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- 先加载 spec_helper 文件, spec_helper中的可直接运行部分执行
- 再顺序加载所有 *_spec.rb 文件, *_spec文件中的可直接执行部分执行
- 执行 spec_helper中的before(:suite)
- 执行 spec_helper中的before(:context),再执行文件 1_spec.rb中的,before(:context)-----类似于JUnit5中先父类的注解@BeforeAll再执行本类的@BeforeAll注解。
- 执行 spec_helper中的before(:example),再执行文件 1_spec.rb中的before(:example)----类似于先执行父类的@BeforeEach再执行本类的@BeforeEach
- 执行 1_spec.rb 文件中的,it测试用例
- 执行 1_spec.rb中的after(:example),再执行spec_helper中的after(:example)-----类似于先执行本类的@AfterEach再执行父类的@AfterEach
- 执行 1_spec.rb中的after(:context),再执行spec_helper中的after(:context)---类似于先执行本类的@AfterAll再执行父类的@AfterAll
- 执行文件 2_spec.rb(重复4,5,6,7,8)
- 执行 spec_helper 中的,after(:suite)
# spec_helper.rb
puts "AAA1"RSpec.configure do |config|config.before(:suite) do
puts "Begin to run all cases..."
end config.after(:suite) do
puts "All cases done..."
endputs "AAA2"# 父类中对每个测试用例集设置钩子
config.before(:context) do
puts 'before a context defined in spec_helper'
endconfig.after(:context) do
puts 'after a context defined in spec_helper'
end# 父类中对每个测试用例设置钩子
config.before(:example) do
puts 'before a testcase defined in spec_helper'
endconfig.after(:example) do
puts 'after a testcase defined in spec_helper'
endend# 1_spec.rb
describe 'Test' do
puts "进入Spec文件"# 某个spec文件中设置测试用例集的钩子
before(:context) do
puts "before a context defined in 1_spec"
endafter(:context) do
puts "after a context defined in 1_spec"
end# 某个spec文件中设置测试用例的钩子
before(:example) do
puts "before a testcase defined in 1_spec"
endafter(:example) do
puts "after a testcase defined in 1_spec"
endit 'test case1' do
puts "running testcase1"
endcontext 'contextAA' do
puts "a context"
it 'test case2' do
puts "running testcase2"
end## 执行结果
# AAA1
# AAA2
# 进入Spec文件
# a context# Begin to run all cases...# Test (就是describe名称)
# before a context defined in spec_helper
# before a context defined in 1_spec# before a testcase defined in spec_helper
# before a testcase defined in 1_spec
# running testcase1
# after a testcase defined in 1_spec
# after a testcase defined in spec_helper
#test case1(就是it的名称也可以是 . )#contextAA
# before a testcase defined in spec_helper
# before a testcase defined in 1_spec
# running testcase2
# after a testcase defined in 1_spec
# after a testcase defined in spec_helper
#testcase2# after a context defined in 1_spec
# after a context defined in spec_helper# All cases done...