造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!

造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!


2022年10月 , 全球建筑和室内设计行业中最负盛名和最被认可的奖项之一的 —— LOOP Design Awards正式公布2022年度获奖者 。 作为一个开放创意和杰出人才的平台 , LOOP Design Awards在全球范围内庆祝和表彰多样性的卓越作品 , 并鼓励世界各地建筑、室内设计、景观设计、产品设计、建筑摄影和建筑视频方面最出色的作品 。 2022获奖者由来自世界各地并在各自领域具有权威话语权以及多年行业经验的顶级建筑师、室内设计师、景观设计师、产品设计师、教授等组成评审团进行多元化的评估并选出 , 评审团的选择展现了获得2022 LOOP Design Awards的具有远见卓识且最杰出的作品 。 由设计师 彭熙为代表的深圳造就设计参赛作品 ——《安邸&家》在来自56个国家众多卓越的参赛作品中脱颖而出 , 并荣膺本年度的商业空间类 荣誉奖 —— 2022 Honorable Mention!
《安邸&家》2022 LOOP Design Awards  获奖证书《安邸&家》2022 LOOP Design Awards  官方海报图
对话家居空间新可能 , 造就新式“奢感”空间 , 《安邸&家》家具展厅于深圳罗湖——全球品牌家居聚集地:宝能·第一空间启程 。 Talk about the new possibilities of home furnishing space and create a new \"luxury\" space. The Furniture exhibition hall of \"Aendi Home\" is located in Luohu Shenzhen -- baoneng · First Space a gathering place for global brands of home furnishing.设计师与品牌双方希望在本案中让设计挣脱传统固有派系的桎梏 , 不止步于家居单品焕新 , 更注重迭代生活美学 , 让生活品味与追求作为叙述的主旋律 , 在不同格调与功能的家居空间中交互 , 与高品质新“奢感”生活零距离交流 , 成为更具时代潮流包容性的家具展示空间 。 Designers and brands both sides hope that in this case to throw off the shackles of traditional inherent factions design don't stop at sheet tasted refresh pay more attention to the iterative aesthetics of life let life taste and pursuit as a narrative theme interaction in different style and function of the household space with high quality new sense of \"luxury\" zero distance communication life become the trend of The Times more inclusive furniture exhibition space.如何让一切成为最恰当的安排?无论是从通透辗转到自由舒适 , 还是从雅致向奢感过渡 , 始终不变的是呈现在设计细节中 , 品牌对于焕新品质生活定义以及定制理想人居场域的真挚用心 。 How to make everything the most appropriate arrangement?Whether it is from transparency to freedom and comfort or from elegance to luxury what is always unchanged is the sincere intention of the brand for the definition of revitalizing quality life and customized ideal living area.
正如橱窗处垂落的通红圆球与沉浸想象中的精致雕塑 , 构建起有所预示的的梦幻画面:来到这里 , 新的生活、新的梦境 , 即将自由展开 。 Just like the red ball falling from the window and the exquisite sculpture immersed in imagination a dream picture is constructed: come here a new life a new dream will unfold freely.安邸&家 , 从一开始就将对生活的抉择交棒于来客手中 , 通过多向开合、多处入口的通道 , 走进即可从不同角度理解安邸&家对品味的诠释 , 搭配各有弧度的艺术曲线与光感 , 预告着高品质生活的旅程 , 已经悄然开启 。 \"Aendi Home\" from the beginning it will give to the guest's choice of life more than through multi-directional opening and closing the entrance to the wide channel into the space can understand the \"Aendi Home\" from different angles to taste the art of collocation have radian curve with light feeling with high quality the journey of life has quietly open.

