在Angular App中的Obseable POST请求中使用switchMap

愿君学长松,慎勿作桃李。这篇文章主要讲述在Angular App中的Obseable POST请求中使用switchMap相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。

< data-list [records]="records" (sendLocation)="onFilterReceived($event, type = 'location')" (sendZipcode)="onFilterReceived($event, type = 'zipcode')" (sendFirstName)="onFilterReceived($event, type = 'firstName')" (sendLastName)="onFilterReceived($event, type = 'lastName')" (sendLanguage)="onFilterReceived($event, type = 'language')" (sendBranch)="onFilterReceived($event, type = 'branch')"> < /data-list>

public onFilterReceived(value, type) { let selections = this.filtersService.processByTypes(value, type); this.route.params.subscribe( (params: any) => { this.page = params['page']; } ); let fn = resRecordsData =https://www.songbingjia.com/android/> { this.records = resRecordsData; let data = resRecordsData.data; }; this.filtersService.getByFilters( this.page - 1, this.pagesize, this.language = selections.language, this.location = selections.location, this.zipcode = selections.zipcode, this.firstName = selections.firstName, this.lastName = selections.lastName, this.branch = selections.branch, fn); }

filters = { language: [], location: [], zipcode: [], firstName: [], lastName: [], branch: [] }; public processByTypes(value, type) { if (value & & type) { this.filters[type] = value; } return this.filters; }public getByFilters(page, pagesize, language?, location?, zipcode?, firstName?, lastName?, branch?, fn?: any) { return this.apiService.post({ req: this.strReq, reqArgs: { page, pagesize, stage, language, location, zipcode, firstName, lastName, branch }, callback: fn }); }

这里调用的API POST函数如下所示:
public post(params: { req: string, reqArgs?: any, reqBody?: any, callback?: IRequestCallback }): Observable< Response> { params['reqType'] = 'post'; return this.runHttpRequest(params); }

【在Angular App中的Obseable POST请求中使用switchMap】现在POST请求返回一个observable,所以我的想法是我应该能够使用像switchMap这样的操作来处理它。这听起来有用吗?这是一个问题。第二个问题是关于正确的语法。
public getByFilters(page, pagesize, stage?, language?, location?, zipcode?, firstName?, lastName?, branch?, fn?: any) { return this.apiService.post({ req: this.strReq, reqArgs: { page, pagesize, stage, language, location, zipcode, firstName, lastName, branch }, callback: fn }).switchMap; }

答案我将尝试编写一个简化的示例,您希望从中获得这个想法。你应该有一个过滤器当前状态的主题。 SwitchMap到api调用,你可以抛出debounceTime给用户时间连续快速更改。
filter$:Subject< any> = new Subject(); data:any; destroy$:Subject< void> = new Subject(); ngOnInit() { this.filter$.pipe( takeUntil(destroy$), // stop and cleanup when component gone debounceTime(400), switchMap(filter => this.service.post(filter)) // switch one stream to another ).subscribe(data =https://www.songbingjia.com/android/> this.data = data) }onFilterReceived(value, type) { let selections = this.filtersService.processByTypes(value, type); this.filter$.next(selections); }ngOnDestroy() { this.destroy$.next() }
