PHP-Parser 应用之扫描发现代码中的打印、输出结构语句

PHP-Parser 应用之扫描发现代码中的打印、输出结构语句

PHP-Parser 是由 nikic 开发的一个 PHP 抽象语法树(AST)解析器,可方便的将代码与抽象语法树互相转换。工程上常用来生成模板代码(如 rector)、生成抽象语法树进行静态分析(如 phpstan)。最近学习应用(静态分析)了一下,编写了一个简单的扫描发现代码中的打印、输出结构语句的命令(FindDumpStatementCommand)。
【PHP-Parser 应用之扫描发现代码中的打印、输出结构语句】PHP-Parser 应用之扫描发现代码中的打印、输出结构语句

* * This source file is subject to the MIT license that is bundled. * * @see */namespace App\Console\Commands; use Composer\XdebugHandler\XdebugHandler; use Illuminate\Console\Command; use Illuminate\Support\Str; use Illuminate\Support\Stringable; use PhpParser\Error; use PhpParser\Node; use PhpParser\NodeFinder; use PhpParser\ParserFactory; use PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard; use SebastianBergmann\Timer\ResourceUsageFormatter; use SebastianBergmann\Timer\Timer; use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface; use Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder; use Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo; class FindDumpStatementCommand extends Command { /** @var string */ protected $signature = ' find:dump-statement {--dir=* : The directories to search for files} {--path=* : The paths to search for files} {--name=* : The names to search for files} {--not-path=* : The paths to exclude from the search} {--not-name=* : The names to exclude from the search} {--s|struct=* : The structs to search} {--f|func=* : The functions to search} {--m|parse-mode=1 : The mode(1,2,3,4) to use for the PHP parser} {--M|memory-limit= : The memory limit to use for the PHP parser}'; /** @var string */ protected $description = 'Find dump statements in PHP files.'; /** @var \string[][] */ private $statements = [ 'struct' => [ 'echo', 'print', 'die', 'exit', ], 'func' => [ 'printf', 'vprintf', 'var_dump', 'dump', 'dd', 'print_r', 'var_export' ] ]; /** @var \Symfony\Component\Finder\Finder */ private $fileFinder; /** @var \PhpParser\Parser */ private $parser; /** @var \PhpParser\NodeFinder */ private $nodeFinder; /** @var \PhpParser\PrettyPrinter\Standard */ private $prettyPrinter; /** @var \SebastianBergmann\Timer\ResourceUsageFormatter */ private $resourceUsageFormatter; protected function initialize(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output) { $this->checkOptions(); $this->initializeEnvs(); $this->initializeProperties(); }public function handle(Timer $timer) { $timer->start(); $this->withProgressBar($this->fileFinder, function (SplFileInfo $fileInfo) use (&$findInfos, &$odd) { try { $nodes = $this->parser->parse($fileInfo->getContents()); } catch (Error $e) { $this->newLine(); $this->error(sprintf("The file of %s parse error: %s.", $fileInfo->getRealPath(), $e->getMessage())); return; }$dumpNodes = $this->nodeFinder->find($nodes, function (Node $node) { if ( $node instanceof Node\Stmt\Expression && $node->expr instanceof Node\Expr\FuncCall && $node->expr->name instanceof Node\Name && in_array($node->expr->name->toString(), $this->statements['func']) ) { return true; }return Str::of(class_basename(get_class($node))) ->lower() ->replaceLast('_', '') ->is($this->statements['struct']); }); if (empty($dumpNodes)) { return; }$findInfos[] = array_map(function (Node $dumpNode) use ($fileInfo, $odd) { if ($dumpNode instanceof Node\Stmt\Expression && $dumpNode->expr instanceof Node\Expr\FuncCall) { $name = "{$dumpNode->expr->name->parts[0]}"; $type = 'func'; } else { $name = Str::of(class_basename(get_class($dumpNode)))->lower()->replaceLast('_', '')->pipe(function (Stringable $name) { return "$name"; }); $type = 'struct'; }$file = Str::of($fileInfo->getRealPath())->replace(base_path().DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '')->pipe(function (Stringable $file) use ($odd) { return $odd ? "$file" : "$file"; }); $line = Str::of($dumpNode->getAttribute('startLine'))->pipe(function (Stringable $line) use ($odd) { return $odd ? "$line" : "$line"; }); $formattedCode = Str::of($this->prettyPrinter->prettyPrint([$dumpNode]))->pipe(function (Stringable $formattedCode) use ($odd) { return $odd ? "$formattedCode" : "$formattedCode"; }); return [ 'index' => null, 'name' => $name, 'type' => $type, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $line, 'formatted_code' => $formattedCode, ]; }, $dumpNodes); $odd = ! $odd; }); $this->newLine(); if (empty($findInfos)) { $this->info('The print statement was not found.'); $this->info($this->resourceUsageFormatter->resourceUsage($timer->stop())); return static::INVALID; }$findInfos = array_map(function ($info, $index) { $index++; $info['index'] = "$index"; return $info; }, $findInfos = array_merge([], ...$findInfos), array_keys($findInfos)); $this->table(array_map(function ($name) { return Str::of($name)->snake()->replace('_', ' ')->title(); }, array_keys($findInfos[0])), $findInfos); $this->info($this->resourceUsageFormatter->resourceUsage($timer->stop())); return self::SUCCESS; }protected function checkOptions() { if (! in_array($this->option('parse-mode'), [ ParserFactory::PREFER_PHP7, ParserFactory::PREFER_PHP5, ParserFactory::ONLY_PHP7, ParserFactory::ONLY_PHP5]) ) { $this->error('The parse-mode option is not valid(1,2,3,4).'); exit(1); }if ($this->option('struct')) { $this->statements['struct'] = array_intersect($this->statements['struct'], $this->option('struct')); }if ($this->option('func')) { $this->statements['func'] = array_intersect($this->statements['func'], $this->option('func')); } }protected function initializeEnvs() { $xdebug = new XdebugHandler(__CLASS__); $xdebug->check(); unset($xdebug); extension_loaded('xdebug') and ini_set('xdebug.max_nesting_level', 2048); ini_set('zend.assertions', 0); $this->option('memory-limit') and ini_set('memory_limit', $this->option('memory-limit')); }protected function initializeProperties() { $this->fileFinder = tap(Finder::create()->files()->ignoreDotFiles(true)->ignoreVCS(true), function (Finder $finder) { $methods = [ 'in' => $this->option('dir') ?: [base_path()], 'path' => $this->option('path') ?: [], 'notPath' => $this->option('not-path') ?: ['vendor', 'storage'], 'name' => $this->option('name') ?: ['*.php'], 'notName' => $this->option('not-name') ?: [], ]; foreach ($methods as $method => $parameters) { $finder->{$method}($parameters); } }); $this->parser = (new ParserFactory())->create((int)$this->option('parse-mode')); $this->nodeFinder = new NodeFinder(); $this->prettyPrinter = new Standard(); $this->resourceUsageFormatter = new ResourceUsageFormatter(); } }

