WordPress wp_insert_post在移动设备上多次触发

我在Wordpress上构建了自定义的前端多页捐赠表单, 通过跨页面的会话变量保存数据。然后, 我使用save_post钩子来运行一个函数, 以在提交表单后将用户重定向到在线支付门户。问题是, 当用户通过移动设备访问表单时, 函数wp_insert_post会多次触发。
【WordPress wp_insert_post在移动设备上多次触发】这是我在php页面上用于处理表单数据的代码。

< ?php header('Cache-Control: no cache'); //no cache session_cache_limiter('private_no_expire'); // works //session_cache_limiter('public'); // works too //let's start the session session_start(); require_once 'library/HTMLPurifier.auto.php'; $config = HTMLPurifier_Config::createDefault(); $purifier = new HTMLPurifier($config); //LISTING ALL VARIABLES AVAILABLE FROM FRONTEND FORM $negara = $_SESSION['negara']; $binatang = $_SESSION['binatang']; if($_SESSION['ekor']) { $ekorBahagian = $_SESSION['ekor']; } else { $ekorBahagian = $_SESSION['bahagian']; }$nama1 = $_SESSION['nama']; $kp1 = $_SESSION['kp']; $telefon1 = $_SESSION['telefon']; $emel1 = $_SESSION['emel']; $alamat11 = $_SESSION['alamat1']; $alamat21 = $_SESSION['alamat2']; $poskod1 = $_SESSION['poskod']; $bandar1 = $_SESSION['bandar']; $negeri1 = $_SESSION['negeri']; $peserta1 = $_SESSION['peserta']; $kempen = $_POST['kempen']; $bank = $_POST['bank']; if($telefon1) { $mobile = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $telefon1); $custTel = $mobile; $custTel2 = substr($mobile, 0, 1); if ($custTel2 == '+') { $custTel3 = substr($mobile, 1, 1); if ($custTel3 != '6') { $custTel = "+6" . $mobile; } } elseif ($custTel2 == '6') { } else { if ($custTel != '') { $custTel = "+6" . $mobile; } } }//purifying the texts $nama = $purifier-> purify($nama1); $kp = $purifier-> purify($kp1); $telefon = $purifier-> purify($custTel); $emel = $purifier-> purify($emel1); $alamat1 = $purifier-> purify($alamat11); $alamat2 = $purifier-> purify($alamat21); $poskod = $purifier-> purify($poskod1); $bandar = $purifier-> purify($bandar1); $negeri = $purifier-> purify($negeri1); $peserta = $purifier-> purify($peserta1); if($_SESSION['ekor']){ $bil = $_SESSION['ekor']; //capturing bilangan ekor into a var switch ($_SESSION['negara']){ case 'Malaysia': $jumlahHarga = $bil*(650*7); break; case 'ASEAN': $jumlahHarga = $bil*(450*7); break; case 'Timur Tengah': $jumlahHarga = $bil*(1300*7); break; case 'Afrika': $jumlahHarga = $bil*(350*7); break; default: } } else { $bil = $_SESSION['bahagian']; //capturing bilangan bahagian into a var switch ($_SESSION['negara']){ case 'Malaysia': $jumlahHarga = $bil*650; break; case 'ASEAN': $jumlahHarga = $bil*450; break; case 'Timur Tengah': $jumlahHarga = $bil*1300; break; case 'Afrika': $jumlahHarga = $bil*350; break; default: } }$post = array( 'post_title' => wp_strip_all_tags( $nama ), 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'qurban', 'meta_input' => array( 'pilihan_negara' => $negara, 'pilihan_lembu' => $binatang, 'bilangan_ekorbahagian' => $ekorBahagian, 'jumlah_bayaran' => $jumlahHarga, 'nama_penuh' => $nama, 'nombor_kad_pengenalan' => $kp, 'nombor_telefon' => $telefon, 'emel' => $emel, 'alamat_rumah_1' => $alamat1, 'alamat_rumah_2' => $alamat2, 'poskod' => $poskod, 'bandar' => $bandar, 'negeri' => $negeri, 'senarai_nama_peserta' => $peserta, 'bank' => $bank, 'kempen' => $kempen) ); $post_id = wp_insert_post($post); get_header(); ?> < ?php get_footer(); ?>

?php require_once "Mobile_Detect.php"; //////////////////////////// //// PAYMENT REDIRECTION FUNCTION ////////////////////////////function my_save_post_iq( $post_id ) {debug_to_console( "save post function fired" ); $billplzApi = get_field('iq_secret_key', 'option'); $billplzId = get_field('iq_collection_id', 'option'); // bail early if not a donation post if( get_post_type($post_id) !== 'qurban' ) { return; } // bail early if editing in admin if( is_admin() ) { return; }$post = get_post( $post_id); $jumlah_bayaran_iq = get_field('jumlah_bayaran', $post_id); //check & update user device type $detect = new Mobile_Detect; if($detect-> isMobile()){ update_field('devices', 'mobile' , $post); } else { update_field('devices', 'desktop', $post); }$name = get_field('nama_penuh', $post); $email = get_field('emel', $post); $mobile = get_field('nombor_telefon', $post); $bank = get_field('bank', $post); $billplz_data = http://www.srcmini.com/array('amount' => $jumlah_bayaran_iq * 100, 'name' => $name, 'mobile' => $mobile, 'email' => $email, 'collection_id' => $billplzId, 'deliver' => false, 'reference_1_label' => 'Bank Code', 'reference_1' => $bank, 'reference_2_label' => 'Post ID', 'reference_2' => $post_id, 'description' => 'xxx', 'redirect_url' => home_url('qurbanv2/paymentredirectv2'), 'callback_url' => home_url('paymentcallback') ); $process = curl_init('https://www.billplz.com/api/v3/bills/'); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $billplzApi . ":"); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($process, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($billplz_data)); $return = curl_exec($process); curl_close($process); $arr = json_decode($return, true); $billplz_url = $arr['url']; $billplz_id = $arr['id']; //update payment status update_field('billplz_iq', $billplz_id , $post); //$hzpost_name = array( //'ID'= $post, //'post_name'= $billplz_url //); // //wp_update_post($hzpost_name); header('Location: '. $billplz_url . '?auto_submit=true'); exit(); } add_action('save_post', 'my_save_post_iq', 10, 1);

我是Wordpress开发的新手, 请帮助。
#1发现了错误。这与支付网关如何处理手机号码有关。我在数字前面添加了一行, 以添加” +” , 并且复制停止了。
if($telefon1) { $mobile = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $telefon1); $custTel = $mobile; $custTel2 = substr($mobile, 0, 1); if ($custTel2 == '+') { $custTel3 = substr($mobile, 1, 1); if ($custTel3 != '6') { $custTel = "+6" . $mobile; } } elseif ($custTel2 == '6') { $custTel = "+" . $mobile; //added this line. } else { if ($custTel != '') { $custTel = "+6" . $mobile; } } }
