
当我点击首页上列出的任何类别时, 例如瑜伽, 该网站将导航到该分类法中创建的所有视频的存档, 这不是我想要的行为。
我想要的是该档案库返回已发布该类别视频并嵌套在列表中的作者列表, 以显示与该类别中该作者相关的视频。

// This query brings the videos within the videos_categories taxonomy that match the current slug $term = get_queried_object(); $loop = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'video', 'posts_per_page' => 10, 'tax_query' => array( //(array) - use taxonomy parameters (available with Version 3.1). 'relation' => 'AND', //(string) - Possible values are 'AND' or 'OR' and is the equivalent of running a JOIN for each taxonomy array( 'taxonomy' => 'videos_categories', //(string) - Taxonomy. 'field' => 'slug', //(string) - Select taxonomy term by ('id' or 'slug') terms' => $term-> slug, //(int/string/array) - Taxonomy term(s). include_children' => true, //(bool) - Whether or not to include children for hierarchical taxonomies. Defaults to true. 'operator' => 'IN' //(string) - Operator to test. Possible values are 'IN', 'NOT IN', 'AND'. ), ), ) );

到目前为止, 这是我所做的事情, 我不知道如何嵌套视频列表, 以便父级是作者, 子级是与该作者关联的视频
$argsA = array( 'orderby'=> 'name', 'order'=> 'ASC', 'number'=> null, 'optioncount'=> false, 'exclude_admin' => true, 'show_fullname' => false, 'hide_empty'=> false, 'echo'=> true, // 'feed'=> [empty string], // 'feed_image'=> [empty string], // 'feed_type'=> [empty string], 'style'=> 'list', 'html'=> true, ); $authors = wp_list_authors($argsA); // This query brings the videos within the videos_categories taxonomy that match the current slug $term = get_queried_object();

< div class="container airkit-archive-content"> < div class="row"> < ?php if (!empty($authors)): ?> < ?php foreach ($authors as $author): ?> < ?php $author_id = $author-> ID; $author_display_name = $author-> name; $query_args = array( 'author' => $author_id, 'post_type' => 'video', 'tax_query' => array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'taxonomy' => 'videos_categories', 'field'=> 'slug', 'terms'=> $term-> slug, 'include_children' => true, 'operator' => 'IN'), ), ); ?> < ?php endforeach; ?> < ?php endif ?> < /div> < /div>

  • 克里斯蒂安·恩特纳多
  • b
  • 何塞·米格尔(Jose Miguel)
  • Yonatan T.
  • 培训师姓名
    • 他/她在当前类别中发布的视频
按照@Tokant的要求/建议, 我复制/粘贴了他的代码片段, 它起作用了, 打印了一个作者, 我认为这是因为他是唯一发布视频的人
< div class="row"> < ?php $term = get_queried_object(); ?> < ?php $authors_args = array( 'echo'=> false, 'orderby'=> 'name', 'order'=> 'ASC', ); $author_list = wp_list_authors($authors_args); if (!empty($author_list)):echo $author_list; foreach ($author_list as $author): $author_id = $author-> ID; $author_display_name = $author-> name; $query_args = array( 'author' => $author_id, ); $the_query = new WP_Query( $query_args ); if ( $the_query-> have_posts() ) :while ( $the_query-> have_posts() ) : $the_query-> the_post(); endwhile; wp_reset_postdata(); endif; endforeach; endif; ?> < /div>

