
我已经为WordPress主题创建了一个自定义部分, 但是, 每当打印该部分时, 都会添加内联样式以隐藏该部分。这是节声明, 自定义节注册及其用法:

< ?php/* Theme Test Data */ class theme_test_data extends WP_Customize_Section { public $type = "theme_test_data"; public $test_url = ""; public $test_text = ""; public $test_link_text = ""; public function json() { $json = parent::json(); $json['test_text'] = $this-> test_text; $json['test_link_text'] = $this-> test_link_text; $json['test_url']= esc_url( $this-> test_url ); return $json; }public function render_template() {?> < li id="accordion-section-{{ data.id }}" class="accordion-section control-section control-section-{{ data.type }}"> < form method="POST" action="{{data.test_url}}"> < input type="hidden" name="testdatainstall" value="http://www.srcmini.com/1"/> < ?php wp_nonce_field('theme.initialize'); ?> < h3 class="accordion-section-title"> < span> {{data.test_text}}< /span> < button type="submit" class="theme_customizer_doc_button btn"> {{data.test_link_text}}< /button> < /h3> < /form> < /li> < ?php } }//Theme registration $wp_customize-> register_section_type( 'theme_test_data' ); //Add section $wp_customize-> add_section(new theme_test_data($wp_customize, 'theme_test_data', array( 'title'=> __('Section Title', 'theme_language'), 'test_url'=> admin_url('edit.php'), 'test_text' => __('Install our test data', 'theme_language'), 'test_link_text' => __('Install', 'theme_language'), 'priority' => 1000 )));

但是, 在HTML输出中, 其呈现方式如下:
< li id="accordion-section-theme_test_data" class="accordion-section control-section control-section-theme_test_data" aria-owns="sub-accordion-section-theme_test_data" style="display: none; "> < form method="POST" action="{hiddenforprivacy}"> < input name="testdatainstall" value="http://www.srcmini.com/1" type="hidden"> < input id="_wpnonce" name="_wpnonce" value="http://www.srcmini.com/24923e18ae" type="hidden"> < input name="_wp_http_referer" value="http://www.srcmini.com/wp/wp-admin/customize.php?return=%2Fwp%2Fwp-admin%2Fedit.php" type="hidden"> < h3 class="accordion-section-title"> < span> Install our test data< /span> < button type="submit" class="theme_customizer_doc_button btn"> Install< /button> < /h3> < /form> < /li>

api.sectionConstructor['theme_test_data'] = api.Section.extend( {// No events for this type of section. attachEvents: function () {}, // Always make the section active. isContextuallyActive: function () { return true; } } );
