名为os的模块, 可以帮助我们与操作系统进行交互。我们将使用该模块来完成删除文件的自动化操作。
我们可以使用Python替换所有烦人或重复的系统任务。如果你了解Python, 那么编写脚本来完成特定的系统任务就很困难。让我们看一下以下用例。
注意:以下内容已在Python 3.6+上进行了测试
删除X天之前的文件/文件夹通常, 你不需要旧日志, 并且定期需要清理它们以提供存储空间。它可以是任何东西, 而不仅仅是日志。
os模块中有一个称为stat的方法, 该方法提供了上次访问(st_atime), 修改(st_mtime)和元数据修改(st_ctime)时间的详细信息。自该纪元以来, 所有方法都以秒为单位返回时间。你可以在此处找到有关纪元的更多详细信息。
请按照以下步骤, 根据天数为删除文件/文件夹编写代码。
  • 导入模块时间, 操作系统, 关机
  • 设置变量的路径和天数
  • 使用time.time()方法将天数转换为秒
  • 使用os.path.exists(path)模块检查路径是否存在
  • 如果该路径存在, 则获取该路径中存在的文件和文件夹的列表, 包括子文件夹。使用方法os.walk(path), 它将返回一个包含文件夹, 文件和子文件夹的生成器
  • 通过使用os.path.join()方法连接当前路径和文件/文件夹名称来获取文件或文件夹的路径
  • 使用属性st_ctime从os.stat(path)方法获取ctime
  • 将ctime与我们之前计算的时间进行比较
  • 如果结果大于所需的用户天数, 请检查它是文件还是文件夹。如果是文件, 请使用os.remove(path), 否则请使用shutil.rmtree()方法
  • 如果路径不存在, 则显示找不到打印消息
# importing the required modulesimport osimport shutilimport time# main functiondef main(): # initializing the count deleted_folders_count = 0 deleted_files_count = 0 # specify the path path = "/PATH_TO_DELETE" # specify the days days = 30 # converting days to seconds # time.time() returns current time in seconds seconds = time.time() - (days * 24 * 60 * 60) # checking whether the file is present in path or not if os.path.exists(path):# iterating over each and every folder and file in the pathfor root_folder, folders, files in os.walk(path):# comparing the daysif seconds > = get_file_or_folder_age(root_folder):# removing the folderremove_folder(root_folder)deleted_folders_count += 1 # incrementing count# breaking after removing the root_folderbreakelse:# checking folder from the root_folderfor folder in folders:# folder pathfolder_path = os.path.join(root_folder, folder)# comparing with the daysif seconds > = get_file_or_folder_age(folder_path):# invoking the remove_folder functionremove_folder(folder_path)deleted_folders_count += 1 # incrementing count# checking the current directory filesfor file in files:# file pathfile_path = os.path.join(root_folder, file)# comparing the daysif seconds > = get_file_or_folder_age(file_path):# invoking the remove_file functionremove_file(file_path)deleted_files_count += 1 # incrementing countelse:# if the path is not a directory# comparing with the daysif seconds > = get_file_or_folder_age(path):# invoking the fileremove_file(path)deleted_files_count += 1 # incrementing count else:# file/folder is not foundprint(f'"{path}" is not found')deleted_files_count += 1 # incrementing count print(f"Total folders deleted: {deleted_folders_count}") print(f"Total files deleted: {deleted_files_count}")def remove_folder(path): # removing the folder if not shutil.rmtree(path):# success messageprint(f"{path} is removed successfully") else:# failure messageprint(f"Unable to delete the {path}")def remove_file(path): # removing the file if not os.remove(path):# success messageprint(f"{path} is removed successfully") else:# failure messageprint(f"Unable to delete the {path}")def get_file_or_folder_age(path): # getting ctime of the file/folder # time will be in seconds ctime = os.stat(path).st_ctime # returning the time return ctimeif __name__ == '__main__': main()

days = 30 path = "/PATH_TO_DELETE"

删除大于X GB的文件让我们搜索大于特定大小的文件并将其删除。它类似于上面的脚本。在上一个脚本中, 我们将age作为参数, 现在将size作为删除的参数。
# importing the os moduleimport os# function that returns size of a filedef get_file_size(path): # getting file size in bytes size = os.path.getsize(path) # returning the size of the file return size# function to delete a filedef remove_file(path): # deleting the file if not os.remove(path):# successprint(f"{path} is deleted successfully") else:# errorprint(f"Unable to delete the {path}")def main(): # specify the path path = "ENTER_PATH_HERE" # put max size of file in MBs size = 500 # checking whether the path exists or not if os.path.exists(path):# converting size to bytessize = size * 1024 * 1024# traversing through the subfoldersfor root_folder, folders, files in os.walk(path):# iterating over the files listfor file in files:# getting file pathfile_path = os.path.join(root_folder, file)# checking the file sizeif get_file_size(file_path) > = size:# invoking the remove_file functionremove_file(file_path)else:# checking only if the path is fileif os.path.isfile(path):# path is not a dir# checking the file directlyif get_file_size(path) > = size:# invoking the remove_file functionremove_file(path) else:# path doesn't existprint(f"{path} doesn't exist")if __name__ == '__main__': main()

path = "ENTER_PATH_HERE" size = 500

删除具有特定扩展名的文件在某些情况下, 你想按文件的扩展名类型删除文件。假设是.log文件。我们可以使用os.path.splitext(path)方法找到文件的扩展名。它返回一个元组, 其中包含文件的路径和扩展名。
# importing os moduleimport os# main functiondef main():# specify the pathpath = "PATH_TO_LOOK_FOR"# specify the extensionextension = ".log"# checking whether the path exist or notif os.path.exists(path):# check whether the path is directory or notif os.path.isdir(path):# iterating through the subfoldersfor root_folder, folders, files in os.walk(path):# checking of the filesfor file in files:# file pathfile_path = os.path.join(root_folder, file)# extracting the extension from the filenamefile_extension = os.path.splitext(file_path)[1]# checking the file_extensionif extension == file_extension:# deleting the fileif not os.remove(file_path):# success messageprint(f"{file_path} deleted successfully")else:# failure messageprint(f"Unable to delete the {file_path}")else:# path is not a directoryprint(f"{path} is not a directory")else:# path doen't existprint(f"{path} doesn't exist")if __name__ == '__main__':# invoking main functionmain()

不要忘记更新上面代码中的path和extension变量, 以满足你的要求。
我建议在NON PRODUCTION环境中测试脚本。对结果满意后, 你可以通过cron(如果使用Linux)进行计划, 以定期运行它以进行维护工作。 Python非常适合完成这些工作, 如果对学习做更多的事情感兴趣, 请查看Udemy课程。
