

// ServerCom.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. 02.// 03. 04.#include "stdafx.h" 05. 06.#include 07.#include 08.#pragma endregion 09.#define MAP_PREFIXL"Local\\" 10.#define MAP_NAMEL"SampleMap" 11.#define FULL_MAP_NAMEMAP_PREFIX MAP_NAME 12. 13.// Max size of the file mapping object. 14.#define MAP_SIZE65536 15. 16.// File offset where the view is to begin. 17.#define VIEW_OFFSET0 18. 19.// The number of bytes of a file mapping to map to the view. All bytes of the 20.// view must be within the maximum size of the file mapping object (MAP_SIZE). 21.// If VIEW_SIZE is 0, the mapping extends from the offset (VIEW_OFFSET) to 22.// the end of the file mapping. 23.#define VIEW_SIZE1024 24. 25.// Unicode string message to be written to the mapped view. Its size in byte 26.// must be less than the view size (VIEW_SIZE). 27.#define MESSAGEL"Message from the first process." 28. 29. 30.int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) 31.{ 32.HANDLE hMapFile = NULL; 33.PVOID pView = NULL; 34. 35.// Create the file mapping object. 36.hMapFile = CreateFileMapping( 37.INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,// Use paging file - shared memory 38.NULL,// Default security attributes 39.PAGE_READWRITE,// Allow read and write access 40.0,// High-order DWORD of file mapping max size 41.MAP_SIZE,// Low-order DWORD of file mapping max size 42.FULL_MAP_NAME// Name of the file mapping object 43.); 44.if (hMapFile == NULL) 45.{ 46.wprintf(L"CreateFileMapping failed w/err 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError()); 47.goto Cleanup; 48.} 49.wprintf(L"The file mapping (%s) is created\n", FULL_MAP_NAME); 50. 51.// Map a view of the file mapping into the address space of the current 52.// process. 53.pView = MapViewOfFile( 54.hMapFile,// Handle of the map object 55.FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS,// Read and write access 56.0,// High-order DWORD of the file offset 57.VIEW_OFFSET,// Low-order DWORD of the file offset 58.VIEW_SIZE// The number of bytes to map to view 59.); 60.if (pView == NULL) 61.{ 62.wprintf(L"MapViewOfFile failed w/err 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError()); 63.goto Cleanup; 64.} 65.wprintf(L"The file view is mapped\n"); 66. 67.// Prepare a message to be written to the view. 68.PWSTR pszMessage = MESSAGE; 69.DWORD cbMessage = (wcslen(pszMessage) + 1) * sizeof(*pszMessage); 70. 71.// Write the message to the view. 72.memcpy_s(pView, VIEW_SIZE, pszMessage, cbMessage); 73. 74.wprintf(L"This message is written to the view:\n\"%s\"\n", 75.pszMessage); 76. 77.// Wait to clean up resources and stop the process. 78.wprintf(L"Press ENTER to clean up resources and quit"); 79.getchar(); 80. 81.Cleanup: 82. 83.if (hMapFile) 84.{ 85.if (pView) 86.{ 87.// Unmap the file view. 88.UnmapViewOfFile(pView); 89.pView = NULL; 90.} 91.// Close the file mapping object. 92.CloseHandle(hMapFile); 93.hMapFile = NULL; 94.} 95. 96.return 0; 97.}

// ClientCom.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. 02.// 03. 04.#include "stdafx.h" 05.#include 06.#include 07.#pragma endregion 08.#define MAP_PREFIXL"Local\\" 09.#define MAP_NAMEL"SampleMap" 10.#define FULL_MAP_NAMEMAP_PREFIX MAP_NAME 11. 12.// File offset where the view is to begin. 13.#define VIEW_OFFSET0 14. 15.// The number of bytes of a file mapping to map to the view. All bytes of the 16.// view must be within the maximum size of the file mapping object. If 17.// VIEW_SIZE is 0, the mapping extends from the offset (VIEW_OFFSET) to the 18.// end of the file mapping. 19.#define VIEW_SIZE1024 20. 21. 22.int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) 23.{ 24.HANDLE hMapFile = NULL; 25.PVOID pView = NULL; 26. 27.// Try to open the named file mapping identified by the map name. 28.hMapFile = OpenFileMapping( 29.FILE_MAP_READ,// Read access 30.FALSE,// Do not inherit the name 31.FULL_MAP_NAME// File mapping name 32.); 33.if (hMapFile == NULL) 34.{ 35.wprintf(L"OpenFileMapping failed w/err 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError()); 36.goto Cleanup; 37.} 38.wprintf(L"The file mapping (%s) is opened\n", FULL_MAP_NAME); 39. 40.// Map a view of the file mapping into the address space of the current 41.// process. 42.pView = MapViewOfFile( 43.hMapFile,// Handle of the map object 44.FILE_MAP_READ,// Read access 45.0,// High-order DWORD of the file offset 46.VIEW_OFFSET,// Low-order DWORD of the file offset 47.VIEW_SIZE// The number of bytes to map to view 48.); 49.if (pView == NULL) 50.{ 51.wprintf(L"MapViewOfFile failed w/err 0x%08lx\n", GetLastError()); 52.goto Cleanup; 53.} 54.wprintf(L"The file view is mapped\n"); 55. 56.// Read and display the content in view. 57.wprintf(L"Read from the file mapping:\n\"%s\"\n", (PWSTR)pView); 58. 59.// Wait to clean up resources and stop the process. 60.wprintf(L"Press ENTER to clean up resources and quit"); 61.getchar(); 62. 63.Cleanup: 64. 65.if (hMapFile) 66.{ 67.if (pView) 68.{ 69.// Unmap the file view. 70.UnmapViewOfFile(pView); 71.pView = NULL; 72.} 73.// Close the file mapping object. 74.CloseHandle(hMapFile); 75.hMapFile = NULL; 76.} 77. 78.return 0; 79.}
