

GDB 最常用的命令?b main? - Puts a breakpoint at the beginning of the program
?b? - Puts a breakpoint at the current line
?b N? - Puts a breakpoint at line N
?b +N? - Puts a breakpoint N lines down from the current line
?b fn? - Puts a breakpoint at the beginning of function "fn"
?d N? - Deletes breakpoint number N
?info break? - list breakpoints
?r? - Runs the program until a breakpoint or error
?c? - Continues running the program until the next breakpoint or error
?f? - Runs until the current function is finished
?s? - Runs the next line of the program
?s N? - Runs the next N lines of the program
?n? - Like s, but it does not step into functions
?u N? - Runs until you get N lines in front of the current line
?p var? - Prints the current value of the variable "var"
?bt? - Prints a stack trace
?u? - Goes up a level in the stack
?d? - Goes down a level in the stack
?q? - Quits gdb
