android studio emulator libGl错误

高斋晓开卷,独共圣人语。这篇文章主要讲述android studio emulator libGl错误相关的知识,希望能为你提供帮助。
使用android API 27,google inc创建了一个新设备。和x86。它在启动时给出了以下错误。怎么解决这个?

12:01 PMEmulator: libGL error: unable to load driver: 12:01 PMEmulator: libGL error: driver pointer missing 12:01 PMEmulator: libGL error: failed to load driver: i965 12:01 PMEmulator: libGL error: unable to load driver: 12:01 PMEmulator: libGL error: driver pointer missing 12:01 PMEmulator: libGL error: failed to load driver: i965 12:01 PMEmulator: libGL error: unable to load driver: 12:01 PMEmulator: libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast 12:01 PMEmulator: X Error of failed request:BadValue (integer parameter out of range for operation. 12:01 PMEmulator: Major opcode of failed request:155 (GLX) 12:01 PMEmulator: Minor opcode of failed request:24 (X_GLXCreateNewContext) 12:01 PMEmulator: Value in failed request:0x0 12:01 PMEmulator: Serial number of failed request:64 12:01 PMEmulator: Current serial number in output stream:65 12:01 PMEmulator: Process finished with exit code 1

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