使用C#在Windows 10(控制中心样式)中创建通知

阅读更多有关真正有趣的Windows 10新功能的信息后, 我找到了如何在桌面上创建简单的Toastbar通知的代码段。
【使用C#在Windows 10(控制中心样式)中创建通知】该示例非常简单, 在单击按钮时, 如果发生吐司事件, 标签将显示被调用动作的名称, 源代码如下:

using System; using System.Diagnostics; using System.IO; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Controls;   using Windows.UI.Notifications; using Windows.Data.Xml.Dom;   namespace DesktopToastsSample{public partial class MainWindow : Window{private const String APP_ID = "Microsoft.Samples.DesktopToastsSample"; public MainWindow(){InitializeComponent(); ShowToastButton.Click += ShowToastButton_Click; }  // Create and show the toast.// See the "Toasts" sample for more detail on what can be done with toastsprivate void ShowToastButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e){  // Get a toast XML templateXmlDocument toastXml = ToastNotificationManager.GetTemplateContent(ToastTemplateType.ToastImageAndText04);   // Write text exampleXmlNodeList stringElements = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("text"); for (int i = 0; i < stringElements.Length; i++){stringElements[i].AppendChild(toastXml.CreateTextNode("This is the line #" + i)); }  // Specify the absolute path to an imageString imagePath = "file:///" + Path.GetFullPath("toastImageAndText.png"); XmlNodeList imageElements = toastXml.GetElementsByTagName("image"); imageElements[0].Attributes.GetNamedItem("src").NodeValue = http://www.srcmini.com/imagePath; // Create the toast and attach event listenersToastNotification toast = new ToastNotification(toastXml); toast.Activated += ToastActivated; toast.Dismissed += ToastDismissed; toast.Failed += ToastFailed; // Show the toast. Be sure to specify the AppUserModelId on your application's shortcut!ToastNotificationManager.CreateToastNotifier(APP_ID).Show(toast); }  private void ToastActivated(ToastNotification sender, object e){Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {Activate(); Output.Text = "The user activated the toast."; }); }  private void ToastDismissed(ToastNotification sender, ToastDismissedEventArgs e){String outputText = ""; switch (e.Reason){case ToastDismissalReason.ApplicationHidden:outputText = "The app hid the toast using ToastNotifier.Hide"; break; case ToastDismissalReason.UserCanceled:outputText = "The user dismissed the toast"; break; case ToastDismissalReason.TimedOut:outputText = "The toast has timed out"; break; }  Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {Output.Text = outputText; }); }  private void ToastFailed(ToastNotification sender, ToastFailedEventArgs e){Dispatcher.Invoke(() => {Output.Text = "An error ocurred"; }); }}}

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