曲直之间 , 容纳着对生活万象的解读;空间与空间 , 包裹着不同的自由日常 。 Between the straight accommodate the interpretation of life vientiane , Space and space wrapped in different freedom and daily.在畅通的空间中以轻盈清新的姿态 , 捕获了每一个生活空间的格调核心 , 呈现出现代用户对于自由空间的大胆取舍 。 capturing the core style of every living space with light and fresh posture in the smooth space Presents the modern user to the free space bold choice.
以非标准化的产品线条、混搭材质的多元构造 , 与曲直相生的灵动布局和谐相融 , 在设计感与品质感之间 , 交汇出超越家具同质化现状的发展新道 。 With non-standard furniture lines and multiple structures of mixed and matched materials the furniture of is harmoniously integrated with the flexible layout of straight and curved lines. A new development path beyond the homogeneity of furniture is formed between the sense of design and the sense of quality.在以利落直线分割出的不同区域内 , 皮质、布艺、木制等不同材质家具以熟软、圆融的设计线条交汇出惬意有致的生活感受 , 成为内裹温度的舒适存在 。 从浅入深 , 移步异景 , 各生活区域在脚步辗转之间一一相逢 。 In different areas separated by neat straight lines furniture made of different materials such as leather cloth wood and so on with soft and mellow design lines gives a comfortable life feeling and becomes the comfortable existence of the inner wrapping temperature. From the shallow into the deep different scenes each living area in the footsteps of one by one.
以开放式储物衣柜相隔 , 衔接倒梯形聚光灯别致地垂下 , 聚焦自由散漫的芦苇饰物 , 蓬松的生命力映衬四周绿植 , 激活曲直空间中的澎湃活力 。 Separated by an open storage wardrobe the inverted trapezoidal spotlight hangs down chicly focusing on the free and loose reed ornaments. The fluffy vitality reflects the surrounding green plants activating the surging vitality in the curved and straight space.在刚柔结合的布线中 , 让家的每个角落都能成为充满故事感的生活模块 。 让心境随景而动 , 安邸&家在各个空间中安置了不同的生活碎片 , 不仅造就了场景化的家居体验 , 更带来了畅想式的预先享受 。 On the wiring of rigid and soft union so that every corner of the home can become a life module full of story feeling. In order to let the mood move with the scene \"Aendi Home\" placed different life segments in each space which not only creates the scene of home experience but also brings the enjoyment of imagination in advance.【造就设计彭熙《安邸&家》荣膺2022 LOOP Design Awards —— 2022 荣誉奖!】
以专业经验与行业视角 , 为用户定制出不被市面风格束缚 , 而更合乎本心的家居空间 。 With professional experience and industry perspective for users to customize not be bound by the market style but more in line with the heart of the home space.在寝居领域中 , 安邸&家打破了惯常的私享思维 , 沿着高端全案的设计脉络 , 让寝居在留存隐私的同时具备与功能区域交流的多元可能 。 In the field of living \"Aendi Home\" breaks the habitual thinking of private enjoyment and along the design context of high-end whole case allows the living to retain privacy while having multiple possibilities of communicating with functional areas.光的艺术 , 更是成就了全案视觉导向的点缀亮点 。 自然采光、隐藏式灯带或是聚光设计 , 以含蓄承接的姿态 , 在空间与家居中搭起交流的桥梁 , 更成为赋能观感的温柔延伸 , 让观者对理想生活的构想散射至更优雅的维度 。 The art of light with an implicit attitude to undertake build a bridge of communication in the space and home but also become a gentle extension of endowed feeling so that the viewer's idea of ideal life scattering to a more elegant dimension.· · · · · 设计出品:造就设计服务(深圳)有限公司客户名称:安邸&家完成年份:2021主创设计:彭熙设计团队:陈绍基、汤荣娟技术总监:彭熙施工执行:李送喜项目地址:中国 · 深圳建筑面积:400平方米项目摄影:江河摄影· · · · ·彭 熙 Sissi造就设计 / 创始人&设计总监 造就设计服务(深圳)有限公司创始人&设计总监 , 专责负责商业地产项目、商业空间、酒店设计元素及管理工作 。 相关负责项目曾获2022美国MUSE缪斯设计奖、2022 LOOP DESIGN AWARDS 、FA Award亚洲软装风尚设计大奖(2021-2022)、GOLDCASE金案奖(2021-2022)商业空间设计大奖、2021IDG金创意国际空间设计大奖、2021GRP中意国际设计金指奖设计大奖等荣誉 。
