条件if语句/is_page在WordPress 3.0中不起作用

我已经尝试了多种变体, 但我知道这在我加入is_home时仍然有效, 即使那不是我要实现的目标, 但它会在每个页面上显示它……如果我尝试其他类似is_front_page或类似的东西我在下面的示例中, 这是我实际上想要实现的目标, 但是没有(工作!)。有人可以帮忙吗?

< ?php if (is_page('about')) { ?> < div id="testimonial-block" class="sidebar-block clearfix"> < h4> Testomonials< /h4> < p> "I feel so much more motivated and in control of my life. The coaching has given me the time to think about what I really wanted to achieve and how I can make it happen. I have been completely blown away by how much I have enjoyed coaching with Becky and embraced the concept across my whole life."< br /> < small> Caroline Rowe, < br /> Communications Manager< /small> < /p> < /div> < ?php } ?>

#1固定它!它放在< ?php wp_reset_query(); 中?>
【条件if语句/is_page在WordPress 3.0中不起作用】检查字母大写字母是否正确。
