docker [OPTIONS] command
Usage: docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]docker daemon [ --help | ... ]docker [ -h | --help | -v | --version ]A self-sufficient runtime for containers.Options:--config=~/.dockerLocation of client config files -D, --debug=falseEnable debug mode -H, --host=[]Daemon socket(s) to connect to -h, --help=falsePrint usage -l, --log-level=infoSet the logging level --tls=falseUse TLS;
implied by --tlsverify --tlscacert=~/.docker/ca.pemTrust certs signed only by this CA --tlscert=~/.docker/cert.pemPath to TLS certificate file --tlskey=~/.docker/key.pemPath to TLS key file --tlsverify=falseUse TLS and verify the remote -v, --version=falsePrint version information and quit
attachAttach to a running container
Usage:docker attach [OPTIONS] CONTAINERAttach to a running container --help=falsePrint usage --no-stdin=falseDo not attach STDIN --sig-proxy=trueProxy all received signals to the process
Usage:docker build [OPTIONS] PATH | URL | -Build an image from a Dockerfile --build-arg=[]Set build-time variables --cpu-shares=0CPU shares (relative weight) --cgroup-parent=Optional parent cgroup for the container --cpu-period=0Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period --cpu-quota=0Limit the CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota --cpuset-cpus=CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1) --cpuset-mems=MEMs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1) --disable-content-trust=trueSkip image verification -f, --file=Name of the Dockerfile (Default is \'PATH/Dockerfile\') --force-rm=falseAlways remove intermediate containers --help=falsePrint usage -m, --memory=Memory limit --memory-swap=Total memory (memory + swap), \'-1\' to disable swap --no-cache=falseDo not use cache when building the image --pull=falseAlways attempt to pull a newer version of the image -q, --quiet=falseSuppress the verbose output generated by the containers --rm=trueRemove intermediate containers after a successful build -t, --tag=Repository name (and optionally a tag) for the image --ulimit=[]Ulimit options
Usage:docker commit [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]Create a new image from a container\'s changes -a, --author=Author (e.g., "John Hannibal Smith <
") -c, --change=[]Apply Dockerfile instruction to the created image --help=falsePrint usage -m, --message=Commit message -p, --pause=truePause container during commit
可自定义tag,如docker commit dc806ee0bf86 web:v1
root@ubuntu:~# docker commit dc806ee0bf86 test1e488386876e14ef3e930a98ec0bb49de1890963e2e979069f9f4d87f89f4959
Usage:docker cp [OPTIONS] CONTAINER:PATH LOCALPATH|-docker cp [OPTIONS] LOCALPATH|- CONTAINER:PATHCopy files/folders between a container and the local filesystemUse \'-\' as the source to read a tar archive from stdin and extract it to a directory destination in a container.Use \'-\' as the destination to stream a tar archive of a container source to stdout.
$ docker cp 87cb69be18bb:/data/a.txt ./
$ docker cp helpdocker.tgz 87cb69be18bb:/data/backup/
$ docker cp data 87cb69be18bb:/data/backup
Usage:docker create [OPTIONS] IMAGE [COMMAND] [ARG...]Create a new container -a, --attach=[]Attach to STDIN, STDOUT or STDERR --add-host=[]Add a custom host-to-IP mapping (host:ip) --blkio-weight=0Block IO (relative weight), between 10 and 1000 --cpu-shares=0CPU shares (relative weight) --cap-add=[]Add Linux capabilities --cap-drop=[]Drop Linux capabilities --cgroup-parent=Optional parent cgroup for the container --cidfile=Write the container ID to the file --cpu-period=0Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) period --cpu-quota=0Limit CPU CFS (Completely Fair Scheduler) quota --cpuset-cpus=CPUs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1) --cpuset-mems=MEMs in which to allow execution (0-3, 0,1) --device=[]Add a host device to the container --disable-content-trust=trueSkip image verification --dns=[]Set custom DNS servers --dns-opt=[]Set DNS options --dns-search=[]Set custom DNS search domains -e, --env=[]Set environment variables --entrypoint=Overwrite the default ENTRYPOINT of the image --env-file=[]Read in a file of environment variables --expose=[]Expose a port or a range of ports --group-add=[]Add additional groups to join -h, --hostname=Container host name --help=falsePrint usage -i, --interactive=falseKeep STDIN open even if not attached --ipc=IPC namespace to use --kernel-memory=Kernel memory limit -l, --label=[]Set meta data on a container --label-file=[]Read in a line delimited file of labels --link=[]Add link to another container --log-driver=Logging driver for container --log-opt=[]Log driver options --lxc-conf=[]Add custom lxc options -m, --memory=Memory limit --mac-address=Container MAC address (e.g. 92:d0:c6:0a:29:33) --memory-reservation=Memory soft limit --memory-swap=Total memory (memory + swap), \'-1\' to disable swap --memory-swappiness=-1Tuning container memory swappiness (0 to 100) --name=Assign a name to the container --net=defaultSet the Network for the container --oom-kill-disable=falseDisable OOM Killer -P, --publish-all=falsePublish all exposed ports to random ports -p, --publish=[]Publish a container\'s port(s) to the host --pid=PID namespace to use --privileged=falseGive extended privileges to this container --read-only=falseMount the container\'s root filesystem as read only --restart=noRestart policy to apply when a container exits --security-opt=[]Security Options --stop-signal=SIGTERMSignal to stop a container, SIGTERM by default -t, --tty=falseAllocate a pseudo-TTY -u, --user=Username or UID (format: <
]) --ulimit=[]Ulimit options --uts=UTS namespace to use -v, --volume=[]Bind mount a volume --volume-driver=Optional volume driver for the container --volumes-from=[]Mount volumes from the specified container(s) -w, --workdir=Working directory inside the container
创建但不启动一个容器.具体参数同docker run.
Usage:docker diff [OPTIONS] CONTAINERInspect changes on a container\'s filesystem --help=falsePrint usage
$ docker diff 87cb69be18bbA /dataA /data/a.txtA /data/bA /data/backupA /data/backup/dataA /data/backup/helpdocker.tgzC /rootA /root/.bash_history
Usage:docker events [OPTIONS]Get real time events from the server -f, --filter=[]Filter output based on conditions provided --help=falsePrint usage --since=Show all events created since timestamp --until=Stream events until this timestamp
$ docker events2016-08-26T10:42:08.001137030+08:00 87cb69be18bbe74ea9e14b16228ccc3347dcffb3e074fa303ca32deb46417105: (from ubuntu:14.04) die
Usage:docker exec [OPTIONS] CONTAINER COMMAND [ARG...]Run a command in a running container -d, --detach=falseDetached mode: run command in the background --help=falsePrint usage -i, --interactive=falseKeep STDIN open even if not attached --privileged=falseGive extended privileges to the command -t, --tty=falseAllocate a pseudo-TTY -u, --user=Username or UID (format: <
$ docker exec 87cb69be18bb touch /root/abc.txt
$ docker exec -it 87cb69be18bb /bin/bashroot@87cb69be18bb:/# lsabcbinbootdatadevetchomeifconfigliblib64mediamntoptprocrootrunsbinsrvsystmpusrvar
Usage:docker export [OPTIONS] CONTAINERExport a container\'s filesystem as a tar archive --help=falsePrint usage -o, --output=Write to a file, instead of STDOUT
$ docker export 87cb69be18bb > web.tar$ docker export -o web.tar 87cb69be18bb
Usage:docker history [OPTIONS] IMAGEShow the history of an image -H, --human=truePrint sizes and dates in human readable format --help=falsePrint usage --no-trunc=falseDon\'t truncate output -q, --quiet=falseOnly show numeric IDs
$ docker history ubuntu:14.04IMAGECREATEDCREATED BYSIZECOMMENTd9560c05d6bd2 weeks ago/bin/sh -c #(nop) CMD ["/bin/bash"]0 B001bed8370922 weeks ago/bin/sh -c sed -i \'s/^#\\s*\\(deb.*universe\\)$/1.895 kB92b3f03280cc2 weeks ago/bin/sh -c rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*0 B24e6f8fb4abf2 weeks ago/bin/sh -c set -xe& & echo \'#!/bin/sh\' > /u194.6 kB50ed19911a3e2 weeks ago/bin/sh -c #(nop) ADD file:4f5a660d3f5141588d187.8 MB
Usage:docker images [OPTIONS] [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]List images -a, --all=falseShow all images (default hides intermediate images) --digests=falseShow digests -f, --filter=[]Filter output based on conditions provided --help=falsePrint usage --no-trunc=falseDon\'t truncate output -q, --quiet=falseOnly show numeric IDs
Usage:docker import [OPTIONS] file|URL|- [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]Import the contents from a tarball to create a filesystem image -c, --change=[]Apply Dockerfile instruction to the created image --help=falsePrint usage -m, --message=Set commit message for imported image