  • 何塞·米格尔(Jose Miguel)
#1早上好, 感谢Tokant, 我得以以自己的方式找到解决方案。
我所做的就是将布局放在一起, 以便层次结构像这样。
你必须安装Buddypress插件才能使” orden” 键正常工作, 并将此脚本添加到子主题的functions.php中
/*Función para ordenar los autores*/add_action('show_user_profile', 'extra_user_profile_fields'); add_action('edit_user_profile', 'extra_user_profile_fields'); function extra_user_profile_fields($user) { ?> < ?php if (current_user_can('administrator')) { ?> < h3> < ?php _e("Administrar Posiciones", "blank"); ?> < /h3> < table class="form-table"> < tr> < th> < label for="orden"> < ?php _e("Modificar Orden"); ?> < /label> < /th> < td> < input type="number" name="orden" id="orden" value="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_attr(get_the_author_meta('orden', $user-> ID)); ?> " class="regular-text" /> < br /> < span class="description"> < ?php _e("Campo solo para administradores"); ?> < /span> < /td> < /tr> < tr> < /table> < ?php } ?> < ?php }add_action('personal_options_update', 'save_extra_user_profile_fields'); add_action('edit_user_profile_update', 'save_extra_user_profile_fields'); function save_extra_user_profile_fields($user_id) { if (!current_user_can('edit_user', $user_id)) { return false; } update_user_meta($user_id, 'orden', $_POST['orden']); }

  • 作者的循环:
< ?php // Theme's WP_Query arguments$airkit_video= ''; $figure_attributes= array(); $airkit_is_img= airkit_single_option('img'); $airkit_img_src=http://www.srcmini.com/wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($videos-> ID)); $airkit_video_type= get_post_meta($videos-> ID,'video_type', true); $airkit_external_video= get_post_meta($videos-> ID, 'video_url', true); $airkit_embedded_video= get_post_meta($videos-> ID, 'video_embed', true); $airkit_uploaded_video= get_post_meta($videos-> ID, 'video_upload', true); //Arguments for users Query $arg_user =array( 'role__in'=> ['author'], 'post_type'=> 'video', 'has_published_posts'=> ['video'], 'fields'=> ['ID'], 'meta_query' => array( array( 'relation' => 'OR', array('key' => 'orden', 'value' => '0', 'compare' => '!='), array('key' => 'orden', 'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS'), ), ), 'orderby' => 'meta_value', 'order' => 'ASC', ); //var_dump($arg_user); $yec_args = get_users($arg_user); //We obtain the list of all the users of the site to compare with the criteria of the query, it will look for in the author role, the users that have published entries in the custom post type video and it will avoid to bring the ones that do not have entries.$yec_user_id= wp_list_pluck($yec_args, 'ID'); //print_r($yec_user_id); ?> ?>

