
You can install OpenCV 4.6.0 using Homebrew.
If you already have an earlier version of OpenCV (3.4.x) installed, you should probably remove it before installing the new version:

brew uninstall opencv

You can then install OpenCV 4.6.0:
brew install opencv

pkgconfig Installation
pkg-config is used to determine the correct flags for compiling and linking OpenCV. You can install it by using Homebrew:
brew install pkgconfig

Verifying the installation
To verify your installation you can run one of the included examples.
First, change the current directory to the location of the GoCV repo:
cd $HOME/folder/with/your/src/gocv

Now you should be able to build or run any of the examples:
go run ./cmd/version/main.go

The version program should output the following:
gocv version: 0.31.0 opencv lib version: 4.6.0

第二步, 上代码
func distance(bgFilename, blockFilename string) { originBlock, err := getMat(blockFilename) if err != nil { fmt.Println("@#$%", err) return } defer originBlock.Close()originBg, err := getMat(bgFilename) if err != nil { fmt.Println("@#$%", err) return } defer originBg.Close()alpha, block, _ := preprocess(resize(originBlock, 68, 68)) // fmt.Println("----", originBlock.Cols(), originBlock.Channels()) _, bg, _ := preprocess(resize(originBg, 341, 195)) // fmt.Println(bg.Cols()) // fmt.Println("----", originBg.Cols(), originBg.Channels()) loc := match(bg, block, alpha) fmt.Println(loc.X) // saveGray(bg, "bg_gray.png") // saveGray(block, "block_gray.png") // saveGray(threshold(bg), "bg_gray_t.png") // saveGray(threshold(block), "block_gray_t.png") }func saveGray(grayed gocv.Mat, filename string) { img, err := grayed.ToImage() if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } out, _ := os.Create(filename) defer out.Close() png.Encode(out, img) }func Crop(width int, filename string) string { read := gocv.IMRead(filename, gocv.IMReadUnchanged) frontImg, _ := read.ToImage() rgbImg := frontImg.(*image.RGBA) subImg := rgbImg.SubImage(image.Rect(width, 0, rgbImg.Rect.Dx(), rgbImg.Rect.Dy())).(*image.RGBA) out, _ := os.Create("bg_sub" + filepath.Ext(filename)) defer out.Close() png.Encode(out, subImg) return out.Name() }func getMat(filename string) (gocv.Mat, error) { f, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filename) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) } origin, err := gocv.IMDecode(f, gocv.IMReadUnchanged) return origin, err }func preprocess(origin gocv.Mat) (alpha, processed gocv.Mat, err error) { rst := gray(origin)if origin.Channels() == 4 { return gocv.Split(origin)[3], threshold(rst), nil }return gocv.Mat{}, threshold(rst), nil }func resize(origin gocv.Mat, cols, rows int) gocv.Mat { resized := gocv.NewMatWithSize(cols, rows, origin.Type()) gocv.Resize(origin, &resized, image.Pt(cols, rows), 0, 0, gocv.InterpolationNearestNeighbor) return resized }func gray(origin gocv.Mat) gocv.Mat { grayed := gocv.NewMat() gocv.CvtColor(origin, &grayed, gocv.ColorBGRToGray)return grayed }func threshold(origin gocv.Mat) gocv.Mat { dst := gocv.NewMat() gocv.AdaptiveThreshold(origin, &dst, 255, gocv.AdaptiveThresholdMean, gocv.ThresholdBinary, 7, -4) // gocv.Threshold(origin, &dst, 100, 255, gocv.ThresholdBinaryInv) return dst }func match(bg, block, mask gocv.Mat) image.Point { result := gocv.NewMatWithSize( bg.Rows()-block.Rows()+1, bg.Cols()-block.Cols()+1, gocv.MatTypeCV32FC1) defer result.Close()gocv.MatchTemplate(bg, block, &result, gocv.TmCcoeff, mask) // gocv.MatchTemplate(bg, block, &result, gocv.TmSqdiff, mask) gocv.Normalize(result, &result, 0, 1, gocv.NormMinMax)_, _, _, maxLoc := gocv.MinMaxLoc(result) // fmt.Println(minVal, maxVal, minLoc.X, minLoc.Y, maxLoc.X, maxLoc.Y)return maxLoc }

