北京著名景点之英语介绍,学英语必备 北京英文导游词

Great Wall in Beijing 中国长城 北京
Beijing is the best destination to admire the Great Wall of China. Most famous Great Wall sections are located in its suburban areas, including the well-preserved Badaling and Mutianyu, the renovated Juyonguan, Jinshanling and Simatai, and wild Jiankou and Gubeikou. They are all not far from downtown Beijing, 1-2 hours’ driving away. The Great Wall in Beijing totals 573 kilometers (356 miles).
【北京著名景点之英语介绍,学英语必备 北京英文导游词】北京是欣赏中国长城的最佳目的地 。最著名的长城部分位于其郊区,包括保存完好的八达岭和慕田峪,改造过的朱永观、金山岭和西马泰,以及野生的尖口和古北口 。他们离北京市区不远,开车1-2小时 。北京的长城总长573公里(356英里) 。
