嵌入式|STM32 启动代码分析

#PS:这个只是 《 我自己 》理解,如果和你的

对于keil的启动代码(针对STM32F042),添加 备注 和 自己的理解

; ******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics ******************** ; * File Name: startup_stm32f042.s ; * Author: MCD Application Team,modified by Sky, ; * Version: V1.5.0 ; * Date: 05-December-2014,modified on,01-Nov-2016 ; * Description: STM32F042 Devices vector table for ; *for MDK-ARM toolchain. ; *This module performs: ; *- Set the initial SP ; *- Set the initial PC == Reset_Handler ; *- Set the vector table entries with the exceptions ISR address ; *- Configure the system clock ; *- Branches to __main in the C library (which eventually ; *calls main()). ; *After Reset the CortexM0 processor is in Thread mode, ; *priority is Privileged, and the Stack is set to Main. ; * <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> ; ******************************************************************************* ; @attention ; ; Licensed under MCD-ST Liberty SW License Agreement V2, (the "License"); ; You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. ; You may obtain a copy of the License at: ; ; http:; ; www.st.com/software_license_agreement_liberty_v2 ; ; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software ; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, ; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. ; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and ; limitations under the License. ; ; *******************************************************************************; ; ; notes:stack,heap,data seg,code seg address of mem is set by compiler ; ; ; ; Amount of memory (in bytes) allocated for Stack ; Tailor this value to your application needs ; Stack Configuration ; Stack Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8> ; \; ; EQU 定义宏 ; ; 栈大小,1k Stack_SizeEQU0x00000400 ; ; AREA 定义段,注意:一个程序是由多个段构成,如CODE,STACK,DATA, ; ; ALIGN=3,8字节对齐 AREASTACK, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3 Stack_MemSPACEStack_Size ; ; __initial_sp一个标号,由汇编器进行计算,代表上面SPACE分配内存的最后一个地址,栈为向下增长型 __initial_sp; Heap Configuration ; Heap Size (in Bytes) <0x0-0xFFFFFFFF:8> ; ; ; 堆512bytes Heap_SizeEQU0x00000200AREAHEAP, NOINIT, READWRITE, ALIGN=3 __heap_base Heap_MemSPACEHeap_Size __heap_limit ; ; PRESERVE8,指定当前文件堆栈8bytes对齐 PRESERVE8 ; ; THUMB,后面的指令要兼容THUMB指令 THUMB; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset ; ; 定义一个叫做RESET的数据段 AREARESET, DATA, READONLY ; ; EXPORT声明标号为外部文件可用 EXPORT__Vectors EXPORT__Vectors_End EXPORT__Vectors_Size ; ; DCD是按4字节分配存储单元 __VectorsDCD__initial_sp; Top of Stack DCDReset_Handler; Reset Handler DCDNMI_Handler; NMI Handler DCDHardFault_Handler; Hard Fault Handler DCD0; Reserved DCD0; Reserved DCD0; Reserved DCD0; Reserved DCD0; Reserved DCD0; Reserved DCD0; Reserved DCDSVC_Handler; SVCall Handler DCD0; Reserved DCD0; Reserved DCDPendSV_Handler; PendSV Handler DCDSysTick_Handler; SysTick Handler; External Interrupts DCDWWDG_IRQHandler; Window Watchdog DCDPVD_VDDIO2_IRQHandler; PVD and VDDIO2 through EXTI Line detect DCDRTC_IRQHandler; RTC through EXTI Line DCDFLASH_IRQHandler; FLASH DCDRCC_CRS_IRQHandler; RCC and CRS DCDEXTI0_1_IRQHandler; EXTI Line 0 and 1 DCDEXTI2_3_IRQHandler; EXTI Line 2 and 3 DCDEXTI4_15_IRQHandler; EXTI Line 4 to 15 DCDTSC_IRQHandler; TS DCDDMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler; DMA1 Channel 1 DCDDMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler; DMA1 Channel 2 and Channel 3 DCDDMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler; DMA1 Channel 4, Channel 5 DCDADC1_IRQHandler; ADC1 DCDTIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM_IRQHandler ; TIM1 Break, Update, Trigger and Commutation DCDTIM1_CC_IRQHandler; TIM1 Capture Compare DCDTIM2_IRQHandler; TIM2 DCDTIM3_IRQHandler; TIM3 DCD0; Reserved DCD0; Reserved DCDTIM14_IRQHandler; TIM14 DCD0; Reserved DCDTIM16_IRQHandler; TIM16 DCDTIM17_IRQHandler; TIM17 DCDI2C1_IRQHandler; I2C1 DCD0; Reserved DCDSPI1_IRQHandler; SPI1 DCDSPI2_IRQHandler; SPI2 DCDUSART1_IRQHandler; USART1 DCDUSART2_IRQHandler; USART2 DCD0; Reserved DCDCEC_CAN_IRQHandler; CEC and CAN DCDUSB_IRQHandler; USB__Vectors_End__Vectors_SizeEQU__Vectors_End - __Vectors; ; 定义一个.text的代码段 AREA|.text|, CODE, READONLY; STM32F03x