
基本上, 向图像添加水印所需要做的就是从图像对象获取CompositeImage方法。这种方法使你可以轻松地将一个图像合成到另一个图像上。

< ?php // Create instance of the original image$image = new Imagick(); $image-> readImage("image.jpg"); // Create instance of the Watermark image$watermark = new Imagick(); $watermark-> readImage("watermark.png"); // The start coordinates where the file should be printed$x = 0; $y = 0; // Draw watermark on the image file with the given coordinates$image-> compositeImage($watermark, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $x, $y); // Save image$image-> writeImage("image_watermark." . $image-> getImageFormat());

该方法中给出的坐标完全取决于你, 因为你对水印的希望可能有所不同(在整个图像上或仅在图像的一角)。水印文件应具有明显的透明性, 格式为.png, 否则水印将清楚地覆盖你的原始图像。
例子 在以下示例中, 我们将显示有关如何使用以下水印向图像添加水印的示例(水印也可以是Our Code World的徽标):

对于图像, 我们将使用没有版权的快乐山羊:

注意 我们使用PHP的getcwd函数为Imagick提供绝对路径(检索当前工作目录), 因为它通常不适用于../file.png之类的相对路径。根据你的工作方式(使用框架或纯PHP), 提供文件绝对路径的方式可能会有所不同, 因此请多加注意!
< ?php // Open the image to draw a watermark$image = new Imagick(); $image-> readImage(getcwd(). "/goat.jpg"); // Open the watermark image// Important: the image should be obviously transparent with .png format$watermark = new Imagick(); $watermark-> readImage(getcwd(). "/draft_watermark.png"); // Retrieve size of the Images to verify how to print the watermark on the image$img_Width = $image-> getImageWidth(); $img_Height = $image-> getImageHeight(); $watermark_Width = $watermark-> getImageWidth(); $watermark_Height = $watermark-> getImageHeight(); // Check if the dimensions of the image are less than the dimensions of the watermark// In case it is, then proceed to if ($img_Height < $watermark_Height || $img_Width < $watermark_Width) {// Resize the watermark to be of the same size of the image$watermark-> scaleImage($img_Width, $img_Height); // Update size of the watermark$watermark_Width = $watermark-> getImageWidth(); $watermark_Height = $watermark-> getImageHeight(); }// Calculate the position$x = ($img_Width - $watermark_Width) / 2; $y = ($img_Height - $watermark_Height) / 2; // Draw the watermark on your image$image-> compositeImage($watermark, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $x, $y); // From now on depends on you what you want to do with the image// for example save it in some directory etc.// In this example we'll Send the img data to the browser as response// with Plain PHPheader("Content-Type: image/" . $image-> getImageFormat()); echo $image; // Or if you prefer to save the image on some directory// Take care of the extension and the path !// $image-> writeImage(getcwd(). "/goat_watermark." . $image-> getImageFormat());


< ?php // Open the image to draw a watermark$image = new Imagick(); $image-> readImage(getcwd(). "/goat.jpg"); // Open the watermark image// Important: the image should be obviously transparent with .png format$watermark = new Imagick(); $watermark-> readImage(getcwd(). "/watermark_file.png"); // The resize factor can depend on the size of your watermark, so heads up with dynamic size watermarks !$watermarkResizeFactor = 6; // Retrieve size of the Images to verify how to print the watermark on the image$img_Width = $image-> getImageWidth(); $img_Height = $image-> getImageHeight(); $watermark_Width = $watermark-> getImageWidth(); $watermark_Height = $watermark-> getImageHeight(); // Resize the watermark with the resize factor value$watermark-> scaleImage($watermark_Width / $watermarkResizeFactor, $watermark_Height / $watermarkResizeFactor); // Update watermark dimensions$watermark_Width = $watermark-> getImageWidth(); $watermark_Height = $watermark-> getImageHeight(); // Draw on the bottom right corner of the original image$x = ($img_Width - $watermark_Width); $y = ($img_Height - $watermark_Height); // Draw the watermark on your image$image-> compositeImage($watermark, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $x, $y); // From now on depends on you what you want to do with the image// for example save it in some directory etc.// In this example we'll Send the img data to the browser as response// with Plain PHPheader("Content-Type: image/" . $image-> getImageFormat()); echo $image; // Or if you prefer to save the image on some directory// Take care of the extension and the path !// $image-> writeImage(getcwd(). "/goat_watermark." . $image-> getImageFormat());