然后, 我们遍历每个作者并输出html
< div class="container container-todo" style="transform: none; display: flex; "> < div class="post-details-row current-reading" style="transform: none; "> < ?php // Loop & retrieve el ID authors IDforeach ($yec_user_id as $author_id): //main FOREACH // We get the ID of the current author who is returning the loop $curauth = get_userdata($author_id); //var_dump($curauth-> user_nicename); $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'video', 'author' => $author_id, 'groupby' => 'author', 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'videos_categories', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => get_queried_object()-> slug, ), ), 'meta_key' => 'airkit_views', 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', 'order' => 'DESC'); //We return the videos and count them.$posts = get_posts($args); $number_post = count($posts); //var_dump($number_post); //if this author has posts, then include his name in the list otherwise don'tif (isset($posts) & & !empty($posts)) { // MAIN IF?> < div class="row" style="display: flex; align-items: center; "> < div class="sidebar-right col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12" style="display: flex; justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap; "> < !-- Datos del autor --> < div class="tszf-author-body"> < div class="item col-md-12 col-xs-12" style="text-align: center; "> < div class="yec-user-image"> < img src="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_url(get_avatar_url($author_id)); ?>" /> < /div> < div class="item col-xs-12"> < span class="yec-authors"> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo get_option('siteurl') . '/members/' . $curauth-> user_nicename . '/posts' ?> " class="post-link"> < ?php echo "" . $curauth-> first_name . " " . $curauth-> last_name . ""; ?> < /a> < /span> < /div> < /div> < /div> < div class="tszf-user-name"> < ul class="social"> < ?php echo airkit_var_sanitize($social_icons, 'the_kses'); ?> < /ul> < /div> < !-- Fin de datos del autor --> < !-- Aquí deben ir los vídeos de ese autor --> < ?php $count = 0; ?> < ?php foreach ($posts as $post) { ?> < ?php if ($count == "4") { // Si hay vídeos no imprimas más de 2 y salte del condicional break; } else{ ?> < !-- Este es el bloque iterable --> < div class="item col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> < article class="video type-video status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry has-lazy-placeholder airkit_view-article text-left below-image effect-always hidden-excerpt has-image" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Article"> < figure class="image-holder has-background-img lazy lazyloaded" style="background-image: url(< ?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail_url($post-> ID, 'full') ?> ); display: block; "> < a class="post-format-link" href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="< ?php echo $post-> post_title; ?> "> < span class="post-type"> < i class="icon-play-full"> < /i> < /span> < /a> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="post-link"> < /a> < div class="overlay-effect "> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="overlay-link darken"> < /a> < /div> < /figure> < header class="entry-content-below"> < div class="entry-content"> < ul class="entry-categories"> < li class="term"> < ?php $slug = get_queried_object()-> slug; ?> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php the_permalink(); ?>"> < ?php echo $post-> post_title; ?> < /a> < !-- < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo $post-> guid; ?>"> < ?php echo $slug; ?> < /a> --> < /li> < /ul> < h2 class="entry-title" itemprop="name headline"> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="< ?php echo $post-> post_title; ?> "> < ?php echo $video-> post_title; ?> < /a> < div class="widget-meta"> < ul class="list-inline"> < li class="red-comments"> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo get_permalink($post-> ID) .'#comments' ?> "> < i class="icon-comments"> < /i> < span class="comments-count"> < ?php echo airkit_var_sanitize($post-> comment_count, 'the_kses') . ' '; ?> < /span> < /a> < /li> < li class="meta-views"> < i class="icon-views-1"> < /i> < ?php airkit_get_views($post-> ID, true); ?> < /li> < /ul> < /div> < /h2> < /div> < !-- Aquí termina el contenido de los vídeos --> < /header> < /article> < /div> < !--Fin del bloque iterable --> < ?php $count++; } //CIERRE DEL IF DEL COUNT ?> < ?php } //CIERRE FOREACH DE POST?> < /div> < !-- Flecha que nos lleva al perfil del autor --> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo get_option('siteurl') . '/members/' . $curauth-> user_nicename . '/posts' ?> " class="post-link"> < span style="font-size: 3em; color: rgba(60, 185, 207, 1); "> < i class="fas fa-angle-double-right" style="margin-top:50px"> < /i> < /span> < br /> < /a> < span style="color: rgba(60, 185, 207, 1); "> (< ?php echo $number_post; ?> ) < i class="fas fa-video"> < /i> < /span> < /div> < ?php } // END of MAIN IF?> < ?php endforeach; //END OF MAIN FOREACH ?>

#2你可以为所有作者执行WP_Query。在每个作者的循环中, 你首先要获得作者的ID, 然后为” 视频” 帖子类型创建一个WP_Query, 就像你已经做过的一样, 只是在$ args中添加身份的ID, 如下所示:
$authors_args = array( 'echo'=> false, 'orderby'=> 'name', 'order'=> 'ASC', ); $authors = wp_list_authors($args); if (!empty($authors)): foreach ($authors as $author): $author_id = $author-> ID; $author_display_name = $author-> name; $query_args = array( 'author' => $author_id, [your args] ); $the_query = new WP_Query( $query_args ); if ( $the_query-> have_posts() ) : [output author name] while ( $the_query-> have_posts() ) : $the_query-> the_post(); [output post/video] endwhile; wp_reset_postdata(); endif; endforeach; endif;

