

//NOTE about XYPlotZoomPan: when an OnTouchListener is set, zooming is disabled. Subclass to avoid it. mPlot.setOnTouchListener(new View.OnTouchListener(){ @Override public boolean onTouch(View v, MotionEvent me) { float touchX = me.getX(); float touchY = me.getY(); XYGraphWidget widget = mPlot.getGraphWidget(); RectF gridRect = widget.getGridRect(); if(gridRect.contains(touchX, touchY)){ //Check the touch event is in the grid XYSeries xyData = https://www.songbingjia.com/android/mPlot.getSeriesSet().iterator().next(); long targetValX = Math.round(widget.getXVal(touchX)); Log.d(TAG,"Touched at " + touchX + ", " + touchY + ". Target val X: " + targetValX); Long targetValY = null; Long prevValX = null; if(mPlot.getSeriesSet().size() > 1){ Log.w(TAG, "More than one series in plot. Using only the first one"); } for(int i = 0; i < xyData.size(); ++i){ long currValX = xyData.getX(i).longValue(); long currValY = xyData.getY(i).longValue(); //Calculate the range value of the closest domain value (assumes xyData is sorted in ascending X order) if(currValX > = targetValX){ long currDiff = currValX - targetValX; if(prevValX != null & & (targetValX - prevValX) < currDiff){ targetValY = xyData.getY(i-1).longValue(); }else{ targetValY = currValY; } break; } prevValX = currValX; } if(targetValY != null){ long maxValY = mPlot.getCalculatedMaxY().longValue(); long minValY = mPlot.getCalculatedMinY().longValue(); float pixelPosY = gridRect.top + ValPixConverter.valToPix( (double)targetValY, (double)minValY, (double)maxValY, (float)gridRect.height(), true); widget.setRangeCursorPosition(pixelPosY); widget.setDomainCursorPosition(touchX); Log.d(TAG, String.format("Domain cursor set at Y %.2f, val %.2f = %d, min-maxValY (%d, %d)", pixelPosY, widget.getRangeCursorVal(), targetValY, minValY, maxValY)); }else{ Log.w(TAG, "Couldn't find the closest range to the selected domain coordinate"); } mPlot.invalidate(); }else{ Log.d(TAG, "Touched outside the plot grid"); }return false; } });

private float pixelToValueY(float y) { //Parameters: 1=input y-value, 2=minmal y-value that is shown,3=maximal y-value that is shown, 4=Hight of the view, 5=flip return (float) ValPixConverter.pixToVal(y, minXY.y, maxXY.y, mySimpleXYPlot.getHeight(), false); }private float pixelToValueX(float x) { //Parameters: 1=input y-value, 2=minmal y-value that is shown,3=maximal y-value that is shown, 4=Hight of the view, 5=flip return (float) ValPixConverter.pixToVal(x, minXY.x, maxXY.x, mySimpleXYPlot.getWidth(), false); }

private void placeMarkerOnGraph(XYPlot plot, XYSeries plotSeries, XValueMarker xMarker, YValueMarker yMarker, float touchX, float touchY) { if(plot.getRegistry().getSeriesList().contains(plotSeries)) { if (plot.getGraph().getGridRect().contains(touchX, touchY)) { int targetValX = plot.screenToSeriesX(touchX).intValue(); int targetValY = plot.screenToSeriesY(touchY).intValue(); int threshold = (int)(plot.getBounds().getHeight().intValue() * 0.1f); //How close to a trace does the user have to click to move the markers?if (plotSeries.getY(targetValX).intValue() - targetValY < threshold) { Log.w(TAG, "Touched within threshold to trace line"); xMarker.setValue(targetValX); yMarker.setValue(plotSeries.getY(targetValX).intValue()); } } else { Log.w(TAG, "Touched outside graph"); } } else { Log.w(TAG, "Plot does not contain series provided"); } }

  • 我在我的示例中使用标记而不是光标,因为绘图可以有多少个标记没有限制,但是您只能有一个光标。
  • 此功能仅更改标记的位置,您必须选择格式化并首先将标记添加到绘图中。
  • XYSeries现在使用数字,因此请使用必要的值,例如:如果您的系列从0.0f1.0f,请使用.floatValue()
  • 除非您使用plot.redraw()
  • 阈值是要考虑缩放的绘图总高度的百分比
private void placeMarkerOnGraph(XYPlot plot, XYSeries plotSeries, XValueMarker xMarker, YValueMarker yMarker, float touchX, float touchY) { if(plot.getRegistry().getSeriesList().contains(plotSeries)) { if (plot.getGraph().getGridRect().contains(touchX, touchY)) { int targetValX = plot.screenToSeriesX(touchX).intValue(); int targetValY = plot.screenToSeriesY(touchY).intValue(); int threshold = (int)(plot.getBounds().getWidth().intValue() * 0.1f); //How close to a trace does the user have to click to move the markers? Integer closestValue = https://www.songbingjia.com/android/null; Integer xPos = null; Integer yPos = null; for(int i = targetValX - threshold; i < targetValX + threshold; i++){ //If the user touches near either end of the graph we need to make sure we don't go out of the arrays bounds if(i > 0 & & i < graphSize) { int closeness = Math.abs(Math.abs(plotSeries.getY(i).intValue() - targetValY) + Math.abs(i - targetValX)); Log.d(TAG,"Distance to nearest trace: " + closeness); if ((closestValue != null & & closeness < closestValue) || (closestValue =https://www.songbingjia.com/android/= null & & closeness < threshold)) { closestValue = closeness; xPos = i; yPos = plotSeries.getY(i).intValue(); } } }if (xPos != null) { Log.d(TAG,"Touched within threshold"); xMarker.setValue(xPos); yMarker.setValue(yPos); } else { Log.d(TAG, "Touched outside threshold"); } } else { Log.w(TAG, "Touched outside graph"); } } else { Log.w(TAG, "Plot does not contain series provided"); } }
