
异步执行 I/O 密集型操作是生产高响应和可伸缩应用程序及组件的关键。可让您使用极少量的线程来执行大量的工作,而无需阻止任何线程。然而异步编程却有些麻烦,许多程序员不愿意去做它。
【.Net通过TaskFactory.FromAsync简化APM】网上有不少通过lambda 表达式和AsyncEnumerator 等来实现简化异步编程的方法,这些方法也确实行之有效,但在.net 4.0中,我们又多了一种选择——通过TaskFactory.FromAsync简化APM。

static IEnumerable CopyStreamAsync(Stream input, Stream output){var buffer = new byte[0x2000]; while (true){var readTask = Task.Factory.FromAsync(input.BeginRead, input.EndRead, buffer, 0, buffer.Length, null); yield return readTask; if (readTask.Result == 0)break; yield return Task.Factory.FromAsync(output.BeginWrite, output.EndWrite, buffer, 0, buffer.Length, null); }}

foreach (var task in CopyStreamAsync(input, output)){task.Wait(); }

public static Task Iterate(this TaskFactory factory, IEnumerable asyncIterator){var scheduler = factory.Scheduler ?? TaskScheduler.Current; // Get an enumerator from the enumerablevar enumerator = asyncIterator.GetEnumerator(); if (enumerator == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); // Create the task to be returned to the caller. And ensure// that when everything is done, the enumerator is cleaned up.var trs = new TaskCompletionSource(factory.CreationOptions); trs.Task.ContinueWith(_ => enumerator.Dispose(), scheduler); // This will be called every time more work can be done.Action recursiveBody = null; recursiveBody = antecedent =>{try{// If the previous task completed with any exceptions, bailif (antecedent != null && antecedent.IsFaulted)trs.TrySetException(antecedent.Exception); else if (trs.Task.IsCanceled) trs.TrySetCanceled(); else if (enumerator.MoveNext())enumerator.Current.ContinueWith(recursiveBody, scheduler); // Otherwise, we're done!else trs.TrySetResult(null); }// If MoveNext throws an exception, propagate that to the usercatch (Exception exc) { trs.TrySetException(exc); }}; // Get things started by launching the first taskfactory.StartNew(_ => recursiveBody(null), scheduler); // Return the representative task to the userreturn trs.Task; }