Usage:docker info [OPTIONS]Display system-wide information --help=falsePrint usage
# docker infoContainers: 1Images: 25Server Version: 1.9.1Storage Driver: aufsRoot Dir: /var/lib/docker/aufsBacking Filesystem: extfsDirs: 27Dirperm1 Supported: falseExecution Driver: native-0.2Logging Driver: json-fileKernel Version: 3.13.0-32-genericOperating System: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTSCPUs: 1Total Memory: 986.8 MiBName: ubuntuID: ALLP:KE4W:ITY7:WUL6:QKUG:4CGB:R6IA:2UXG:227D:K6BF:EDLL:27TXWARNING: No swap limit support
Usage:docker inspect [OPTIONS] CONTAINER|IMAGE [CONTAINER|IMAGE...]Return low-level information on a container or image -f, --format=Format the output using the given go template --help=falsePrint usage -s, --size=falseDisplay total file sizes if the type is container --type=Return JSON for specified type, (e.g image or container)
$ docker inspect nextcloud[{"Id": "4f798fc8f1b5bcde38aa3702a02e06d996ae4608e8c369237754ae50e950f7ca","Created": "2018-08-10T03:28:36.570570242Z","Path": "/bin/bash","Args": [],"State": {"Status": "running","Running": true,"Paused": false,"Restarting": false,"OOMKilled": false,"Dead": false,"Pid": 19066,"ExitCode": 0,"Error": "","StartedAt": "2018-08-15T01:51:36.80771433Z","FinishedAt": "2018-08-15T01:51:36.267209678Z"},"Image": "sha256:c3342f6abac82e375ec5c5e64be74afee47af31e39ba480a55fd912aa45a722b","ResolvConfPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/4f798fc8f1b5bcde38aa3702a02e06d996ae4608e8c369237754ae50e950f7ca/resolv.conf","HostnamePath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/4f798fc8f1b5bcde38aa3702a02e06d996ae4608e8c369237754ae50e950f7ca/hostname","HostsPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/4f798fc8f1b5bcde38aa3702a02e06d996ae4608e8c369237754ae50e950f7ca/hosts","LogPath": "/var/lib/docker/containers/4f798fc8f1b5bcde38aa3702a02e06d996ae4608e8c369237754ae50e950f7ca/4f798fc8f1b5bcde38aa3702a02e06d996ae4608e8c369237754ae50e950f7ca-json.log","Name": "/nextcloud","RestartCount": 2,"Driver": "overlay2","Platform": "linux","MountLabel": "","ProcessLabel": "","AppArmorProfile": "docker-default","ExecIDs": null,
Usage:docker kill [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]Kill a running container --help=falsePrint usage -s, --signal=KILLSignal to send to the container
docker stop命令给容器中的进程发送SIGTERM信号,默认行为是会导致容器退出,当然,容器内程序可以捕获该信号并自行处理,例如可以选择忽略。而dockerkill则是给容器的进程发送SIGKILL信号,该信号将会使容器必然退出。
Usage:docker load [OPTIONS]Load an image from a tar archive or STDIN --help=falsePrint usage -i, --input=Read from a tar archive file, instead of STDIN
Usage:docker login [OPTIONS] [SERVER]Register or log in to a Docker registry.If no server is specified "https://index.docker.io/v1/" is the default. -e, --email=Email --help=falsePrint usage -p, --password=Password -u, --username=Username
Usage:docker logout [OPTIONS] [SERVER]Log out from a Docker registry.If no server is specified "https://index.docker.io/v1/" is the default. --help=falsePrint usage
Fetch the logs of a container -f, --follow=falseFollow log output --help=falsePrint usage --since=Show logs since timestamp -t, --timestamps=falseShow timestamps --tail=allNumber of lines to show from the end of the logs
# docker logs 87cb69be18bb
# docker logs -f -t --tail=3 nextcloud2018-08-15T01:51:23.500951699Z root@nextcloud:/#2018-08-15T01:51:36.154541783Z root@nextcloud:/# exit2018-08-15T01:51:36.154917668Z exit
Usage:docker network [OPTIONS] COMMAND [OPTIONS]Commands: createCreate a network connectConnect container to a network disconnectDisconnect container from a network inspectDisplay detailed network information lsList all networks rmRemove a network
Usage:docker network create [OPTIONS] NETWORK-NAMECreates a new network with a name specified by the user --aux-address=map[]auxiliary ipv4 or ipv6 addresses used by Network driver -d, --driver=bridgeDriver to manage the Network --gateway=[]ipv4 or ipv6 Gateway for the master subnet --help=falsePrint usage --ip-range=[]allocate container ip from a sub-range --ipam-driver=defaultIP Address Management Driver -o, --opt=map[]set driver specific options --subnet=[]subnet in CIDR format that represents a network segment
