
【WordPress搜索结果页面上的” 添加” 按钮】我想在搜索结果中添加一个按钮” 找不到运动鞋?单击此处” 。此按钮将用作到另一个页面的链接, 客户可以在该页面上提交自定义订单。请告诉我该按钮的编码位置。
我尝试在search.php中添加按钮代码, 但按钮未出现在搜索结果页面中

< ?php if ( $postCount > 8 ) { ?> < div class="row"> < div class="col-sm-12"> < div class="search-form-wrapper u-mb-30"> < div class="search gensearch__wrapper kl-gensearch--< ?php echo zget_option( 'zn_main_style', 'color_options', false, 'light' ); ?> "> < ?php get_search_form(); ?> < /div> < /div> < /div> < /div> < ?php } ?> < /div> < div class="row"> < div class="col-sm-12"> < a class="btn" href=""> Not found Desired Sneakers? Click here< /a> < /div> < /div> < /section>

#1假设你正在使用默认的WordPress搜索页面, 则可以通过全局wp_query访问结果数。
global $wp_query; $customOrderPageId = 10; // UPDATE with your custom order page ID $searchTerm = get_search_query() // If you want a flexible "Desired Sneakers" based on what the user is searching...if ($wp_query-> found_posts == 0) { echo '< a class="btn" href="'.get_permalink($customOrderPageId).'"> Not found '.$searchTerm.'? Click here< /a> '; }