当我点击首页上列出的任何类别时, 例如瑜伽, 该网站将导航到该分类法中创建的所有视频的存档, 这不是我想要的行为。
我想要的是该档案库返回已发布该类别视频并嵌套在列表中的作者列表, 以显示与该类别中该作者相关的视频。
// This query brings the videos within the videos_categories taxonomy that match the current slug $term = get_queried_object(); $loop = new WP_Query( array( 'post_type' => 'video', 'posts_per_page' => 10, 'tax_query' => array( //(array) - use taxonomy parameters (available with Version 3.1). 'relation' => 'AND', //(string) - Possible values are 'AND' or 'OR' and is the equivalent of running a JOIN for each taxonomy array( 'taxonomy' => 'videos_categories', //(string) - Taxonomy. 'field' => 'slug', //(string) - Select taxonomy term by ('id' or 'slug') terms' => $term-> slug, //(int/string/array) - Taxonomy term(s). include_children' => true, //(bool) - Whether or not to include children for hierarchical taxonomies. Defaults to true. 'operator' => 'IN' //(string) - Operator to test. Possible values are 'IN', 'NOT IN', 'AND'. ), ), ) );

到目前为止, 这是我所做的事情, 我不知道如何嵌套视频列表, 以便父级是作者, 子级是与该作者关联的视频
$argsA = array( 'orderby'=> 'name', 'order'=> 'ASC', 'number'=> null, 'optioncount'=> false, 'exclude_admin' => true, 'show_fullname' => false, 'hide_empty'=> false, 'echo'=> true, // 'feed'=> [empty string], // 'feed_image'=> [empty string], // 'feed_type'=> [empty string], 'style'=> 'list', 'html'=> true, ); $authors = wp_list_authors($argsA); // This query brings the videos within the videos_categories taxonomy that match the current slug $term = get_queried_object();

< div class="container airkit-archive-content"> < div class="row"> < ?php if (!empty($authors)): ?> < ?php foreach ($authors as $author): ?> < ?php $author_id = $author-> ID; $author_display_name = $author-> name; $query_args = array( 'author' => $author_id, 'post_type' => 'video', 'tax_query' => array( 'relation' => 'AND', array( 'taxonomy' => 'videos_categories', 'field'=> 'slug', 'terms'=> $term-> slug, 'include_children' => true, 'operator' => 'IN'), ), ); ?> < ?php endforeach; ?> < ?php endif ?> < /div> < /div>

  • 克里斯蒂安·恩特纳多
  • b
  • 何塞·米格尔(Jose Miguel)
  • Yonatan T.
  • 培训师姓名
    • 他/她在当前类别中发布的视频
按照@Tokant的要求/建议, 我复制/粘贴了他的代码片段, 它起作用了, 打印了一个作者, 我认为这是因为他是唯一发布视频的人
< div class="row"> < ?php $term = get_queried_object(); ?> < ?php $authors_args = array( 'echo'=> false, 'orderby'=> 'name', 'order'=> 'ASC', ); $author_list = wp_list_authors($authors_args); if (!empty($author_list)):echo $author_list; foreach ($author_list as $author): $author_id = $author-> ID; $author_display_name = $author-> name; $query_args = array( 'author' => $author_id, ); $the_query = new WP_Query( $query_args ); if ( $the_query-> have_posts() ) :while ( $the_query-> have_posts() ) : $the_query-> the_post(); endwhile; wp_reset_postdata(); endif; endforeach; endif; ?> < /div>

  • 何塞·米格尔(Jose Miguel)
#4早上好, 感谢Tokant, 我得以以自己的方式找到解决方案。
我所做的就是将布局放在一起, 以便层次结构像这样。
你必须安装Buddypress插件才能使” orden” 键正常工作, 并将此脚本添加到子主题的functions.php中
/*Función para ordenar los autores*/add_action('show_user_profile', 'extra_user_profile_fields'); add_action('edit_user_profile', 'extra_user_profile_fields'); function extra_user_profile_fields($user) { ?> < ?php if (current_user_can('administrator')) { ?> < h3> < ?php _e("Administrar Posiciones", "blank"); ?> < /h3> < table class="form-table"> < tr> < th> < label for="orden"> < ?php _e("Modificar Orden"); ?> < /label> < /th> < td> < input type="number" name="orden" id="orden" value="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_attr(get_the_author_meta('orden', $user-> ID)); ?> " class="regular-text" /> < br /> < span class="description"> < ?php _e("Campo solo para administradores"); ?> < /span> < /td> < /tr> < tr> < /table> < ?php } ?> < ?php }add_action('personal_options_update', 'save_extra_user_profile_fields'); add_action('edit_user_profile_update', 'save_extra_user_profile_fields'); function save_extra_user_profile_fields($user_id) { if (!current_user_can('edit_user', $user_id)) { return false; } update_user_meta($user_id, 'orden', $_POST['orden']); }

