This code can be used for making an external login area on pages other than KickApps powered pages. Please replace ##### with your AS ID. Also, if you'
ve DNS masked you'
re site, you'
ll need to replace affiliate.kickapps.com with your domain info.
- < form id=" UserLogin" onsubmit=" return ka_check_userLogin(this.form); " enctype=" application/x-www-form-urlencoded" action=" http://affiliate.kickapps.com/user/userLogin.kickAction?optOutUserId=" method=" post" name=" UserLogin" target=" " >
- < input id=" as" type=" hidden" name=" as" value=https://www.songbingjia.com/android/" #####" />
- < input type=" hidden" value=https://www.songbingjia.com/android/" " name=" redirectURL" id=" redirectURL" />
- < label for=" UserBoxUserName" > Username< /label>
- < input id=" UserBoxUserName" class=" textbox" type=" text" name=" username" />
- < label for=" UserBoxPassword" > Password< /label>
- < input id=" UserBoxPassword" class=" textbox" type=" password" name=" password" onkeydown=" var key = event.which || event.keyCode; if (key == 13) { submit()}" />
- < input class=" ka_button" type=" submit" value=https://www.songbingjia.com/android/" Sign in" name=" Login" />
- < /form>
- 在Android上通过GMail或彩信发送图像
- 更改KickApps导航中的链接
- 在Android 1.5上处理震动事件
- 在中打开手册页预览.app
- 确定Android中是否存在Intent Receiver
- 使用AppleScript构建和运行XCode
- Kickapps(使用jQuery&CSS在成员配置文件编辑页面中隐藏MYRSS&MYLINKS按钮)
- 终端.app符号链接命令
- 终端.app打开Apache的命令?s码httpd.conf文件文本编辑中的文件