devices feature 4Kbytes of static SRAM. STM32F04x devices feature ; 6 Kbytes of static SRAM. STM32F05x devices feature 8Kbytes of static SRAM. ; STM32F07xS devices feature 16 Kbytes of static SRAM. STM32F09x devices feature ; 32 Kbytes of static SRAM.; Reset handler routine ; ; PROC定义子程序 Reset_HandlerPROC ; ; WEAK:弱定义 EXPORTReset_Handler[WEAK] IMPORT__main IMPORTSystemInit; ; 给R0赋值,sp的值 LDRR0, =__initial_sp; set stack pointer ; ; R0给MSP寄存器 MSRMSP, R0; ; Check if boot space corresponds to test memory LDR R0,=0x00000004 LDR R1, [R0] ; ; R1=0x08000004 OR R1=0x20000004 OR R1=0x1FXX XXXX ; ; when R1=R1=0x1FXX XXXX,we can know that Reset_Handler'sAddress is not right, ; ; it maybe in reserved or systemmemory or optionbyte,we must remap address for start ; ; Logical shift right by register LSRSLSRS R1, R1, #24 ; R2=0x0000001F LDR R2,=0x1F CMP R1, R2BNE ApplicationStart; ; SYSCFG clock enable ; RCC_APB2ENR,0x40021018 LDR R0,=0x40021018 LDR R1,=0x00000001 STR R1, [R0]; ; Set CFGR1 register with flash memory remap at address 0 ; SYS_CFGR1,0x40010000 LDR R0,=0x40010000 LDR R1,=0x00000000 STR R1, [R0] ApplicationStart LDRR0, =SystemInit BLXR0 LDRR0, =__main BXR0 ENDP; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)NMI_HandlerPROC EXPORTNMI_Handler[WEAK] ; ; B .无限循环 B. ENDP HardFault_Handler\ PROC EXPORTHardFault_Handler[WEAK] B. ENDP SVC_HandlerPROC EXPORTSVC_Handler[WEAK] B. ENDP PendSV_HandlerPROC EXPORTPendSV_Handler[WEAK] B. ENDP SysTick_Handler PROC EXPORTSysTick_Handler[WEAK] B. ENDPDefault_Handler PROCEXPORTWWDG_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTPVD_VDDIO2_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTRTC_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTFLASH_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTRCC_CRS_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTEXTI0_1_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTEXTI2_3_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTEXTI4_15_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTTSC_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTDMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTDMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTDMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTADC1_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTTIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM_IRQHandler [WEAK] EXPORTTIM1_CC_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTTIM2_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTTIM3_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTTIM14_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTTIM16_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTTIM17_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTI2C1_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTSPI1_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTSPI2_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTUSART1_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTUSART2_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTCEC_CAN_IRQHandler[WEAK] EXPORTUSB_IRQHandler[WEAK]WWDG_IRQHandler PVD_VDDIO2_IRQHandler RTC_IRQHandler FLASH_IRQHandler RCC_CRS_IRQHandler EXTI0_1_IRQHandler EXTI2_3_IRQHandler EXTI4_15_IRQHandler TSC_IRQHandler DMA1_Channel1_IRQHandler DMA1_Channel2_3_IRQHandler DMA1_Channel4_5_IRQHandler ADC1_IRQHandler TIM1_BRK_UP_TRG_COM_IRQHandler TIM1_CC_IRQHandler TIM2_IRQHandler TIM3_IRQHandler TIM14_IRQHandler TIM16_IRQHandler TIM17_IRQHandler I2C1_IRQHandler SPI1_IRQHandler SPI2_IRQHandler USART1_IRQHandler USART2_IRQHandler CEC_CAN_IRQHandler USB_IRQHandlerB.ENDPALIGN; ******************************************************************************* ; User Stack and Heap initialization ; ******************************************************************************* IF:DEF:__MICROLIBEXPORT__initial_sp EXPORT__heap_base EXPORT__heap_limitELSEIMPORT__use_two_region_memory EXPORT__user_initial_stackheap__user_initial_stackheapLDRR0, =Heap_Mem LDRR1, =(Stack_Mem + Stack_Size) LDRR2, = (Heap_Mem +Heap_Size) LDRR3, = Stack_Mem BXLRALIGNENDIFEND; ************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE*****

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