$ docker network create -d bridge --ip-range= --subnet= my_network
Usage:docker network inspect [OPTIONS] NETWORK [NETWORK...]Displays detailed information on a network$ docker network inspect my_network[{"Name": "my_network","Id": "414e1dd5d71ea709be885be5c283ed8080c8ca22e9baad0dc242865dd39164fd","Scope": "local","Driver": "bridge","IPAM": {"Driver": "default","Config": [{"Subnet": "","IPRange": ""}]},"Containers": {},"Options": {}}]
Usage:docker network ls [OPTIONS]Lists networks --no-trunc=falseDo not truncate the output -q, --quiet=falseOnly display numeric IDs
$ docker network lsNETWORK IDNAMEDRIVER90b8ebd11e4fbridgebridge77dd4f913ba1nonenull65dfd6ebddabhosthost414e1dd5d71emy_networkbridge
my_network 为自定义的网格
Usage:docker network rm [OPTIONS] NETWORKDeletes a network$ docker network rm my_network1
Usage:docker network connect [OPTIONS] NETWORK CONTAINERConnects a container to a network
$ #docker run -it --name=web ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
root@d35ef0bda3fb:/# ifconfigeth0Link encap:EthernetHWaddr 02:42:ac:11:00:02inet addr: addr: fe80::42:acff:fe11:2/64 Scope:LinkUP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICASTMTU:1500Metric:1RX packets:5 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0TX packets:6 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0collisions:0 txqueuelen:0RX bytes:418 (418.0 B)TX bytes:508 (508.0 B)
$ docker network connect my_network web
root@d35ef0bda3fb:/# ifconfigeth0Link encap:EthernetHWaddr 02:42:ac:11:00:02inet addr: addr: fe80::42:acff:fe11:2/64 Scope:LinkUP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICASTMTU:1500Metric:1RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0collisions:0 txqueuelen:0RX bytes:648 (648.0 B)TX bytes:648 (648.0 B)eth1Link encap:EthernetHWaddr 02:42:c0:a8:01:02inet addr: addr: fe80::42:c0ff:fea8:102/64 Scope:LinkUP BROADCAST RUNNING MULTICASTMTU:1500Metric:1RX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0TX packets:8 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0collisions:0 txqueuelen:0RX bytes:648 (648.0 B)TX bytes:648 (648.0 B)
Usage:docker network disconnect [OPTIONS] NETWORK CONTAINERDisconnects container from a network
# docker network disconnect my_network web
Usage:docker pause [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]Pause all processes within a container --help=falsePrint usage
此时,通过docker stats可以观察到此时的资源使用情况是固定不变的,通过docker logs -f也观察不到日志的进一步输出。
$ docker pause 87cb69be18bb
docker unpause 重新启动一个容器。
Usage:docker port [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [PRIVATE_PORT[/PROTO]]List port mappings or a specific mapping for the CONTAINER
# docker port blog80/tcp ->
Usage:docker ps [OPTIONS]List containers -a, --all=falseShow all containers (default shows just running) --before=Show only container created before Id or Name -f, --filter=[]Filter output based on conditions provided --format=Pretty-print containers using a Go template --help=falsePrint usage -l, --latest=falseShow the latest created container, include non-running -n=-1Show n last created containers, include non-running --no-trunc=falseDon\'t truncate output -q, --quiet=falseOnly display numeric IDs -s, --size=falseDisplay total file sizes --since=Show created since Id or Name, include non-running
Usage:docker pull [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST]Pull an image or a repository from a registry -a, --all-tags=falseDownload all tagged images in the repository --disable-content-trust=trueSkip image verification --help=falsePrint usage
Usage:docker pull [OPTIONS] NAME[:TAG|@DIGEST]Pull an image or a repository from a registry -a, --all-tags=falseDownload all tagged images in the repository --disable-content-trust=trueSkip image verification --help=falsePrint usage
Usage:docker rename [OPTIONS] OLD_NAME NEW_NAMERename a container --help=falsePrint usage
# docker rename tender_lichterman web1
Usage:docker restart [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]Restart a container --help=falsePrint usage -t, --time=10Seconds to wait for stop before killing the container