  • 作者的循环:
< ?php // Theme's WP_Query arguments$airkit_video= ''; $figure_attributes= array(); $airkit_is_img= airkit_single_option('img'); $airkit_img_src=http://www.srcmini.com/wp_get_attachment_url(get_post_thumbnail_id($videos-> ID)); $airkit_video_type= get_post_meta($videos-> ID,'video_type', true); $airkit_external_video= get_post_meta($videos-> ID, 'video_url', true); $airkit_embedded_video= get_post_meta($videos-> ID, 'video_embed', true); $airkit_uploaded_video= get_post_meta($videos-> ID, 'video_upload', true); //Arguments for users Query $arg_user =array( 'role__in'=> ['author'], 'post_type'=> 'video', 'has_published_posts'=> ['video'], 'fields'=> ['ID'], 'meta_query' => array( array( 'relation' => 'OR', array('key' => 'orden', 'value' => '0', 'compare' => '!='), array('key' => 'orden', 'compare' => 'NOT EXISTS'), ), ), 'orderby' => 'meta_value', 'order' => 'ASC', ); //var_dump($arg_user); $yec_args = get_users($arg_user); //We obtain the list of all the users of the site to compare with the criteria of the query, it will look for in the author role, the users that have published entries in the custom post type video and it will avoid to bring the ones that do not have entries.$yec_user_id= wp_list_pluck($yec_args, 'ID'); //print_r($yec_user_id); ?> ?>

