android|android framework 快速调试(批处理脚本)

2.需要拷贝debug jar至脚本的同级目录
【android|android framework 快速调试(批处理脚本)】3.需要装adb,否则有些命令无法执行

@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion echo **************************************** echo *author:chenxuesong* echo *email* echo *qq:704179713* echo **************************************** echo the file in system/framework you want replace : set /p debugjar= if not exist %debugjar% ( echo debug jar %debugjar% not found! goto :error ) :begin echo choose the class copy method. echo 1.copy the all class file in dir \bin echo 2.use the special file to appointed class echo what is your chooce : set /p choose= if %choose%==1 ( echo copy the all class file in dir \bin goto :copyall )else ( if %choose%==2 ( echo use the special file to appointed class echo appointed class file: set /p updatefile= goto :copyfromfile )else ( echo please inter the number 1 or 2! goto :begin ) ) :copyall echo copying files to %debugjar% zip a %debugjar% .\bin\* echo copy files done. goto :generatedex :copyfromfile if not exist %updatefile% ( echo appointed class file %updatefile% not found. goto :error ) echo copying files to %debugjar% for /f %%i in (%updatefile%) do ( cd ./bin echo copying package %%i set package=%%i set classpath=!package:.=\! echo package to filepath !classpath! copy ..\zip.exe . zip a ..\%debugjar% !classpath!\* cd .. ) del .\bin\zip.exe pause echo copy files done. goto :generatedex :generatedex echo genersting dex file. call dx --dex --output=%cd%\tmp.jar %cd%\%debugjar% echo dex file has generated. echo press any key to push dex file to mobile and reboot it pause del %debugjar% ren tmp.jar %debugjar% adb shell mount -o remount / adb shell mount -o remount rwx /system adb push %cd%\%debugjar% /system/framework adb shell reboot goto :end :error echo something wrong! :end echo press any key to exit pause

