仅在Google Apps脚本中是新文件时才解压缩文件

一身转战三千里,一剑曾当百万师。这篇文章主要讲述仅在Google Apps脚本中是新文件时才解压缩文件相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
我在Google云端硬盘上有一个文件夹(我们将其称为源文件夹),该文件夹会不时更新为新的zip文件(底层文件为PDF)。我正在尝试使用Google Apps脚本仅解压缩新的zip文件并将基础PDF放置在另一个文件夹中(我们将其称为目标文件夹)。
我目前正在使用以下代码在基于时间的触发器上运行,将文件解压缩到源文件夹中。我当前的代码无法区分新旧zip文件,因此我在目标文件夹中积累了大量重复项。 (我在WeirdGeek上找到了此代码:https://www.weirdgeek.com/2019/10/unzip-files-using-google-apps-script/)

function Unzip() { //Add folder ID to select the folder where zipped files are placed var SourceFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById("1KbyB2vTUfbwYdzBEyIwzTliXKjATbW8A") //Add folder ID to save the where unzipped files to be placed var DestinationFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById("1Z-iVlcROe5kVX8IkBlV9a98WKlvlfp3U") //Select the Zip files from source folder using the Mimetype of ZIP var ZIPFiles = SourceFolder.getFilesByType(MimeType.ZIP)//Loop over all the Zip files while (ZIPFiles.hasNext()){ // Get the blob of all the zip files one by one var fileBlob = ZIPFiles.next().getBlob(); //Use the Utilities Class to unzip the blob var unZippedfile = Utilities.unzip(fileBlob); //Unzip the file and save it on destination folder var newDriveFile = DestinationFolder.createFile(unZippedfile[0]); } }

我还发现以下代码用于对保存新电子表格进行“替换”限制,但无法弄清楚如何将此代码与我的代码集成。 (代码来自Tainake用户)
function saveAsSpreadsheet() { var folderId = "0B8xnkPYxGFbUMktOWm14TVA3Yjg"; var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById(folderId); var files = folder.getFilesByName(getFilename()); if (files.hasNext()) { files.next().setTrashed(true); } var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); DriveApp.getFileById(sheet.getId()).makeCopy(getFilename(), folder); }

function Unzip() { //Add folder ID to select the folder where zipped files are placed var SourceFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById("1KbyB2vTUfbwYdzBEyIwzTliXKjATbW8A") //Add folder ID to save the where unzipped files to be placed var DestinationFolder = DriveApp.getFolderById("1Z-iVlcROe5kVX8IkBlV9a98WKlvlfp3U") //Delete files from the destination folder //Get the files in the destination folder var files = DestinationFolder.getFiles(); //Loop through the files in the destination folder while(files.hasNext()){//Get the individual file in the destination folder to process var file = files.next(); //Trash that file file.setTrashed(true); }//Select the Zip files from source folder using the Mimetype of ZIP var ZIPFiles = SourceFolder.getFilesByType(MimeType.ZIP)//Loop over all the Zip files while (ZIPFiles.hasNext()){ // Get the blob of all the zip files one by one var fileBlob = ZIPFiles.next().getBlob(); //Use the Utilities Class to unzip the blob var unZippedfile = Utilities.unzip(fileBlob); //Unzip the file and save it on destination folder var newDriveFile = DestinationFolder.createFile(unZippedfile[0]); } }

【仅在Google Apps脚本中是新文件时才解压缩文件】我可以看到这可能不是解决此问题的最佳方法,但这使我能够让MultCloud将zip文件同步到我的Google云端硬盘中,然后使我可以通过运行时间的功能将这些文件解压缩时间。任何人都有一个更好的主意,如何在不删除并重新创建所有文件的情况下完成同一件事?
答案但是,更可靠的方法是将上一次成功执行的时间存储在Script Property中,因此您始终可以处理自上次成功执行以来创建的所有文件。请注意,此代码将在第一次运行时处理该文件夹中当前的所有文件,之后将仅处理自上次运行以来创建的文件。
var ZIPFiles = SourceFolder.getFilesByType(MimeType.ZIP); var now = new Date(); //get current time after you fetch the file list from Drive.//Get script properties and check for stored "last_execution_time" var properties = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties(); var cutoff_datetime = properties.getProperty('last_execution_time'); //if we have last execution date, stored as a string, convert it to a Date object. if(cutoff_datetime) cutoff_datetime = new Date(cutoff_datetime); //Loop over all the Zip files while (ZIPFiles.hasNext()){ var file = ZIPFiles.next(); //if no stored last execution, or file is newer than last execution, process the file. if(!cutoff_datetime || file.getDateCreated() > cutoff_datetime){ var fileBlob = file.getBlob(); //Use the Utilities Class to unzip the blob var unZippedfile = Utilities.unzip(fileBlob); //Unzip the file and save it on destination folder var newDriveFile = DestinationFolder.createFile(unZippedfile[0]); } }//store "now" as last execution time as a string, to be referenced on next run. properties.setProperty('last_execution_time',now.toString());