然后, 我们遍历每个作者并输出html
< div class="container container-todo" style="transform: none; display: flex; "> < div class="post-details-row current-reading" style="transform: none; "> < ?php // Loop & retrieve el ID authors IDforeach ($yec_user_id as $author_id): //main FOREACH // We get the ID of the current author who is returning the loop $curauth = get_userdata($author_id); //var_dump($curauth-> user_nicename); $args = array( 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'post_type' => 'video', 'author' => $author_id, 'groupby' => 'author', 'tax_query' => array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'videos_categories', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => get_queried_object()-> slug, ), ), 'meta_key' => 'airkit_views', 'orderby' => 'meta_value_num', 'order' => 'DESC'); //We return the videos and count them.$posts = get_posts($args); $number_post = count($posts); //var_dump($number_post); //if this author has posts, then include his name in the list otherwise don'tif (isset($posts) & & !empty($posts)) { // MAIN IF?> < div class="row" style="display: flex; align-items: center; "> < div class="sidebar-right col-lg-12 col-md-12 col-xs-12" style="display: flex; justify-content: center; flex-wrap: wrap; "> < !-- Datos del autor --> < div class="tszf-author-body"> < div class="item col-md-12 col-xs-12" style="text-align: center; "> < div class="yec-user-image"> < img src="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo esc_url(get_avatar_url($author_id)); ?>" /> < /div> < div class="item col-xs-12"> < span class="yec-authors"> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo get_option('siteurl') . '/members/' . $curauth-> user_nicename . '/posts' ?> " class="post-link"> < ?php echo "" . $curauth-> first_name . " " . $curauth-> last_name . ""; ?> < /a> < /span> < /div> < /div> < /div> < div class="tszf-user-name"> < ul class="social"> < ?php echo airkit_var_sanitize($social_icons, 'the_kses'); ?> < /ul> < /div> < !-- Fin de datos del autor --> < !-- Aquí deben ir los vídeos de ese autor --> < ?php $count = 0; ?> < ?php foreach ($posts as $post) { ?> < ?php if ($count == "4") { // Si hay vídeos no imprimas más de 2 y salte del condicional break; } else{ ?> < !-- Este es el bloque iterable --> < div class="item col-lg-4 col-md-6 col-sm-6 col-xs-12"> < article class="video type-video status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry has-lazy-placeholder airkit_view-article text-left below-image effect-always hidden-excerpt has-image" itemscope="" itemtype="http://schema.org/Article"> < figure class="image-holder has-background-img lazy lazyloaded" style="background-image: url(< ?php echo get_the_post_thumbnail_url($post-> ID, 'full') ?> ); display: block; "> < a class="post-format-link" href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="< ?php echo $post-> post_title; ?> "> < span class="post-type"> < i class="icon-play-full"> < /i> < /span> < /a> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="post-link"> < /a> < div class="overlay-effect "> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php the_permalink(); ?>" class="overlay-link darken"> < /a> < /div> < /figure> < header class="entry-content-below"> < div class="entry-content"> < ul class="entry-categories"> < li class="term"> < ?php $slug = get_queried_object()-> slug; ?> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php the_permalink(); ?>"> < ?php echo $post-> post_title; ?> < /a> < !-- < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo $post-> guid; ?>"> < ?php echo $slug; ?> < /a> --> < /li> < /ul> < h2 class="entry-title" itemprop="name headline"> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php the_permalink(); ?>" title="< ?php echo $post-> post_title; ?> "> < ?php echo $video-> post_title; ?> < /a> < div class="widget-meta"> < ul class="list-inline"> < li class="red-comments"> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo get_permalink($post-> ID) .'#comments' ?> "> < i class="icon-comments"> < /i> < span class="comments-count"> < ?php echo airkit_var_sanitize($post-> comment_count, 'the_kses') . ' '; ?> < /span> < /a> < /li> < li class="meta-views"> < i class="icon-views-1"> < /i> < ?php airkit_get_views($post-> ID, true); ?> < /li> < /ul> < /div> < /h2> < /div> < !-- Aquí termina el contenido de los vídeos --> < /header> < /article> < /div> < !--Fin del bloque iterable --> < ?php $count++; } //CIERRE DEL IF DEL COUNT ?> < ?php } //CIERRE FOREACH DE POST?> < /div> < !-- Flecha que nos lleva al perfil del autor --> < a href="http://www.srcmini.com/< ?php echo get_option('siteurl') . '/members/' . $curauth-> user_nicename . '/posts' ?> " class="post-link"> < span style="font-size: 3em; color: rgba(60, 185, 207, 1); "> < i class="fas fa-angle-double-right" style="margin-top:50px"> < /i> < /span> < br /> < /a> < span style="color: rgba(60, 185, 207, 1); "> (< ?php echo $number_post; ?> ) < i class="fas fa-video"> < /i> < /span> < /div> < ?php } // END of MAIN IF?> < ?php endforeach; //END OF MAIN FOREACH ?>

#5你可以为所有作者执行WP_Query。在每个作者的循环中, 你首先要获得作者的ID, 然后为” 视频” 帖子类型创建一个WP_Query, 就像你已经做过的一样, 只是在$ args中添加身份的ID, 如下所示:
$authors_args = array( 'echo'=> false, 'orderby'=> 'name', 'order'=> 'ASC', ); $authors = wp_list_authors($args); if (!empty($authors)): foreach ($authors as $author): $author_id = $author-> ID; $author_display_name = $author-> name; $query_args = array( 'author' => $author_id, [your args] ); $the_query = new WP_Query( $query_args ); if ( $the_query-> have_posts() ) : [output author name] while ( $the_query-> have_posts() ) : $the_query-> the_post(); [output post/video] endwhile; wp_reset_postdata(); endif; endforeach; endif;
