
【如何在Golang中修剪字节切片()】在Go的字节切片中,允许使用trim()函数从给定的切片中裁剪所有的前导和尾部utf-8编码的代码点。这个函数通过切片所有在给定字符串中指定的utf -8编码的前导和尾部代码点,返回原始片的子片。如果给定的字节片中不包含指定的字符串,那么这个函数将不做任何更改返回原始的片。它是在bytes包下定义的,因此,你必须在程序中导入bytes包来访问Trim函数。

func Trim(ori_slice[]byte, cut_string string) []byte

这里, ori_slice是原始字节切片, 而cut_string表示要在给定切片中修剪的字符串。让我们借助给定的示例来讨论这个概念:
//Go program to illustrate the concept //of trim in the slice of bytes package mainimport ( "bytes" "fmt" )func main() {//Creating and initializing //the slice of bytes //Using shorthand declaration slice_1 := []byte{ '!' , '!' , 'G' , 'e' , 'e' , 'k' , 's' , 'f' , 'o' , 'r' , 'G' , 'e' , 'e' , 'k' , 's' , '#' , '#' }slice_2 := []byte{ '*' , '*' , 'A' , 'p' , 'p' , 'l' , 'e' , '^' , '^' }slice_3 := []byte{ '%' , 'g' , 'e' , 'e' , 'k' , 's' , '%' }//Displaying slices fmt.Println( "Original Slice:" ) fmt.Printf( "Slice 1: %s" , slice_1) fmt.Printf( "\nSlice 2: %s" , slice_2) fmt.Printf( "\nSlice 3: %s" , slice_3)//Trimming specified leading //and trailing Unicodes points //from the given slice of bytes //Using Trim function res1 := bytes.Trim(slice_1, "!#" ) res2 := bytes.Trim(slice_2, "*^" ) res3 := bytes.Trim(slice_3, "@" )//Display the results fmt.Printf( "New Slice:\n" ) fmt.Printf( "\nSlice 1: %s" , res1) fmt.Printf( "\nSlice 2: %s" , res2) fmt.Printf( "\nSlice 3: %s" , res3)}

Original Slice: Slice 1: !!srcmini## Slice 2: **Apple^^ Slice 3: %geeks%New Slice:Slice 1: srcmini Slice 2: Apple Slice 3: %geeks%

//Go program to illustrate the concept //of trim in the slice of bytes package mainimport ( "bytes" "fmt" )func main() {//Creating and trimming //the slice of bytes //Using Trim function res1 := bytes.Trim([]byte( "****Welcome to srcmini****" ), "*" ) res2 := bytes.Trim([]byte( "!!!!Learning how to trim a slice of bytes@@@@" ), "!@" ) res3 := bytes.Trim([]byte( "^^Geek& & " ), "$" )//Display the results fmt.Printf( "Final Slice:\n" ) fmt.Printf( "\nSlice 1: %s" , res1) fmt.Printf( "\nSlice 2: %s" , res2) fmt.Printf( "\nSlice 3: %s" , res3) }

Final Slice:Slice 1: Welcome to srcmini Slice 2: Learning how to trim a slice of bytes Slice 3: ^^Geek& &
