
在我的woocommerce登录表单成功登录中, 它是重定向到我所做的商店页面,
登录错误后应该是同一页面, 但它进入/wp-login.php。我得到了一些代码, 但是当我输入错误的用户名或密码时却可以正常工作, 但是当我输入空的用户名或密码时, 它将进入/ wp-login .php。

function my_front_end_login_fail( $username, $password ){ $referrer = $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if ( !empty($referrer) & & !strstr($referrer, 'wp-login') & & !strstr($referrer, 'wp-admin') ){ wp_redirect( $referrer . '?login_failed=failed' ); exit; } }

#1【登录重定向后的woocommerce】你好, 如果你想在登录后重定向, 你需要做
< ?php/*** Redirect users to custom URL based on their role after login** @param string $redirect* @param object $user* @return string*/function wc_custom_user_redirect( $redirect, $user ) {// Get the first of all the roles assigned to the user$role = $user-> roles[0]; $dashboard = admin_url(); $myaccount = get_permalink( wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ); if( $role == 'administrator' ) {//Redirect administrators to the dashboard$redirect = $dashboard; } elseif ( $role == 'shop-manager' ) {//Redirect shop managers to the dashboard$redirect = $dashboard; } elseif ( $role == 'editor' ) {//Redirect editors to the dashboard$redirect = $dashboard; } elseif ( $role == 'author' ) {//Redirect authors to the dashboard$redirect = $dashboard; } elseif ( $role == 'customer' || $role == 'subscriber' ) {//Redirect customers and subscribers to the "My Account" page$redirect = $myaccount; } else {//Redirect any other role to the previous visited page or, if not available, to the home$redirect = wp_get_referer() ? wp_get_referer() : home_url(); }return $redirect; }add_filter( 'woocommerce_login_redirect', 'wc_custom_user_redirect', 10, 2 );