< ?php // Open the image to draw a watermark$image = new Imagick(); $image-> readImage(getcwd(). "/goat.jpg"); // Open the watermark image// Important: the image should be obviously transparent with .png format$watermark = new Imagick(); $watermark-> readImage(getcwd(). "/watermark_file.png"); // The resize factor can depend on the size of your watermark, so heads up with dynamic size watermarks !$watermarkResizeFactor = 6; // Retrieve size of the Images to verify how to print the watermark on the image$img_Width = $image-> getImageWidth(); $img_Height = $image-> getImageHeight(); $watermark_Width = $watermark-> getImageWidth(); $watermark_Height = $watermark-> getImageHeight(); // Resize the watermark with the resize factor value$watermark-> scaleImage($watermark_Width / $watermarkResizeFactor, $watermark_Height / $watermarkResizeFactor); // Update watermark dimensions$watermark_Width = $watermark-> getImageWidth(); $watermark_Height = $watermark-> getImageHeight(); // Draw on the top right corner of the original image$x = ($img_Width - $watermark_Width); $y = 0; // Draw the watermark on your image$image-> compositeImage($watermark, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $x, $y); // From now on depends on you what you want to do with the image// for example save it in some directory etc.// In this example we'll Send the img data to the browser as response// with Plain PHPheader("Content-Type: image/" . $image-> getImageFormat()); echo $image; // Or if you prefer to save the image on some directory// Take care of the extension and the path !// $image-> writeImage(getcwd(). "/goat_watermark." . $image-> getImageFormat());


< ?php // Open the image to draw a watermark$image = new Imagick(); $image-> readImage(getcwd(). "/goat.jpg"); // Open the watermark image// Important: the image should be obviously transparent with .png format$watermark = new Imagick(); $watermark-> readImage(getcwd(). "/watermark_file.png"); // The resize factor can depend on the size of your watermark, so heads up with dynamic size watermarks !$watermarkResizeFactor = 6; // Retrieve size of the Images to verify how to print the watermark on the image$img_Width = $image-> getImageWidth(); $img_Height = $image-> getImageHeight(); $watermark_Width = $watermark-> getImageWidth(); $watermark_Height = $watermark-> getImageHeight(); // Resize the watermark with the resize factor value$watermark-> scaleImage($watermark_Width / $watermarkResizeFactor, $watermark_Height / $watermarkResizeFactor); // Update watermark dimensions$watermark_Width = $watermark-> getImageWidth(); $watermark_Height = $watermark-> getImageHeight(); // Draw on the bottom left corner of the original image$x = 0; $y = ($img_Height - $watermark_Height); // Draw the watermark on your image$image-> compositeImage($watermark, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, $x, $y); // From now on depends on you what you want to do with the image// for example save it in some directory etc.// In this example we'll Send the img data to the browser as response// with Plain PHPheader("Content-Type: image/" . $image-> getImageFormat()); echo $image; // Or if you prefer to save the image on some directory// Take care of the extension and the path !// $image-> writeImage(getcwd(). "/goat_watermark." . $image-> getImageFormat());


< ?php // Open the image to draw a watermark$image = new Imagick(); $image-> readImage(getcwd(). "/goat.jpg"); // Open the watermark image// Important: the image should be obviously transparent with .png format$watermark = new Imagick(); $watermark-> readImage(getcwd(). "/watermark_file.png"); // The resize factor can depend on the size of your watermark, so heads up with dynamic size watermarks !$watermarkResizeFactor = 6; // Retrieve size of the Images to verify how to print the watermark on the image$img_Width = $image-> getImageWidth(); $img_Height = $image-> getImageHeight(); $watermark_Width = $watermark-> getImageWidth(); $watermark_Height = $watermark-> getImageHeight(); // Resize the watermark with the resize factor value$watermark-> scaleImage($watermark_Width / $watermarkResizeFactor, $watermark_Height / $watermarkResizeFactor); // Update watermark dimensions$watermark_Width = $watermark-> getImageWidth(); $watermark_Height = $watermark-> getImageHeight(); // Draw the watermark on your image (top left corner)$image-> compositeImage($watermark, Imagick::COMPOSITE_OVER, 0, 0); // From now on depends on you what you want to do with the image// for example save it in some directory etc.// In this example we'll Send the img data to the browser as response// with Plain PHPheader("Content-Type: image/" . $image-> getImageFormat()); echo $image; // Or if you prefer to save the image on some directory// Take care of the extension and the path !// $image-> writeImage(getcwd(). "/goat_watermark." . $image-> getImageFormat());


