Python Tkinter中的PanedWindow小部件用法

【Python Tkinter中的PanedWindow小部件用法】Tkinter支持各种小部件, 以使GUI越来越具有吸引力和功能。的平移窗口窗口小部件是一个几何图形管理器窗口小部件, 其中可以包含一个或多个子窗口小部件窗格。用户可以通过移动分隔线来调整子窗口小部件的大小腰带使用鼠标。

语法:PanedWindow(master, ** options)参数:master:父窗口小部件或main Tk()对象选项:在配置方法中或直接在构造函数中传递
PanedWindow可用于实现常见的2窗格或3窗格, 但可以使用多个窗格。
# Importing everything from tkinter module from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk# main tkinter window root = Tk()# panedwindow object pw = PanedWindow(orient = 'vertical' )# Button widget top = ttk.Button(pw, text = "Click Me !\nI'm a Button" ) top.pack(side = TOP)# This will add button widget to the panedwindow pw.add(top)# Checkbutton Widget bot = Checkbutton(pw, text = "Choose Me !" ) bot.pack(side = TOP)# This will add Checkbutton to panedwindow pw.add(bot)# expand is used so that widgets can expand # fill is used to let widgets adjust itself # according to the size of main window pw.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True )# This method is used to show sash pw.configure(sashrelief = RAISED)# Infinite loop can be destroyed by # keyboard or mouse interrupt mainloop()

Python Tkinter中的PanedWindow小部件用法

# Importing everything from tkinter module from tkinter import * from tkinter import ttk# main tkinter window root = Tk()# panedwindow object pw = PanedWindow(orient = 'vertical' )# Button widget top = ttk.Button(pw, text = "Click Me !\nI'm a Button" ) top.pack(side = TOP)# This will add button widget to the panedwindow pw.add(top)# Checkbutton Widget bot = Checkbutton(pw, text = "Choose Me !" ) bot.pack(side = TOP)# This will add Checkbutton to panedwindow pw.add(bot)# adding Label widget label = Label(pw, text = "I'm a Label" ) label.pack(side = TOP)pw.add(label)# Tkinter string variable string = StringVar()# Entry widget with some styling in fonts entry = Entry(pw, textvariable = string, font = ( 'arial' , 15 , 'bold' )) entry.pack()# Focus force is used to focus on particular # widget that means widget is already selected for operations entry.focus_force()pw.add(entry)# expand is used so that widgets can expand # fill is used to let widgets adjust itself # according to the size of main window pw.pack(fill = BOTH, expand = True )# This method is used to show sash pw.configure(sashrelief = RAISED)# Infinite loop can be destroyed by # keyboard or mouse interrupt mainloop()

Python Tkinter中的PanedWindow小部件用法

首先, 你的面试准备可通过以下方式增强你的数据结构概念:Python DS课程。
