
验证6种信用卡卡号的代码 作者:BEUS 日期:2006-08-25 字体大小: 小 中 大 可以验证的信用卡种类有:
V - Visa
M - MasterCard
A - American Express
D - Diners Club
Discover - Discover
Function ValidateCreditCard(ByRef pStrNumber, ByRef pStrType)
ValidateCreditCard = FALSE ' Initialize negative results

' Clean Credit Card Number (Removes dashes and spaces)
pStrNumber = ParseDigits(pStrNumber)

' Validate number with LUHN Formula
If Not LUHN(pStrNumber) Then Exit Function

' Apply rules based on type of card
Select Case pStrType
Case "A"
Select Case Left(pStrNumber, 2)
Case "34", "37"
' Do Nothing
Case Else
Exit Function
End Select
If Not Len(pStrNumber) = 15 Then Exit Function
Case "D"
Select Case Left(pStrNumber, 2)
Case "36" , "38"
' Do Nothing
Case "30"
Select Case Left(pStrNumber, 3)
Case "300", "301", "302", "303", "304", "305"
' Do Nothing
Case Else
Exit Function
End Select
Case Else
Exit Function
End Select
If Not Len(pStrNumber) = 14 Then Exit Function
Case "Discover"
If Not Left(pStrNumber, 4) = "6011" Then Exit Function
If Not Len(pStrNumber) = 16 Then Exit Function
Case "JCB"
If Left(pStrNumber, 1) = "3" And Len(pStrNumber) = 16 Then
' Do Nothing
ElseIf Left(pStrNumber, 14) = "2131" And Len(pStrNumber) = 15 Then
' Do Nothing
ElseIf Left(pStrNumber, 14) = "1800" And Len(pStrNumber) = 15 Then
' Do Nothing
Exit Function
End If
Case "M"
Select Case Left(pStrNumber, 2)
Case "51", "52", "53", "54", "55"
' Do Nothing
Case Else
Exit Function
End Select
If Not Len(pStrNumber) = 16 Then Exit Function
Case "V"
If Not Left(pStrNumber, 1) = "4" Then Exit Function
If Not (Len(pStrNumber) = 13 or Len(pStrNumber) = 16) Then Exit Function
Case Else
' Unknown Card Type
Exit Function
End Select

' We got this far so the number passed all the rules!
ValidateCreditCard = True

End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function LUHN(ByRef pStrDigits)

Dim lLngMaxPosition
Dim lLngPosition
Dim lLngSum' Sum of all positions
Dim lLngDigit' Current digit in specified position

' Initialize
lLngMaxPosition = Len(pStrDigits)
lLngSum = 0

' Read from right to left
For lLngPosition = lLngMaxPosition To 1 Step -1

' If we are working with an even digit (from the right)
If (lLngMaxPosition - lLngPosition) Mod 2 = 0 Then

lLngSum = lLngSum + CInt(Mid(pStrDigits, lLngPosition, 1))


' Double the digit
lLngDigit = CInt(Mid(pStrDigits, lLngPosition, 1)) * 2

' shortcut adding sum of digits
If lLngDigit > 9 Then lLngDigit = lLngDigit - 9

lLngSum = lLngSum + lLngDigit

End If

' A mod 10 check must not return any remainders
LUHN = lLngSum Mod 10 = 0

End Function
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function ParseDigits(ByRef pStrData)

' Strip all the numbers from a string
' (cleans up dashes and spaces)

Dim lLngMaxPosition
Dim lLngPosition

lLngMaxPosition = Len(pStrData)

For lLngPosition = 1 To lLngMaxPosition
If IsNumeric(Mid(pStrData, lLngPosition, 1)) Then
ParseDigits = ParseDigits & Mid(pStrData, lLngPosition, 1)
End If

End Function