Usage:docker rm [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]Remove one or more containers -f, --force=falseForce the removal of a running container (uses SIGKILL) --help=falsePrint usage -l, --link=falseRemove the specified link -v, --volumes=falseRemove the volumes associated with the container
不可以删除一个运行中的容器,必须先用docker stop或docker kill使其停止。
如果要一次性删除所有容器,可使用 docker rm -f $(docker ps -a -q),其中,-q指的是只列出容器的ID。
Usage:docker rmi [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...]Remove one or more images -f, --force=falseForce removal of the image --help=falsePrint usage --no-prune=falseDo not delete untagged parents
Usage:docker save [OPTIONS] IMAGE [IMAGE...]Save an image(s) to a tar archive (streamed to STDOUT by default) --help=falsePrint usage -o, --output=Write to a file, instead of STDOUT
# docker save webserver > webserver.tar# docker save -o webserver.tar webserver:v1
Usage:docker search [OPTIONS] TERMSearch the Docker Hub for images --automated=falseOnly show automated builds --help=falsePrint usage --no-trunc=falseDon\'t truncate output -s, --stars=0Only displays with at least x stars
Usage:docker start [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]Start one or more stopped containers -a, --attach=falseAttach STDOUT/STDERR and forward signals --help=falsePrint usage -i, --interactive=falseAttach container\'s STDIN启动一个或多个停止的镜像。
$ docker start -ia 87cb69be18bbroot@87cb69be18bb:/# ls
Usage:docker stats [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]Display a live stream of container(s) resource usage statistics --help=falsePrint usage --no-stream=falseDisable streaming stats and only pull the first result
Usage:docker stop [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]Stop a running container.Sending SIGTERM and then SIGKILL after a grace period --help=falsePrint usage -t, --time=10Seconds to wait for stop before killing it
Usage:docker tag [OPTIONS] IMAGE[:TAG] [REGISTRYHOST/][USERNAME/]NAME[:TAG]Tag an image into a repository -f, --force=falseForce --help=falsePrint usage
Usage:docker top [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [ps OPTIONS]Display the running processes of a container
$ docker top 87cb69be18bbUIDPIDPPIDCSTIMETTYTIMECMDroot512679012:59pts/300:00:00/bin/bash
Usage:docker unpause [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]Unpause all processes within a container --help=falsePrint usage
Usage:docker unpause [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]Unpause all processes within a container --help=falsePrint usage
$ docker versionClient:Version:1.9.1API version:1.21Go version:go1.4.3Git commit:a34a1d5Built:Fri Nov 20 17:56:04 UTC 2015OS/Arch:linux/amd64Server:Version:1.9.1API version:1.21Go version:go1.4.3Git commit:a34a1d5Built:Fri Nov 20 17:56:04 UTC 2015OS/Arch:linux/amd64
Usage:docker volume [OPTIONS] [COMMAND]Manage Docker volumesCommands: createCreate a volume inspectReturn low-level information on a volume lsList volumes rmRemove a volume
Usage:docker volume create [OPTIONS]Create a volume -d, --driver=localSpecify volume driver name --name=Specify volume name -o, --opt=map[]Set driver specific options
$ docker volume create --name=\'data_v\'
$ docker run -it -v data_v:/data ubuntu:14.04 /bin/bash
Usage:docker volume inspect [OPTIONS] VOLUME [VOLUME...]Return low-level information on a volume -f, --format=Format the output using the given go template
$ docker volume inspect data_v[{"Name": "data_v","Driver": "local","Mountpoint": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/data_v/_data"}]
Usage:docker volume ls [OPTIONS]List volumes -f, --filter=[]Provide filter values (i.e. \'dangling=true\') -q, --quiet=falseOnly display volume names$ docker volume lsDRIVERVOLUME NAMElocal04ad14c9c5dbeecd08fe37927024b73efc809da9698eb7000c63e214e929ec15local067591aee8ac7ab721de3cba6896c9574703d434604e74f97ff489eecda42777local127dcc895206f024f9ece5d88da97db7ea0a9b689f2cf662a38f9baaba441755local19fc4d60583be9cda8b0d3f408e64c69efcad90dcab617655b22983588cc8a7clocal1a1020d07eddf1d796dcef60e89f4a65cfd440c4817ea5d2d9cc608af8b3c139
Usage:docker volume rm [OPTIONS] VOLUME [VOLUME...]$ docker volume rm data_v
Usage:docker wait [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [CONTAINER...]Block until a container stops, then print its exit code --help=falsePrint usage
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