
Thread类负责在多线程编程中创建和管理线程。它提供了一个称为活着检查线程是否处于活动状态。换句话说, 此属性的值指示线程的当前执行。

public bool IsAlive { get; }

返回值:该属性返回true如果线程已启动且未正常终止或中止。否则, 返回false。此属性的返回类型为System.Boolean.
// C# program to illustrate the // use of IsAlive property using System; using System.Threading; public class GFG {// Main Method static public void Main() { Thread thr; // Get the reference of main Thread // Using CurrentThread property thr = Thread.CurrentThread; // Display the current state of // the main thread Using IsAlive // property Console.WriteLine( "Is main thread is alive" + " ? : {0}" , thr.IsAlive); } }

Is main thread is alive ? : True

// C# program to illustrate the // use of IsAlive property using System; using System.Threading; public class GFG {// Main method public static void Main() { // Creating and initializing threads Thread Thr1 = new Thread( new ThreadStart(job)); Thread Thr2 = new Thread( new ThreadStart(job)); // Display the current state of // the threads Using IsAlive // property Console.WriteLine( "Is thread 1 is alive : {0}" , Thr1.IsAlive); Console.WriteLine( "Is thread 2 is alive : {0}" , Thr2.IsAlive); Thr1.Start(); Thr2.Start(); // Display the current state of // the threads Using IsAlive // property Console.WriteLine( "Is thread 1 is alive : {0}" , Thr1.IsAlive); Console.WriteLine( "Is thread 2 is alive : {0}" , Thr2.IsAlive); }// Static method public static void job() { Thread.Sleep(2000); } }

Is thread 1 is alive : FalseIs thread 2 is alive : FalseIs thread 1 is alive : TrueIs thread 2 is alive : True

  • https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.threading.thread.isalive?view=netframework-4.7.2
